Language and Literacy in Infants and Toddlers Flashcards
What are some of the roles family can play in terms of reading development?
be responsive
take time to notice events in the world and the child’s interaction with the world
use words, talk about what they see
point out and talk about print in their environment
sing songs
True or False:
Brain plasticity is the least during the childhood years
During the 0-3 months: babies’ vision of _____ appears more intensely and easier to distinguish
Put the development of vision in order:
A) intense color 6 months
B) binocular vision 8-9 months
C) hand-eye coordination 4 months
D) Distance Vision 3 months
intense color - 3 months
binocular vision - 4 months
hand-eye coordination - 8-9 months
Distance Vision - 6 months
At 0-3 months, infants are more attuned to ____ ____ sounds of caregivers.
specific language
True or False:
more frequent episodes of joint attention in parent-child interactions is associated with more advanced levels of language development
In terms of thinking and understanding, at 0-3 months babies are now able to:
learn about how objects and action are alike and different
learn about cause and effect
learn to use tools
learn that objects and people exist even if they cannot be seen
develop symbolic thinking
learning to imitate
Babies primarily communicate through:
crying, making noise, smiling, gestures, and pointing
True or False:
Within the first few months babies differentiate between:
consonant and vowel sounds
sounds of different languages
True or False:
The more language infants and toddlers hear the larger their vocabularies are and the higher their IQ scores are in the preschool years and beyond
Place the Development of Language in order:
50-200 words and 2-3 word utterances
first word
jargon with adult-like intonation
vocabulary 3-50 words
purposeful cooing
reflexive babbling
Reflexive babbling –> purposeful cooing –> babbling –>
jargon with adult-like intonation –> first word –> vocabuarly 3-50 words –> and 50-200 words/2-3 word utterances
Use of one word for many exemplars
Word is overly specific
i.e. shoe = only child’s shoe
True or False:
languages represented the child’s mental dictionary are proportionate to their exposure to that language
In terms of literacy, infants can learn the following:
how to handle books and turn pages
reading is interesting and fun
reading has pace and intonation