Land-Use Controls and Property Development Flashcards
Land Use
regulated by both the state and the municipality
Home Improvement Guaranty Fund
consumers can seek reimbursement for noncollectable damages
determining a plan of development for the town
divides the town into various zones and dictates the type of land use that can occur in each zone
Zoning Commission
must be resident voters of the town, between five and nine members authorized to control land use by enacting and enforcing zoning regulations that are necessary to safeguard the health and general welfare of the public
Zoning Map
divides the town into different zoning districts
Zoning Regulations
dictate what type of land use can occur in each district
a permit to employ a particular use in an area that is not zoned for that use and it runs with the land
Zoning Board of Appeals
a five to eight member board that may be elected or appointed, must hold a public hearing and act of requests for variances within 65 days after proper applications have been submitted, only group that can approve variances
Special Permit
certain uses permitted only if certain standards are met, must apply to the zoning commission, planning commission or zoning board of appeals
Cluster Developments
building patterns concentrating units on a parcel with at least one third of the parcel left as open space for recreational, conservation or agricultural purposes
Village Districts
part of a municipality’s zoning regulations, can have their own land-use regulations protecting the district’s historic, natural and /or community character
Planning Commission
purpose of preparing, adopting and amending a plan of development for the town; plan is a statement of goals, policies and standards relating to the town’s physical and economic development
Subdivision Regulations
planning commission will adopt them and evaluate and approve new subdivision proposals submitted to them
dividing land into three or more parts must be approved by the local planning commission