1930s and Beyond Flashcards
Causes of Great Depression
high tariffs, war debt, stock crash, etc
Bonus Army
WW1 veterans, tried to intimidate Con. into paying BUT Hoover had them removed, shed bad light on Hoover
New Deal
FDR, three basic goals: relief, reform, recovery- Banking Holiday, gold standard gone ($ bills), FDIC (deposit protection)
“court-packing” proposal
Roosevelt’s proposal, extra judge in SC for everyone over 70-thought some were out of touch w nation needs
Neutrality Act of 1935
prohibited arms shipments and US travel on ships of belligerent nations
Neutrality Act of 1936
forbade loan and credit extension to belligerent nations
Neutrality Act of 1937
arms shipments not used in Spanish Civil War
Neutrality Act of 1939
“cash-and-carry” basis for EU dem buying American war materials
Lend-Lease Agreement
FDR authorized sale of surplus military equip while still being neutral
Manhattan Project
developed first nuclear weapons during WW2, led by US w support of Canada and UK
War Productions Board
supervised war production during WW2, FDR established it
Service Readjustment Act (“G.I. Bill”)
provided for college or vocational education for returning WW2 veterans
United Nations
replaced the League of Nations, new international peacekeeping organization, US joined which signaled end of isolationism
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- defended dem nations of Western EU by using “collective security”
Warsaw Pact
communist alliance that the USSR led against NATO
“containment”/ George Kennan
official US policy toward communism, idea that US must prevent spread of communism
Korean War
communist North Korea invaded democratic South Korea
making accusations w/o proper regard for evidence
Eisenhower Doctrine
stop communism from spreading to the Middle East
Federal Highway Act
improve transportation, US Interstate Highway System
John Foster Dulles
Sec of state, had policy called “brinkmanship”
Sputnik / the “space race”
Sputnik= first ever satellite, soviet union
US and USSR competed to be first to get to space
National Defense Education Act
passed in response to Sputnik launch, increased the technological sophistication and power of the US
Beat generation/ Beatniks
1950s stereotype, group of authors who literature explored and influenced American culture, disliked conformity
“Warren Court”
liberal, major role in fighting segregation
The Great Society
LBJ, dealt with mainly poverty and civil rights
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
authorized LBJ to wage war
My Lai Massacre
mass killing of unarmed civilians in South Vietnam
Tet Offensive
turning point, televised and made war seem less winnable
New Left
sought to end poverty, racism and Cold War politics
The Feminine Mystique
challenged gender roles, sparked second wave of feminism, Betty Friedan
rebellion against “the establishment,” took form of nonconformity, hippies
Gov. George Wallace
pro-segregation governor who ran for Pres and lost against Nixon
US troops were taken out of Vietnam and Nixon replaced them w newly trained South Vietnamese troops
foreign policy created by Nixon, meant to relax tensions between US and the Communist World
when high inflation is coupled with high unemployment
War Powers Act
repealed Tonkin Gulf, limited presidents ability to wage war without consent
Camp David Accords
peace deal between Egypt and Israel
Iran-Hostage Crisis
52 citizens were held hostage in the American Embassy in Tehran
Title IX
passed to end gender discrimination in federal funded programs
Equal Rights Amendment
written to guarantee equal rights for women, never passed
César Cháves
created UFW to help farmers get more pay and safer working conditions
“Star Wars”
space-based nuclear defense system that was proposed by Reagan
reduce federal tax rates, reduce corporate tax rates, promote economic growth
Mikhail Gorbachev
former general secretary of the communist party of the USSR
Boris Yeltsin
first president of the Russian Federation
“graying of America”
aging of the American population
NAFTA (Clinton)
eliminated all tariffs between the USA, Canada and Mexico
9/11 Terrorist Attacks
group of Al-Qaeda terrorists used planes to destroy two world trade center buildings
The “War on Terror”
dominated US foreign policy, started after 9/11, meant to weed out terrorists
Hawley-Smoot tariff
raised duties, signed by Hoover, made the depression worse
nickname for towns that people lived in when they lost their homes during depression
Dust Bowl
series of dust storms in the central U.S caused by many years of bad farming techniques
opposition of the involvement of a country in international alliances, agreements, etc
term for the British-French policy of attempting to prevent war by granting German demands
Non-Aggression Pact
agreement between Hitler and Stalin not to attack each other
Cash and Carry
US policy to aid Allies even though they were neutral, Britain + France could buy goods from US if they paid in full and transported them
Japanese “relocation camps”
Japanese Americans, after attack on pearl harbor, a lot of them were put into War Relocation Camps
Joseph Stalin
Russian leader, head of the Communist Party
Winston Churchill
Britain’s new prime minister during WWII who pleaded for US aid
Dwight D. Eisenhower
leader of the Allied forces in Europe then was elected to be Pres. of the USA
Adolph Hitler
german leader of Nazi Party, rose to power by promoting racist and national views
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
nuclear attacks during WW2 against Japan by the US
Atlantic Charter
Churchill + FDR, promote democracy and intentions for improvement post WW2
Executive Order 9066
allowed internment camps to be set up to exclude residents seen as threat
War Productions Board
supervised war production during WW2, FDR established it
U-2 incident
spy plan caught over the Soviet Union, embarrassed the US
The home front
what Americans do at home while country is at war, during WW2
Pearl Harbor
December 7, 1941
resulted in US entry into World War II
Baby boom
after war, families had tons of babies, led to 20% population growth during the 50s + increasing consumer demand
residential districts or suburbs outside the boundaries of a city or town
Yalta Conference
Big 3 (FDR, Churchill, Stalin), dealt w/ postwar occupation and partition of Germany
Potsdam Conference
Big 3, negotiated terms for WW2 compromise
Iron Curtain
boundary between Soviet controlled Eastern European nations and democratic Western Europe
2nd Red Scare
McCarthy, belief that New Deal policies were communistic
Watergate Scandal
Nixon, involved break in of DC democratic headquarters, led to resignation
Brown v. Board of Education
marked the end of legal segregation
Thurgood Marshall
first African American to serve on the supreme court
Rosa Parks
civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man, triggered civil rights movement
Nonviolent Protest and Civil Disobedience
pushed by MLK Jr., process of pushing for civil rights w/o violence
military-industrial complex
Eisenhower warned of this in his farewell speech, feared excessive Congressional spending
Election of 1960
Kennedy vs. Nixon, Kennedy (due to televised charisma) won over Nixon (pale and nervous)
Alliance for Progress
designed to improve relations with Latin America
Peace Corps
used in hopes of inspiring American-style progress in the 3rd world
The Other America
Michael Harrington, influential study of the poverty in the US, driving force behind the “war on poverty
Silent Spring
Rachel Carson; book about dangerous chemicals
Unsafe at any speed
Ralph Nader; book about speed limits and safety
Vietnam War
fought between North Vietnam, supported by the Soviet Union, China, etc.—and the government of South Vietnam, supported by the United States, Philippines, etc.
Silent majority
segment of the population who Nixon believed still supported the Vietnam war
1st Gulf War
started when Hussein invaded the oil-rich Kuwait + threatened Western oil sources in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf
regional societies, etc. become joined together through an international system of trade, trans., etc.
Election of 2000
race was so tight it came down to Florida’s electoral vote
2nd Gulf War
started when Bush sent troops to Saddam, refused to let UN search for weapons
Patriot Act
strengthened gov’s power to spy on individuals
Conservative Revolution
Reagan, resurgence in the conservative movement