Colonial Era and Early U.S. History Flashcards
Mayflower Compact
the first agreement for self-government in America
“Columbian Exchange”
exchanges bet the New and Old World
-plants, animals, diseases, technology which transformed the life for Europeans and Native Americans
Treaty of Tordesillas
divided New World between Spain and Portugal
John Smith
admiral of New England, important in the establishment of Jamestown
John Rolfe
credited with cultivation of tobacco as an export crop in VA, Pocahontas’ husband
Headright System
used as a way to attract new settlers, gave settlers land when they brought indentured servants over
indentured servants
people paid for their passage to the New World by working for an employer for a fixed term of years
Fundamental Orders
set up structure and powers of gov by the Conn. Rivers towns
group of English reformed Protestants, wanted to purify the Church of England from Roman Catholic practices
John Winthrop
led the first large wave of immigrants from England, “City upon a hill”
Great Migration
movement of 6M blacks out of the rural southern US to the urban Northwest, Midwest and West
Toleration Act
act passed that guaranteed toleration to all Christians, led to first amendment
Bacon’s Rebellion
armed rebellion in 1676 by VA settlers led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of Gov Berkeley
Anne Hutchinson
helped with the development of religious freedoms
Roger Williams
advocate of religious freedom + separation of church and state, expelled for spreading dangerous ideas
members of a group of religious Christian movements, mainly Christianity
strengthen economy, protest industry and have a favorable balance of trade
The First Great Awakening
stressed importance of personal connection with Christ and salvation
French and Indian War
war fought for control of eastern North America between Britain and France, as well as Native American allies
Albany Congress
due to French threats on their western frontiers, delegates from 7 colonies gathered to discuss 2 goals: 1) to persuade Iroquois to abandon traditional neutrality and 2) to coordinate defenses of colonies
Proclamation of 1763
forbade all settlement past a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains
Salutary neglect
Britain’s unofficial policy, relaxes the enforcement of strict regulations such as trade laws
“virtual representation”
colonies and Ireland were represented in Parliament even though they didn’t get to elect their representatives
Boston Massacre
incident in which British Army soldiers killed five male civilians and injured six others
Boston Tea Party
Bostonians, disguised as Indians, boarded the ships and dumped the tea into the sea
dominated the world of ideas in Europe, influenced by people such as Locke
liberty, progress, reason, tolerance, fraternity and ending the abuses of the church/state
Thomas Paine
published the bestseller Common Sense (sparked the spirit of independence)
Bunker Hill
the first important battle of the Revolutionary war, the British had their worst casualties during this war, but still took control of the hill
Lexington and Concord
Gage sent troops to Concord to stop the colonists who were loading arms. The next day, the first shots were fired in Lexington, starting the war
1783 Treaty of Paris
ended American Rev, British recognized the independence of the United States and granted it generous boundaries
Shay’s Rebellion
farmers protested the foreclosures of farms for debt
“Great Compromise”
defined the legislative structure and representation each state would have under the US Constitution
Federalist Papers
essays that explained how the new gov and constitution would work
- Jay, Hamilton and Madison wrote the essays
movement that opposed the ratification of the 1787 constitution, wanted the Bill of Rights and wouldn’t sign constitution w/o it
Bill of Rights
first ten amendments of the Constitution
Whiskey Rebellion
it was an armed rebellion in which people rebelled against the new whiskey tax
1st Bank of US (debate)
Hamilton’s bank proposal faced resistance from Jefferson and Madison, claimed the bank was unconstitutional
“Strict constructionist”
wants to limits or restricts judicial interpretation, strict docs
Pinckney’s Treaty
established friendship between US and Spain, defined bound. of the US with the Spanish colonies, US gets nav rights on the Miss. River
“Farewell Address”
warned America of the political dangers they can and must avoid if they are to remain true to their values, Washington
XYZ Affair
involved a confrontation between US and Republican France that led to the undeclared Quasi-War
Alien and Sedition Acts
allowed president to imprison and deport non citizens who were deemed dangerous or from a hostile nation
state has right to nullify or invalidate any federal law the state has deemed unconstitutional
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
political statements in which KY and VA legislative took position that the federal Alien/Sedition Acts were unconstitutional
“Revolution of 1800”
Thomas Jefferson defeated Adams, 1st peaceful transfer of power between parties
The “Marshall Court”
under Marshall, SC decisions upheld the supremacy of federal legislation over state
act of taking men into navy with or without force
Louisiana Purchase
land deal between US and France, acquired approximately 827,000 square miles
Embargo Act of 1807
made any and all exports from the US illegal
leader who fought against the United States expansion into the midwest, defeated at the battle of Tippecanoe
American System
Henry Clay, adoption of a high protective tariff and developing internal improvements to promote industry
Henry Clay
supporter of the American System, senator from KY , a war hawk, known as the “Great Compromiser”
Missouri Compromise
Missouri= slave state Maine= free state
Monroe Doctrine
Europe shouldn’t interfere in affairs within the US or in the development of other countries in the Western Hemisphere
St. Augustine
First permanent EU settlement in US
Articles of Confederation
first American constitution that established the US, loose confederation of states, weak national Congress, later replaced by Constitution
establishes the rights and liberties of the American people
Three-fifths Compromise
each slave would be counted as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of apportioning taxes and representation
Washington’s precedents
established the Cabinet within the Executive Branch,
supported concepts such as a national debt, policy of neutrality
Hamilton’s Bank Plan
government will keeps its money in the bank, bank will loan it out for interest to grow the economy
early political parties
Federalist Party= Alexander Hamilton,
Democratic-Republican Party= Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
Anti-Federalist- Patrick Henry
War of 1812 causes
Britain’s seizure of American ships, impressment of sailors, America’s resentment of Britain, etc
War of 1812 events
Early victories at sea by the US, then overcame by the british, Andrew Jackson led the American charge through the Southwest
War of 1812 results
America became more isolationist, spurred westward migration, ended Federalist Party, Jackson=Hero