Language Flashcards


Define and comment on the meaning of speech


The communication through spoken words is called speech. there are some terms and conditions in order for this communication to be meaningful and understandable.
In order of a sentence to be meaningful it depends on:
the words we choose. The order in which they are combined. The affixes attached on the beginning or at the end of the words. The pattern of rhythm and emphasis of the speaker.Both speaker’s and listener’s knowledge of the world.
For speech to be understood we have to follow the rules of language. The syntax and grammar are a set of rules on how to use the words to form sentences. The word syntax comes from the Greek world sintaso, that means put together. The rules of syntaxis are learned implicitly, the basic structure is subject + verb + object. This fundamental knowledge of the basic structure, is early acquired around the age of 2 years. Moreover, semantics, it deals with the meaning of words and provides important cues on the syntax of a sentence. Function words – such as the, and, some – help us determine the syntax of a sentence. And, content words, are words that give meaning on a sentence.

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Process of Reading and disorders.


There are two ways to recognize words through reading:
Phonetic reading help people learn to read and write by understanding the relationship between the sounds of the spoken language and the letters or group of letters of the written language.
Whole-word reading is based on the grapheme phoneme correspondence(GPS) rules, with those rules we translate written letters into sounds.
In reading we use both of the ways, an inexperience reader will have to sound out every word he reads and that will make reading very slow. Experienced readers can recognize words quicly most of the words as individual units.
So we have a dual-route model of reading. According to that model there are two routes that can take the reader from spelling to sound.
The lexical route, it searches for words in an internal word pool which have been obtain through experience. It’s like a personalized dictionary.
The second route is the sublexical route, is a system that converts letters into sounds, this process is called grapheme phoneme correspondence.
People with dyslexia, which is a language disorder, they can access only to the whole word form, to the direct lexical route showing difficulties in the order kind route.
Dyslexia is a disorder of impaired reading. There are two categories of dyslexia.
Acquired dyslexia is caused by brain injury. Developmental dyslexia is a difficulty on reading despite adequate intelligence and appropriate educational opportunity.

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Explain language acquisition


In order to understand language acquisition, we have to study the science of psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics is a branch of psychology that studies the verbalbehavior.itdescribes the process that make possible for humans to master and use language. Is a combination of psychology and linguistics. Linguistics is the study of human language. It describes the rules, the nature and the meaning both spoken and written language.
Language acquisition start even before we are born. When a baby is born it has a fully developed auditory system. Even at the age of 2 or 3 months old they can discriminate between voices and other noises. By the age of 2 month, they can discriminate and respond, between pleasant and angry voices. Also, before babies can speak, they can communicate. Most attempts of preverbal communication fall into tree categories, rejection, request and comment. Rejection involves pushing the unwanted object away and using facial expressions of displeasure. Request, it happens when they interact with others, like with their parents, they do so by first looking at the parent and after the point at the object they want and then looks the caregiver again. Finally, comment, is when a babie points on an object or handing it over to the caregiver.
Comprehension develops before verbal production, about at one year of age, we can find the first words. Usually first words are the repeating of syllabus, that parents are mistakenly consider them as a try to address them.
Babies start talking at around 18-20 months, by putting two-words together, on all cultures.
Fast mapping is the ability that children have to acquire a word to their vocabulary after hearing this word at the same time they see it, hear it, or touch what the word is referring to.
The theory of language acquisition device proposed that children are born with the mental capacity that helps them learn the language.

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