Last Chapters + Film Flashcards
what is animalism?
a religious system organized around a belief in an impersonal supernatural force
what is animism?
a religious system organized around a belief that plants, animals, inanimate objects, or natural phenomena have a spiritual or supernatural element
what is anthropomorphic?
an object or being that has human characteristics
what is a cargo cult?
rituals seeking to attract material prosperity
what is collective effervescence?
passion/energy arising when groups of people share the same thoughts and emotions
what is cosmology?
an explanation for the origin/history of the world
what is cultural appropriation?
act of copying an idea from another culture and in the process distorting its meaning
what is filial piety?
a tradition requiring that the young provide care for the elderly and in some cases ancestral spirits
what is magic?
practices intended to bring supernatural forces under one’s personal control
what are millenarians?
people who believe that major transformations of the world are imminent
what are monotheistic religious systems?
recognize a single supreme God
what are polytheistic religious systems?
recognize several gods
what are priests?
full-time religious practitioners
what is profane?
objects/ideas are ordinary and can be treated with disregard/contempt
what is a prophet?
someone claiming to have direct communication with eh supernatural realm and who can communicate divine messages to others
what is reincarnation?
the idea that a living being can begin another life in a new body after death
what is religion?
extension of human society and culture to include the supernatural
what are revitalization rituals?
attempts to resolve serious problems through a spiritual/supernatural intervention
what are rites of intensification?
actions designed to bring a community together, often following a period of crisis
what are rites of passage?
ceremonies designed to transition individuals between life stages
what does it mean for objects/ideas to be sacred?
set apart from the ordinary and treated with great respect/care
what is a shaman?
a part time religious practitioner who carries out religious rituals when needed, but also participates in the normal work of the community
what is a sorcerer?
an individual who seeks to use magic for their own purpose
what is the supernatural?
entities/forces not governed by natural laws
what does zoomorphic mean?
an object or being that has animal characteristics
what is a commodity chain?
series of steps a food takes from location where it’s produced to the store where it’s sold to consumers