Larynx Flashcards
Cervical position of larynx
C3 - C6
C2 - C3 in children
3 processes of arytenoid
Ligaments of the larynx
True vocal cords
False vocal cords
Which compartment can you find the false vocal cords
Which compartment can you find the true vocal cords
arterial supply of larynx
branch of superior and inferior thyroid arteries
distinguishing features of larynx of a child
- Positioned higher than an adult larynx. Reaches the soft palate when swallowing
- Laryngeal cartilages are soft and collapse easily. Epiglottis
is omega shaped - Thyroid cartilage in an infant is flat.
- Infant’s larynx is small and conical. The diameter of cricoid
cartilage is smaller than the size of glottis - Submucosal tissues of infant’s larynx are comparatively loose and easily undergo oedematous change with trauma or inflammation leading to obstruction.
landmarks of trachea
bifurcates at t5
commences at C6
10cm in length
bifurcation at t6 in full inspiration
laryngeal symptoms
Hoarseness Stridor Dyspnea Cough Hemoptysis Dysphagia
mechanism of hoarseness
loss of approximation
size of the cord
Common cause of hoarseness of acute onset
local inflammation of the larynx. e.g. acute laryngitis
Other causes of acute hoarseness
brieft periods of vocal overuse
time duration of chronic onset of hoarseness
longer than 2 weeks
cause of chronic hoarseness
Pharyngeal reflux ,Benign polyps, Vocal cords nodules, Laryngeal papillomatosis, malignancy, Neurological disorders, or Chronic inflammation secondary to Smoking or voice abuse.
systemic diseases that cause hoarseness
- Hypothyroidism
- Multiple sclerosis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Parkinson’s dx.
- Systemic lupus
where are vocal nodules usually seen
free edge of the anterior 3rd of the VC
How are vocal nodules formed
Pathologically, trauma to the vocal cord in the form of vocal abuse or misuse causes oedema and haemorrhage in the submucosal space.
This undergoes hyalinization and fibrosis. The overlying epithelium also undergoes hyperplasia forming a nodule
in which of the pathologies is referred otalgia seen
vocal cord nodules
Noisy respiration produced by turbulent airflow through a partially obstructed airway.
causative organism of juvenille papillomatosis
hpv 6 11
which of the hpvs have high risk of malignancy
Classic triad of juvenile papiloomatosis
being firstborn
vaginal delivery
having a mother younger than 20 years
differential for JP
acute laryngitis
imaging for JP
soft tissue lateral neck xray
flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopy