last one Flashcards
“All the learned behaviors, beliefs, norms, and values that are held by a group of people passed on from older members to newer members, at least, in part to preserve the group.”
- Race & ethnicity along with beliefs held by the group you identify with
- Passed on primarily through language
- Formally and informally taught through generations
“I would rather have a Chinese patient over a Hatian patient because they are so much easier to take care of.”
ranking one racial group above another
Is a belief
“I’ve been doing my best not to hire any Mexican nurses because they are always late to work.”
act of selecting one group over another
something you do
“I’m getting a new admission who is obese. She’ll probably be asking me for snacks every five minutes.”
idea/belief you have about a group before you interact with them
already a judgment you’ve made
Baseless, usually negative, preconceived belief, opinion, or judgment toward a group of people or a single person because of their membership in a certain group
have against… Gender, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status, etc
is without subsequent action. This patient is not affected if he does not know the physician’s assumption. However, prejudice without then subsequent decrease in the quality of care is rare.
prejudice (2)
All Black males who enter the ER with a gaping wound must have been shot.
prejudice example
behaviors of one group intended to have harmful or unequal effect on the members of another group
This is intended
individual discrimination
policies of the dominant group intended to have a harmful or unequal effect on minority groups
This is intended
institutional discrimination
policies of the group that don’t intend to be harmful or unequal, but in practice do have that effect on minority groups
Not intended
structural discrimination
A patient wearing a hijab is given unequal quality of healthcare due to her presumed affiliation with the Islamic faith
individual discrimination
A patient with no health insurance is kept on a stretcher in the hallway even though there are beds available
institutional discrimination
A patient’s partner wants to stay with the patient overnight, but the hospital only allows for parents/gaurdians, siblings, or spouses to spend the night.
structural discrimination
Form of oppression strictly based on one’s membership to a particular race
“The exercise of power against a racial group defined as inferior, by individuals and institutions with the intentional or unintentional support of the entire culture.”
Racism is the biggest contributor to health disparities, especially between Black and Whites
overt, conscious, and deliberate individual acts intended to harm, place at a disadvantage, or discriminate against racial minorities
individual racism