Giles accommodation theory
People adjust their style of speech to one another in order to seek approval from the recipient, increase efficiency in communication and helps the sender maintain a positive social identity
Convergence (Giles accommodation theory)
Adapting communication behaviour to become more similar to another in order to fall into social groups or to be perceived in a certain way
Divergence (Giles accommodation theory)
Accentuating the deliberate differences between yourself and another to over accommodate or patronise someone
Thornborrows Personal identity theory
The language we use is fundamental in establishing our identity
Master identity (Thornborrow)
Someones strongest core defining characteristics which are relatively unchanging. EG gender, race, nationality
Interactional identity (Thornborrow)
Roles that people take on in a communicate context. Eg an authoritative figure leading a conversation
Personal identity (Thornborrow)
The ways people behave and talk to each other, this can be from someones own perception or from other peoples. Eg someone may be perceived as open and honest
Relational identity (Thornborrow)
The kind of relationship a person enacts which can be changed moment to moment. Eg a sales person working a room and addressing groups in different ways.
Linguistic anthropology (Kroskrity)
Identities are not even but actively produced - can be deliberate or through strategic manipulation.
Tajfels social identity theory
The groups people belong to give an important source of pride, self-esteem and belonging.
We divide the world around us as “them” and “us” through social categorisation.
We tend to exaggerate the differences between groups and similarities of things in the same group.
Grices maxims
People intuitively follow certain principles in order to communicate effectively and guide their conversations.
Maxim of quantity (Grice)
- making contributions as informative as required
- do not give too much information than required
Maxim of relation (Grice)
- be relevant
Maxim of quality (Grice)
- do not say what you believe to be false
- avoid saying something which you cannot support with evidence
Maxim of manner (Grice)
- use understandable language
- avoid ambiguity
- be brief
- be orderly
Flouting a maxim (Grice)
A speaker purposefully avoiding a maxim
Violating a maxim (Grice)
Speakers unintentionally avoiding a maxim
Politeness theory (Goffman)
We present an image of ourselves to others, called “face”. Generally we accept others “faces” but face threatening acts can be done
The language we use can determine the way we think about things