Large intestine - pain, movement Flashcards
Pain and movement related probems of Li1?
Shoulder and back radiating to the supraclavicular fossa
Lower cheek
Numbness of fingers
Pain and movement related probems of Li2?
Shoulder and back
At Li15
Lower cheek
Pain and stiffness of shoulder and back
Deviation of the mouth and eye
Pain and movement related probems of Li3?
Toothache of lower jaw
Pain from decaying teeth
Acute eye sprain
Acute stiff neck
Difficulty flexing and extending fingers
Pain and movement related probems of Li4
Sinews and bones Arm Lumbar spine Eyes Headache One-sided headache Headache of whole head Toothache or pain of tooth decay in the lower jaw
Contraction of fingers Painful obstruction and atrophy disorder of the four limbs Deviation of face and mouth Lockjaw Hemiplegia
Pain and movement related probems of Li5
Wrist Ear Redness, swelling and pain of the eyes Toothache Pain from tooth decay Headache Chronic headache Frontal headache Throat painful obstruction At root of the tongue
Weakness of wrist
Contraction of the five fingers
Difficulty in raising the elbow
Pain and movement related probems of Li6
Wrist, elbow, and upper arm
Redness and pain of the eyes
Painful obstruction throat
Deviation of the mouth
Pain and movement related probems of 7
Shoulder and arm Headache Redness, swelling and pain of face Teeth and mouth Throat painful obstruction with loss of voice
Pain and difficulty raising the shoulder and arm
Deviation of face and mouth
Pain and movement related probems of 8
Elbow and arm Eye Abdominal Periumbilical Lateral costal region Headache
Pain and movement related probems of 9
Pain or numbness of shoulder, elbow and arm
Pain or numbness of shoulder, elbow and arm
Numbness of the limbs
Pain and movement related probems of Li10
Pain and immobility of the arm and shoulder
Lumbar pain with inability to lie down
Abdominal pain
Toothache with swelling of the cheek
Paralysis of the arm Atrophy disorder Hemiplegia Contraction and inflexibility of the elbow Deviation of the mouth Paralysis of arm
Pain and movement related probems of Li11
Contraction, immobility and pain of elbow and shoulder Ankle Throat painful obstruction Toothache Redness and pain of the eyes Pain in front of the ear Distention and pain of the abdomen
Hemiplegia Clonic spasm Contraction, immobility and pain of the elbow and shoulder Emaciation and weakness of the elbow Atrophy disorder of the lower limbs
Numbness of upper arm
Pain and movement related probems of Li12
Pain and stiffness of elbow
Contraction, numbness and immobility of upper arm
Pain and sitffness of elbow
Pain and movement related probems of Li13
Pain, numbness or contraction of the elbow and upper arm
Pain, numbness or contraction of the elbow and upper arm
Inability to raise the arm
Inability to move the four limbs
Pain and movement related probems of Li14
Pain, numbness and painful obstruction of the upper arm and shoulder
Redness, swelling and pain of eyes
Wasting and weakness of the upper arm
Inability to raise the arm
Contraction and stiffness of neck
Pain and movement related probems of Li15
Painful obstruction of fingers
Weakness of shoulder Inability to raise the arm to the head Contraction and numbness of the arm Hemiplegia Inability to turn the head Painful obstruction of the fingers
Pain and movement related probems of Li16
Shoulder and back
Upper arm
Difficulty in moving or raising the arm
Pain and movement related probems of Li17
Throat painful obstruction
Pain and movement related probems of Li18
Swelling and pain of throat
Pain and movement related probems of Li19
Deviation of the mouth
Pain and movement related probems of Li20
Pain and swelling of lip
Deviation of the mouth