what is the general function of the large intestine?
water is absorbed from the chyme forming semi solid faeces
what does it consist of
cecum, appendix, ascending, transverse and descending colon, rectum, anal canal
four ways to distingiush it from small intestine
epiploic appendages, teniae coli, haustra, diameter
where is the cecum located?
iliac fossa of the right lower quadrant - when enlarged it can be palpated through the anterolateral abdominal wall
is the cecum mobile?
has no mesentary but usually held into place by a fold of peritoneun
how does the ileum enter the cecum?
obliquely and it invaginates in
where is the appendix and what does it contain
arises from the posteriomedial aspect of the cecum. contains masses of lymphoid tissue
does the appendix have a mesentary?
mesoappendix is derived from the posterior ileal mesentary
blood supply to the cecum and appendix
both are midgut derivatves so are from SMA which gives off ileocolic branch from which an appendicular branch arises. they are drained by the ileocolic vein
where does the ascending colon run from
cecum to the right lobe of the liver at the hepatic colic flexure
is the ascending colon retroperitoneal?
secondarily retroperitoneal - covered with peritoneum on it’s anterior and sides
what seperates the ascending colon from the anterior abdominal wall?
the greater omentum
describe the position of the right paracolic gutter
deep vertical groove lined with parietal peritoneum between the lateral aspect of the ascending colon and the adjacent abdominal wall
where does the transverse colon run from?
the right to the left colic flexures
where is the phrenocolic ligament?
where the transverse colon attaches to the diaphragm at the splenic flexure