Large intestine Flashcards
What organ is the Large Intestine paired with?
Name three things that connect the Large Intestine to the Lung channel
The primary and divergent channels both descend through the Lung zang.
The channels meet at LI6 Pianli.
True or false: the Large Intestine channel enters the gums of the lower teeth.
Where does the Large Intestine channel cross the contralateral side of the face?
DU26 Renzhong
Where does the luo-connecting point of the Large Intestine branch off to?
To the ears and the teeth
What is the connection between the Large Intestine channel and the breast?
The divergent channel descends to the breast
What is the main function of the Large Intestine?
To receive waste from the Small Intestine and absorb the remaining fluid to be recirculated into the body, and transform the remaining waste into faeces
True or false: The Large Intestine is used to treat many issues with digestion.
False. Spleen and Stomach are more frequently used.
The Large Intestine channel is used to treat problems in the arms like atrophy disorder
What channel is the Large Intestine according to the six channels theory?
Hand yangming
True or false: the yangming channel is the most important for clearing excess yang (heat and fever)
Which points in the Large Intestine channel are most commonly used to clear excess heat?
LI4 Hegu and LI11 Quchi
What is the Yuan Source point of the Large Intestine?
LI4 Hegu
What is the luo-connecting point of the Large Intestine?
LI6 Pianli
Which two channel make the yangming channel?
Large Intestine and Stomach