Late 1800s and Early 20th Century Flashcards
The “Gilded Age”
coined by Mark Twain, shiny surface masked reality
Horizontal integration
elimination of competitors
Vertical integration
gaining control of production and distribution process
“robber barons”
business owners who make profit by paying employees low wages
Social Darwinism
rich were rich and poor were poor due to natural selection in society
Gospel of Wealth
article written by Andrew Carnegie, described the responsibility of philanthropy
Social Gospel
demanded better housing and living conditions for the poor
Knights of Labor
Terence v. Powderly leads, welcomed unskilled and skilled workers
Haymarket Square incident
began with protest against police brutality, dynamite bomb killed several people, KOL were blamed which led to their downfall
American Federation of Labor
founder= Samuel Gompers, alliance of skilled workers, focused on “bread and butter” issues
“bread and butter unionism”
unions should focus on improving working conditions and pay for skilled workers, used by AFL
Chinese Exclusion Act
signed by President Arthur, prohibited all immigration of Chinese laborers
“new immigrants”
1880s, immigrant wave from southern and eastern Europe
settlement houses
neighborhood center in impoverished areas, helped transition to US society
Jane Addams and Hull House
Chicago, many settlement houses modeled after it (women activism and help out poor)
political machines
controlled political parties in cities, boss leads machine and attempts to get votes for his party
“Boss” Tweed (William Tweed)
leader of Tammany Hall, he stole up to 200m from the general public in 6 years and ended up in jail
Jim Crow laws
written to separate blacks and whites in public areas
Booker T. Washington
former slave, promoted education and economic opportunity for blacks
W.E.B Du Bois
wanted immediate implementation of African American rights
The Grangers
organized by Oliver H. Kelley, wanted to break hold of RR owners and middlemen
William Jennings Bryan
“Cross of Gold” speech which favored free silver
Progressive Movement
stopped unfair business competition, political corruption, social reform, etc.
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
prohibited monopolies and trusts that hindered competition
journalists who wrote about injustices and exposed the filth of society
How the Other Half Lives
John Riis, told public about immigrant lives and those who live in tenements
The Jungle
Upton Sinclair, exposed meat packing industry in Chicago
Lincoln Steffans
NY reporter, wrote series of articles called “The Shame of the Cities”
Pendleton Act
passed to stop “spoils system”
advocated for alcohol prohibition
Causes of Spanish-American War
-“Yellow journalism,” sinking of USS Maine (Spain was blamed), Teller Amendment (justified war effort), De Lôme Letter
1898 Treaty of Paris
ended Spanish-American war with negotiation of land
Insular Cases
established by SC that constit. rights do not automatically extend to land acquired in Spanish-American War
Open Door Policy
John Hay, ALL nations have equal opp. to any Chinese port open to trade
-no China consent, imperialism
Panama Canal
connects Atlantic to Pacific ocean, key channel for international trade
Roosevelt Corollary
added to Monroe Doctrine, obstructed EU military intervention, assumed US right to “an international police power”
Big Stick Diplomacy
Roosevelt, promoted US interests
peaceful but threatened with “big stick”
Dollar Diplomacy
Taft, strengthen US ties
promoting US trade, etc
Selective Service Act
made every adult male register for the draft at age of 18, helped US entry into WW1
Fourteen Points
Wilson prin. for world peace: open diplomacy, freedom of seas, creation of organization (later League of Nations), self-determination
Kellogg-Briand Pact
sixty-two nations pledged to not use war as instrument of policy
-if US, Germany or France broke they wouldn’t get benefits
The 1st “Red Scare”
focused on worker (socialist) revolution/political radicalism
Palmer Raids
disregarded basic civil liberties, against suspected communists/anarchists
“Return to Normalcy”
campaign theme of Warren Harding during 1920 election, conservative mood like the Progressive era
Sacco and Vanzetti
convicted of killing guard/paymaster during robbery of Slater/Morrill Shoe Company, discrimination of immigrants
Harlem Renaissance
black artistic and literary creativity in Harlem district of Manhattan
challenged views of women, flaunted sexuality in public
Margaret Sanger
championed birth control for women, organiz. she est. evolved into Planned Parenthood
1920s fundmentalism
liberal inter. of Bible
Scopes Trial: John T. Scopes convicted of teaching evolution, shows conflict in fundamentalism/modernism
when a society transforms itself from a primarily agricultural society into one based on the manufacturing of goods and services
Henry Bessemer
revolutionized steel production
Alexander Graham Bell
invented the telephone
Isaac Singer
invented the sewing machine
John D Rockefeller
dominated oil industry
Andrew Carnegie
dominated steel industry
Cornelius Vanderbilt
railroad tycoon
JP Morgan
leader in banking and finance
population shift from rural to urban area
Changes in merchandising
rise of advertisement and consumer culture
Famous robber barons
Carnegie, Morgan, Mellon, Rockefeller
Frederick Olmstead
made city parks
Black disenfranchisement
poll tax, property qualification, literacy tests
Marcus Garvey
urged blacks to return to Africa because he thought blacks would never be treated equal
Grangers goal
break hold of RR owners
Granger laws
regulates railroads
Oliver H. Kelley
organized national grange
Populists’ Party
started w/ Western farmers, demanded free and unlimited coinage of silver, graduated income tax, etc.
Triangle Shirtwaist fire
caused NYC to pass fire and safety laws
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
the first federal regulatory board, supervised railroad regulation
Election of 1912
presidential campaign involving Taft, T. Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson. Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote, enabling Wilson to win
18th Amendment
prohibited manufacture, sale or transportation of alcohol
- later repealed
Volstead Act
set methods for enforcing the 18th Amendment
Susan B. Anthony
lecturer for women’s rights
Seward’s Folly
purchase of Alaska
TR’s Square Deal
embraced the three Cs: control of the corporations, consumer protection, and the conservation of the US’ natural resources
an advocate of dominating other nations by acquiring their land or making them economically dependent
Alfred T Mahan
admiral, aroused govt interest in imperialism and wrote “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History”
Annexation of Hawaii
U.S. wanted Hawaii for business
- Queen Liliuokalani opposed so Sanford B. Dole overthrew her
- William McKinley convinced Congress to annex Hawaii in 1898
Spanish-American War
war fought between the US and Spain in Cuba and the Philippines. It lasted less than 3 months
Results of Spanish-American War
resulted in Cuba’s independence as well as the US annexing Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines
Gentlemen’s Agreement
resolved some tensions between US and Japan
Great White Fleet
convoy of US warships to demonstrate Americas growth
Boxer Rebellion
uprising in China, blamed foreign people + institutions for the loss of traditional Chinese way of life
Teller Amendment
promised independence to Cuba, justified US war effort
Platt Amendment
seven conditions to get US troops out of Cuba
MAIN long term causes of WW1
militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism
Zimmerman Telegram
Germany sec Zimmerman asked Mexico to attack US, rep. direct threat, hastened US entry into WW1
sunk by German u-boat, caused US to enter WW1 against Germans
Espionage act
prevented use of mail system to intervene with war effort
Sedition act
made it illegal to speak out against any aspects of US gov
Treaty of Versailles
created to solve problems made by World War I, punished Germany
Teapot dome scandal
illegal drilling of oil in Wyoming
Henry Ford
manufacturer of automobiles who pioneered mass production
Roaring Twenties
period of economic prosperity with cultural edge in the United States
laissez-faire Republicans
advocates having the government keep their hands off business and the economy
concentration on producing and distributing goods for a market which must constantly be enlarged
Lost Generation
felt the real America had been lost or distorted, some moved to EU
ex: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Hemingway
Convoy System
protect cargo and passenger ships in 1st and 2nd WW, escort ships
the people can petition and vote to have an elected official removed from office
a law passed by the legislature can be reference to the people for approval/veto
17th Amendment
popular election of senators