Anatomy/Physiology Flashcards
Framework of Respiration
inhalation, chest and lungs expand, diaphragm lowers, air flows in through nose and mouth, air goes down the pharynx and between vocal folds, air continues downward through trachea and bronchial tubes, air reaches the lungs
Spinal Column (how many vertebrae and how many of each)
7 cervical vertebrae
12 Thoracic
5 lumbar
Total: 32-33 Vertebrae
Thick dome shaped muscle that separates the abdomen from the thorax. Considered the primary muscle of inspiration
What are the muscles between the ribs
Intercostal Muscles
11 Paired and pull the ribs downward
Internal Intercostals
11 paired and raise the ribs up and out to increase diameter of thoracic cavity for inhalation.
External Intercostals
vocal cords move to midline
vocal folds open
What u shaped bone is the larynx suspended from
Hyoid bone
What is the largest laryngeal cartilage and forms the anterior and lateral walls of the larynx. It protects the larynx.
Thyroid Cartilage
Cartilage that completely surrounds the trachea and is larger in the back than in the front
Cricoid cartilage
Arytenoid Cartilage
small, pyramid shaped cartilages connected to the superior posterior cricoid. Permits sliding and circular movements.
Intrinsic Laryngeal muscles: responsibility and names
responsible for sound production and movements of the laryngeal cartilages and folds themselves: (PLOT CT)
posterior cricothyroid
lateral cricoarytenoid
oblique arytenoid
thyroarytenoid (Internal thyroarytenoid (vocalis muscle or vocal folds)
transverse arytenoid
Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscles (purpose)
support the larynx and fix its position
Extrinsic laryngeal muscles (elevators and innervation)
Suprahyoid muscles all attach above the hyoid bone. They “elevate” the larynx.
“good dogs make girls so happy”
Digastric (V, VII)
Mylohyoid (V)
Geniohyoid (XII, C1)
Genioglossus (XII)
Stylohyoid (VII)
Hyoglossus (XII)
Extrinsinc Laryngeal Muscles (Depressors and Innervation)
Thyrohyoid (XII, C1)
Omohyoid (C1-C3)
Sternothyroid (C1-C3)
Sternohyoid (C1-C3)
Infrahyoid muscles attach below they hyoid bone and depress the larynx
Composition of the vocal cords
epithelium: outer covering
lamina propria: middle layer
vocalis: body which provides stability and mass to the vocal cords
Aryepiglottic folds
ring of connective tissue and muscle extending fromt he tips of arytenoids to the epiglottis. They separate the laryngeal vestibule from the pharynx and help preferve the airway
Ventricular or false folds
They compress during activities such as coughing and heavy lifing
Regulates motor movement
Cranial Nerve X
Vagus nerve.
Superior laryngeal nerve: internal and external branches. The interal: sensory info from the larynx
Recurrent laryngeal nerve: supplies all motor innervation to interarytenoid, posterior cricoarytenoid, thyroarytenoid, and lateral cricoarytenoid muscles. Receives all sensory info from BELOW the vocal folds
Source filter theory
energy from vibrating vocal folds is modified by the resonance characteristics of the vocal tract (the filter)
Innervation of pharyngeal muscles
Primary muscle of the lips
obicularis oris
Innervation of the facial muscles
VII (facial nerve)
Neurons (definition and its parts)
Central building blocks of the nervous system. most important type of nerve cell. receive information from other neurons, process the information, and then transmit the info to other neurons
Consists of a cell body, dendrites and an axon