Large Sample Properties of Maximum Likelihood Estimators Flashcards
If X ∼ Bi(n,p), and X = k what is the maximum liklihood estimator p^ equal to?
p^ = k/n
If X = (X1, … , Xn) is an iid sample, size n, from Po(λ) what is the sufficent statistic for λ and the MLE?
- ẍ is a sufficient statistic for λ
- λ^ = ẍ
- Note: two dots = bar
If X = (X1, … , Xn) is an iid sample, size n, from N(𝛍, σ2) what is the sufficent statistic for (𝛍, σ2) and their MLE?
- (ẍ, ss) are the sufficient statistics for (𝛍, σ2)
- 𝛍^ = ẍ
- σ2^ = ss/n
- Note: two dots = bar
- ss =

What is 𝐼(θ) called?
The Fisher’s information for θ in sample of size 1
What is n𝐼(θ) called?
The Fisher’s information for θ in sample of size n
What is the equation for 𝐼(θ) ?

For n large what is the approximate (1- α) level confidence interval for θ?

What is an alternate estimate for n𝐼(θ)?
What is the observed information in sample?
Using the observed information in the sample when s an approximate distribution for θ^?
N(θ, 1/(-L’‘(θ^))
Using the observed information in the sample what is an alternative approximate confidence interval for θ^?

What is the Cramer Rao inequality and why is it used?

What are unbiased estimators?
Estimators which achieve the lower bound of the Cramer Rao inequality
How efficent are maximum likelihood estimators?
Asympototically efficient