Larsen 4 Flashcards
The exchange of genetic material between two or more populations
Abnormal hemoglobin
Hemoglobin altered so that it is less efficient in binding to and carrying oxygen
Balanced polymorphism
Situation in which selection maintains two or more phenotypes for a specific gene in a population.
Small blood vessels between the terminal ends of arteries and veins
A local population of organisms that have similar genes, interbreed, and produce offspring.
Directional selection
Selection for one allele over the other alleles, causing the allele frequencies to shift in one direction
Disruptive selection
Selection for both extremes of the phenotypic distribution; may eventually lead to a speciation event.
A population in which individuals breed only with other members of the population
A condition in which the system is stable, balanced, and unchanging
Refers to a population in which individuals breed only with non members of their population
Average number of offspring produced by parents with a particular genotype compared to the number of offspring produced by parents with another genotype.
Founder effect
The accumulation of random genetic changes in a small population that has become so isolated from the parent population due to the genetic input of only a few colonizers.
Frame shift mutation
The change in gene due to the insertion or deletion of one or more nitrogen bases, which cause the subsequent triplets to be rearranged and the codons to be read incorrectly during translation.
Gene pool
All genetic info in the breeding population
(G6PD) glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
An enzyme that aids in proper functioning of red blood cells; its deficiency, a genetic condition, leads to hemolytic anemia.
Hardy Weinberg law of equilibrium
A mathematical model in population genetics that reflects the relationship between frequencies of alleles and of genotypes; it can be used to determine whether a population is undergoing evolutionary changes
A group of related genetic blood diseases characterized by abnormal hemoglobin.
Hemolytic anemias
Conditions of insufficient iron in the blood due to the destruction of red blood cells resulting from genetic blood diseases, toxins, or infectious pathogens
Huntington’s chorea
A rare genetic disease in which the central nervous system degenerates and the individual loses control over voluntary movements. Symptoms often appear between 30-50
Induced mutations
Refers to those mutations in the DNA resulting from exposure to toxic chemicals or radiation.
Klinefelters syndrome
A chromosomal trisomy in which makes have an extra X chromosome, resulting in an XXY condition, affected individuals typically have reduced fertility
Large-scale evolution, such as a speciation event, that occurs after hundreds or thousands of generations.
Refers to an individual with high concentrations of melanin
Small-scale evolution, such as changes in allele frequency, that occurs from one generation to the next.
Substances, such as toxins, chemicals, or radiation, that may induce genetic mutations.
Refers to an individual with low concentrations of melanin
Nonsynonymous point mutation
A point mutation that creates a triplet coded to produce a different amino acid than that of the original triplet.
Point mutations
Replacements of a single nitrogen base with another base, which may or may not affect the amino acids for which the triplet codes.
Positive selection
Process in which advantageous genetic variants quickly increase in frequency in a population
Reproductive isolation
Any mechanism that prevents two populations from interbreeding and exchanging genetic material.
Sickle-cell anemia
A genetic blood disease in which the red blood cells become deformed and sickle shaped, decreasing their ability to carry oxygen to tissues
Spontaneous mutation
Random changes in dna that occur during cell division.
Stabilizing selection
Selection against the extremes of phenotypic distribution, decreasing the genetic diversity for this trait in the population.
Synonymous point mutation
A neutral point mutation that in which the substituted nitrogen base creates a triplet coded to produce the same amino acid as that of the original triplet
A genetic blood disease in which the hemoglobin is improperly synthesized, causing the red blood cells to have a much shorter life span.