Death - IELTS Flashcards
Pass away
To die
Kick the bucket
( to die) I heard that old farmer down the road kicked the bucket last night.
Not polite more informal manner of speaking!
Bite the dust
Many soldiers bit the dust during the war.
Dead as a doornail
definitely dead - Informal Speech
Dead to the world
completely unconscious or asleep (coma)
Death is not the end
meaning that death is not the final chapter in one’s life, but rather a continuation of the soul’s journey.
Death is a part of life
meaning that death is a natural and inevitable aspect of the human experience
To meet one’s maker
to die and face judgement from God
To cheat death
to narrowly avoid death
To dance with death
to take a great risk
Death and taxes are the only certainties in life
It’s often said that death and taxes are the only certainties in life, but there are many other things that are just as inevitable.
Death is a debt we all must pay
meaning that death is an inevitable part of life that we will all have to face eventually.
Death is a natural part of life
He knew that death is a natural part of life and he was ready to accept it when it came.
Passed on
a way of saying that someone has died without directly saying “died” or “death”
Example: I’m sorry to hear that your mother has passed on.
a way of saying that someone has died without directly saying “died” or “death”
Example: I was so sorry to hear that you’ve lost your father.
No longer with us
a way of saying that someone has died without directly saying “died” or “death”
Example: I’m sorry to hear that your friend is no longer with us.
Gave up the ghost
Informal - he stopped fighting death