Language Disorders in Children Flashcards
study of word structure. It descreibes how words are formed out of more basic elements of language called morphemes (smallest unit of language)
Base, root, or free morphemes
words that have meaning and cannot be broken down into smaller parts and can have other morphemes added to them.
Bound or grammatical morphemes
cannot convey meaning by themselves and must be joined with fee morphemes in order to have meaning (ing, s, ed)
variations of morphemes that do not alter the orinigal meanin gof the morpheme (plural s)
syntax is the study of SENTENCE structure. The arrangement of words to create meaningful sentences. The order of words in a language, etc)
Types of sentences
passive (the cat was petted by mark)
active (mark petted the cat)
interrogatives (did you see that gorgeous sunset?)
declaratives (the sunset was gorgeous)
imperatives-commands (shut the door)
exclamatory (I never said that!)
compound sentence
contains two or more independent clauses joined by a comma and a conjunction or by a semicolon.
the study of the MEANING in language. semantics indludes a person’s vocabulary or lexicon. (antonyms, synonyms, multiple meanings of words (rock, pound), humor (riddles, puns), figurative language.
semantic categories
recurrence: concept of more
rejection: no
causality: cause and effect
world knowledge
using words because they have seen them and experienced them personally
word knowledge
no world knowledge of word. Child learns the planets in school but has never seen or experienced them.
the study of rules that govern the use of language in solcial situations. language that considers the context (situation) of the utterance and the function of the utterance (purpose or goal)
functions of language
3 months
coos and smiles and cries differently for different needs.
Recognizes your voice and may stay quiet or smile when spoken to.
Visually tracks, moves head to voice
vocalizes predominantly vowels
6 months
babbles, laughs and giggles more
Vocalizes excitement and displeasure (varies volume, pitch and rate of vocalizations)
responds to name
looks towards family members when named