Language Learning IELTS Flashcards
The process of learning a new language.
Language acquisition (formal):
Example: Language acquisition becomes easier with consistent practice and exposure to the language.
The ability to speak or write a language smoothly, accurately, and easily.
Example: Achieving fluency in a second language requires dedication and practice.
A high level of competence or skill; the ability to use a language with ease.
Example: She has achieved a high level of proficiency in French after years of study.
A set of words used and understood by a person or group.
Example: Building vocabulary is essential for language learners.
The way in which people in a particular area, country, or social group pronounce words.
Example: Her British accent is very clear and easy to understand.
A particular form of a language that is peculiar to a specific region or social group.
Example: The Southern dialect of English has its own unique vocabulary and pronunciation.
An error or fault in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment
Example: Making mistakes is a natural part of the language learning process.
Repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it.
Example: Regular practice is key to improving your language skills.
The state of being subjected to an influence or experience.
Example: Immersion in the language provides valuable exposure to native speakers.
Being able to speak two languages fluently.
Example: She is bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish fluently.
Being able to speak multiple languages fluently.
Example: In today’s globalized world, being multilingual is a significant advantage.
Conforming to the rules of grammar.
Grammatically correct
Example: It’s important to speak in grammatically correct sentences when learning a new language.
Able to express oneself easily and articulately in a language.
Example: After years of practice, he became fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
Feeling or showing certainty about something.
Example: She feels confident speaking French in public after years of practice.
Having a strong reason or desire to do something.
Example: Her desire to travel and communicate with locals motivated her to learn Spanish.
Continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
Example: Despite facing challenges, she was persistent in her efforts to learn Japanese.
To gain knowledge or skill in something through study, experience, or being taught.
Example: He is learning Russian in order to communicate with his grandparents.
To become better or more satisfactory.
Example: By reading regularly, you can improve your vocabulary and comprehension.
To learn something by heart; commit something to memory.
Example: He memorized the irregular verbs to help improve his Spanish grammar.
To acquire complete knowledge or skill in (an accomplishment, technique, or art).
Example: After years of study, she mastered the art of speaking Italian.
To communicate or work together.
Example: It’s important to interact with native speakers to improve your language skills.
To share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
Example: She uses her language skills to communicate with clients from around the world.
To actively participate or become involved in something.
Engage with
Example: She engages with the local community to practice her language skills.
To rehearse verbal communication.
Practice speaking
Example: He spends an hour each day practicing speaking English with a language partner.
In a smooth, easy, or flowing manner.
Example: She speaks French fluently after living in Paris for several years.
In a self-assured manner.
Example: She presented her ideas confidently in Spanish during the meeting.
Frequently; not infrequently.
Example: By studying regularly, you can improve your language skills over time.
In a way that produces the intended or desired result.
Example: By practicing pronunciation regularly, you can communicate more effectively in a new language.
At a fast speed; rapidly.
Example: With dedication, you can learn a new language quickly.
In a way that achieves maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
Example: By using language learning apps, you can study languages efficiently.
To learn or acquire something without formal instruction
Pick up
Example: She picked up Spanish while traveling in South America.
To refresh or improve one’s knowledge of something.
Brush up on
Example: He decided to brush up on his French before traveling to Paris.
To manage to survive or do adequately, especially with limited resources.
Get by
Example: Even with basic Spanish, he managed to get by during his trip to Mexico.
To stay informed about or be able to understand something because you are able to learn at the same speed as it happens.
Keep up with
Example: It’s important to keep up with the news in your target language to improve your vocabulary.
Example: After studying for years, passing the language exam was a piece of cake.
Piece of cake
Something easily accomplished.
To study, especially with concentrated effort.
Hit the books
Example: I need to hit the books if I want to pass my Spanish exam.
To speak the language of a particular group, especially when done easily or with understanding.
Speak the lingo
Example: After a year in France, she could speak the lingo like a native.
The more you practice, the better you become.
Practice makes perfect
Example: Don’t worry if you make mistakes, practice makes perfect.
A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words.
A picture is worth a thousand words
Example: Immersing yourself in a culture is like learning a language: a picture is worth a thousand words.
A difficulty in communication experienced by people who do not speak the same language.
Language barrier
Example: The language barrier made it difficult for them to communicate effectively.
The language that a person has grown up speaking from early childhood.
Mother tongue
Example: Despite living abroad for many years, her mother tongue is still Spanish.
Able to express oneself fluently and coherently.
Example: She is an articulate speaker of English.
Relating to the place where someone was born and raised.
Example: She is a native speaker of German.
Successful in producing a desired or intended result.
Example: Regular practice is the most effective way to improve your language skills.
Not successful in producing a desired or intended result.
Example: Learning vocabulary without practicing speaking can be ineffective.
To express the sense of (words or text) in another language.
Example: She translated the document from Spanish to English.
To perceive the meaning of; grasp the idea of; comprehend.
Example: She didn’t understand the instructions, so she asked for help.
In a way that is easy to see, hear, read, or understand.
Example: She speaks English clearly and fluently.
To have a good relationship.
Get along
Example: She gets along well with her language exchange partner.
To understand or solve something.
Figure out
Example: She couldn’t figure out the meaning of the word, so she looked it up in the dictionary.
To visit someone without having arranged to do so.
Drop in
Example: I decided to drop in on my friend while I was in the neighborhood.
In agreement or harmony.
On the same page
Example: We need to be on the same page if we’re going to work together.
The rate of a person’s progress in gaining experience or new skills.
Learning curve
Example: She found that her language learning curve was steeper when she lived abroad.
An arrangement where two or more people who are learning each other’s language take turns to help each other practice.
Language exchange
Example: She found a language exchange partner to practice speaking Spanish with.
A method of learning a second language in which the learner is fully immersed in the target language.
Language immersion
Example: Language immersion programs are an effective way to quickly learn a new language.
Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully.
Example: She is a competent speaker of Japanese after years of study.
Being able to speak two languages fluently.
Example: He grew up in a bilingual household, speaking both English and Spanish.
Relating to the spoken language rather than the written language.
Example: The oral exam tested her ability to communicate in French.
To officially register for a course or program.
Example: She enrolled in a Spanish class at the local community college.
To take in and fully understand information or ideas.
Example: She assimilated quickly into the new culture and learned the language within a few months.
To engage in conversation.
Converse (neutral):
Example: She enjoys conversing with native speakers to practice her language skills.
To look at or consider again an idea, piece of writing, etc. in order to correct or improve it.
Example: She reviewed her notes before the exam to refresh her memory.
To be present at an event, class, or meeting.
Example: He attends a language meetup every week to practice speaking French.
In a way that relates to sight.
Example: He learned the new words visually by associating them with pictures.
Almost; very nearly.
Example: Practically speaking, it’s impossible to become fluent in a language overnight.
In a way that relates to language or linguistics.
Example: She is linguistically talented and learns new languages quickly.
To learn or understand something.
Get the hang of
Example: After a few weeks of practice, she finally got the hang of speaking French.
To start learning or doing something as a habit or hobby.
Take up
Example: She decided to take up Italian as a hobby.
To begin to understand or appreciate something.
Catch on
Example: After a few lessons, she started to catch on to the grammar rules.
In summary; briefly.
In a nutshell
Example: “In a nutshell, learning a new language takes time and dedication.”
Something that is easy to do.
A walk in the park
Example: For her, learning German was a walk in the park.
Not perfect or fully developed.
Rough around the edges
Example: Her language skills are still a bit rough around the edges, but she’s improving.
Fully listening or paying attention.
All ears
Example: “Tell me your story—I’m all ears!”
A very small amount compared to what is needed or expected.
A drop in the ocean
Example: “The progress she’s made so far is just a drop in the ocean compared to what she needs to learn.”
The rate of a person’s progress in gaining experience or new skills.
Learning curve
Example: She found that her language learning curve was steeper when she lived abroad.
To try something.
Give it a shot
Example: Learning a new language can be challenging, but why not give it a shot?
To initiate social interaction, especially with strangers.
Break the ice
Example: Learning a few basic phrases in the local language can help you break the ice when traveling.
To learn how to do something skillfully.
Get the knack of
Example: It took her a while, but she finally got the knack of speaking Japanese.
To become very skilled at doing something
Example: With practice, you can master a new language.
To improve the quality, amount, or strength of something.
Example: Immersion in a foreign country can enhance your language skills.
To encourage the development of something.
Example: The language exchange program fosters cultural understanding.
To improve something by making small changes to it.
Example: She refined her pronunciation by practicing with a tutor.
To become larger in size, number, or amount, or to make something become larger.
Example: Learning a new language can expand your career opportunities.
To manage to survive or do adequately, especially with limited resources.
Get by
Example: Even with basic Spanish, he managed to get by during his trip to Mexico.
A group of people who meet regularly to practice speaking a language.
Language club
Example: She joined a language club to practice speaking Spanish with other learners.