Lap Appendectomy Flashcards
Surgical Anatomy & Pathology
. Attached to cecum by the mesoappendix, which contains the appendices artery
. Frequently located upward & inward, behind the cecum called retrocecal
. Inflamed, infected appendix called appendicitis; often due to impacted feces
Preoperative Diagnostic Tests & Procedures
. Physical exam
. CT scan
. Laboratory test
Equipment & Instruments Unique to Procedure
. Laparoscopic equipment
. 5-mm trocar
. Hasson trocar (available according to surgeon’s preference)
. Laparoscopic instruments to include Babcock, curved grasping forceps, curved scissors, endoscopic linear stapler, ligating loop instrument, needle holder, suction irrigator, and bowel clamp
Supplies Unique to Procedure
. Specimen puch
. Local anesthetic of the surgeon’s choice for tracer sites
Preoperative Preparation
. Position: Supine w/ slight Trendelenburg & right side of OR table slightly elevated
. Anesthesia: General
. Skin Prep: Mid-chest to symphysis pubis & laterally as far as possible
. Draping: Square off with 4 towels-edge of upper towel placed mid-chest; lateral towels placed using anterior superior iliac spines as guide; edge of lower towel placed just above line of sympysis pubis; laparotomy drape
Practical Considerations
. Same as for other laparoscopic procedures
. Monitor will need to be placed at the foot of the bed with the surgeon standing near the head of the bed
. Be prepared to convert to open procedure if the appendix is ruptured or leaking upon visualization with laparoscope
Surgical Procedure #1
Surgical Procedure #1a
Surgical Procedure #1b
Surgical Procedure #2
Surgical Procedure #3
Surgical Procedure #4
Surgical Procedure #5
Surgical Procedure #6
Surgical Procedure #7
Surgical Procedure #10
Surgical Procedure #8
Surgical Procedure #9
Surgical Procedure #11
Surgical Procedure #12
Surgical Procedure #13
Surgical Procedure #15
Surgical Procedure #14
Postoperative Considerations: Immediate Postoperative Care
. Transport to PACU
Surgical Procedure #16
Postoperative Considerations: Prognosis
. No complications: Discharged same day of sx; return to normal activities in 2-4 weeks
. Complications: Hemorrhage; SSI; intestinal obstruction due to postoperative adhesions forming appendiceal stump rupture; sepsis
Postoperative Considerations: Wound Classification
. Class 2: Clean Contaminated