Lameness Flashcards
Goals of lameness assessment
Investigating Lameness
Important parts of history in a SA lameness exam?
What are you looking for in a visual assessment in a SA lameness exam?
Gait assessment in a lameness exam
What might you see in a neurological condition with the gait assessment?
How can you differentiate between a neurological condition and an ortho condition?
Before an ortho exam, what should you ensure? What is your most valuable tool in assessing lameness? How long will they take? What do you do if you are unsure of your findings?
* not possible in all patients- sedation/ anaesthetized
* stoic patients (Labs)– cessation of panting, licking lips, pupillary dilation
* examine lame limb last & all limbs distal to proximal
* standing patient: muscle atrophy, joint effusion, conformation
* goniometer/ digital photographs– angles
* comparing sides
* long bones and joints
What should you examine on the manus and pes?
What should you examine on the carpus?
What should you examine on the elbow? normal ROM?
What should you examine in the shoulder? normal ROM?
Shoulder abduction angle?
What should you examine with the hock?
What should you examine with the stifle?
What should you look for with the hip?
How do you assess for coxofemoral luxation (2 ways)?
What tests could you use to assess hip dysplasia (2 ways)?
Cat ortho exam differences
When is arthroscopy used?
Where do you perform arthrocentesis on the different joints?
What test shows cranial cruciate ligament disease?
* Cranial tibial thrust
** rare to get caudal cruciate ligament disease
What should you do if blood appears in the syringe during arthocentesis? What percentage of arthocentesis cultures are negative? What type of tube? What else should you assess?
When would you FNA the bone?
What would you use for a bone biopsy? Tests? Risk?
When would you refer?
Exit pathways for lameness?
* NSAID trial/ Crate Rest
In a young dog, what are the most likely candidates for lameness?
What is the pathogenesis of osteochondrosis (OC)?
* A group of diseases affecting the normal process of endochondral ossifications– occurs in young and growing animals ** dysplasia of osteochondrosis really**
* in adult animals articular cartilage is avascular relying on diffusion of nutrients from synovial fluid, but the AEC in immature animals depends on the presence of viable blood vessels within cartilage canals… these vessels gradually disappear as the lumens of the cartilage canals become filled with hyaline cartilage in the process of chondrification.
* Focal disruption of vascular supply in growing animals is believed to be the initiating cause–> focal area of cartilage necrosis and chondrolysis–> primary lesions focal ISCHEMIC NECROSIS of growth cartilage initiated by necrosis of cartilage canal blood vessels
** Because the necrotic cartilage does not undergo mineralization or vascular penetration, a focal failure of endochondral ossification occurs when the ossifaction front approaches the lesion
What is sequelae to osteochondrosis?
* Healing– replaced by granulation tissue which is then converted to bone
* Formation of a subchondral bone cyst
* Fissure which extends to the joint surface which creates a flap OSTEOCHONDRITIS DISSECANS
* Release of inflammatory mediators leads to synovitis/effusion and clinical signs
* Flaps may become mineralized and remain in situ attached to a pedicle or break off and become free within the joint to create a joint mouse
OC aetiology and risk factors
Treatment of OC
Emerging treatments: osteochondral grafting, tissue engineering
Prognosis of shoulder/ humeral head OCD?
* Good prognosis, racing greyhounds can go back to the track
** if the dog is not lame at all, surgery is not indicated
When do puppies usually present with OCD? How do they present?
6-8 months
* typically lameness is unilateral
Conservative management in OCD?
Prognosis of OCD on the femoral condyle?
What is the most advanced type of surgery for OCD of the humeral condyle?
Synthetic cartilage plug
Who is predisposed for OCD of the hock? What part is normally affected? Prognosis?
Most common presentation of OCD
Usually medial, often rottweiler less than 12 months
What is elbow dysplasia?
AKA Ununited anconeal process (UAP)
* umbrella term to describe a series of conditions that lead to the development of osteoarthritis in the elbow joint
*** fragmentation of the medial coronoid process (FMCP or FCP)
* Elbow incongruity
* OCD (under the umbrella of elbow dysplasia)
What is ununited anconeal process?
* GSD over represented
* Clinically silent vs. late onset cases
What are the clinical signs of ununited anconeal process? How would you diagnose?
Treatment of Ununited Anconeal Process?
* Ulna osteotomy + screw + pin– goal is to allow proximal ulna to float proximally (fusion has been documented in some cases, results poorer if fusion achieved)– good prognosis generally
What is medial compartment disease?
* umbrella term referring to conditions which affect the medial aspect of the elbow joint:
- fragmentation of the medial coronoid process
- OC/OCD of the medial humeral condyle
- incongruity
* The lesions may or may not be interrelated
Presentation of medial compartment disease?
* 6-12 months first presentation
* Popular large breeds: GSD, Lb, Rotty, Newfoundland, St Bernard, GR, BMD
* Elbow incongruity can affect smaller dogs especially chondrodystrophoid breeds
* Male 2 x
* Frequently bilateral
* History: progressive/ intermittent weight bearing thoracic limb lameness; most respond to NSAID trial
* Cause? Hereditary component proven, OC vs. incongruency
* Treatment: juvenile patient (limited OA): arthroscopic fragment removal, ulnar osteostomy, subtotaly coronoidectomy, SHO
- Adult patients (established OA): medical, weight control, total elbow replacement
Early lesions of medial compartment disease
Late lesions of medial compartment disease
Pathogenesis of medial compartment disease
* fragmentation of the medial coronoid process
* OC/OCD of the medial humeral condyle
* Incongruity
What does fragmentation of the medial coronoid process (FMCP) lead to?
Clinical signs of medial compartment disease
With medial compartment disease, what is radiography good for? CT?
With medial compartment disease, how can diagnostic arthroscopy be used?
* Changes seen in OCD
* Evaluating congruity
- superior method for both sensitive and specific in comparison with radiographs and CT (w/o 3D modelling)
Treatment of medial compartment disease?
* Due to lack of studies with objective outcome measures, treatment is largely opinion based and therefore highly controversial
*Conservative management: rest, NSAIDs
* Surgery: arthroscopic fragment removal, debridement and curettage (arthroscopy or arthrotomy)– in some dogs a free fragment exists and is readily IDed and removed, in other dogs, only fissuring of the articular cartilage is present. Fissures can extend variable depths into the subchondral bone. Most surgeons excise the affected region as if it were a fragment
What is a subtotal coronoidectomy?
Treatment of OCD, incongruity
Removal of the tip of the medial coronoid process via osteotome or microsaggital saw
Possible treatment of FCP?
Possible treatment of FCP?
What is angular limb deformity (ALD)?
* Mainly affected paired bone systems especially radius and ulna
* Occurs due to injury to the growth plate leading to premature closure (symmetric or assymetric)
- trauma when dogs are young
- distal ulna growth plate is most vulnerable
- synostosis of the radius and ulna
- heritable?
- retained cartilage cores in the distal ulna growth plate
** Premature closure of growth plates can lead to–> reduced length of bone which often causes elbow incongruity
- radial shortening= humeroradial subluxation and increased load on the medial coronoid process by the humeral condyle, predisposing to FMCP
- ulna shortening= leads to humeroulnar subluxation and inc load on the radial head and anconeal process, predisposed to UAP
* angular limb deformity
* discrepancy in limb length: not really an issue for dgs.
* Abnormal load bearing although adjacent joints can lead to postural OA, stretching of the joint capsule/ collateral ligaments
How do you diagnose ALD?
How do you treat ALD?
* Immature dogs with premature closure of the distal ulna growth plate
- distal ulna ostectomy– well tolerated, will prevent deformity getting worse, 2nd procedure may be necessary when the patient stops growing
* Placing a staple across the distal radial growth plate to prevent ongoing growth
* Addressing elbow incongruity:
- due to short ulna: proximal osteotomy can be performed
- due to short radius: proximal ulna osteotomy, transverse radial osteotomy then gradual correction via circular ESF/distraction osteogenesis, saggital stairstep radial osteotomy acute correction
* Correcting angular limb deformity:
- acute correction/ stabilization
- gradual correction via circular ESF
** challenging and time consuming
Hip dysplasia Pathogenesis
* Changes start at 30 days
* Two theories for initiating event:
- Capsular laxity leading to subluxation
- Abnormality of endochondral ossification
** environmental factors:
- maternal milk: relaxin persists for longer in the milk of dysplastic bitches, induces matrix metalloproteinases
- testosterone only found in the milk of dysplastic bitches
- excessive food consumption/ rapid growth– shortens time to first appearance and worsens severity
* Genetics
Sequelae of hip dysplasia
*Subluxation leads to cartilage wear, wear of the dorsal acetabular rim, synovitis and initiation of OA
* Periarticular fibrosis can make the joint more stable, reducing subluxation and resolving the lameness
* Long term, progression of OA can lead to lameness/ poor hindlimb function
* Usually bilateral but can be unilateral
Signalment and clinical signs of hip dysplasia
How do you determine magnitude of hip laxity?
Ortho exam of juvenile hip dysplasia
* laxity is the primary abnormality in juvenile hip dysplasia
* Mediolateral translation of the proximal femure relative to osseous portions of the pelvis- positive Ortolani sign
* assessment of pain during forced extension
Conservative management of juvenile hip dysplasia
Surgical management of hip dysplasia
* Triple pelvic osteotomy (TPO): achieve functional hip joint stability also improves congruency and load distribution, increases the weight bearing area of the surfaces of teh acetabulum and femoral head which reduces the stress on the articular cartilage (can’t have OA** recommended for early stages before DJD**, angle of subluxation must be < 10 degrees and angle of reduction needs to be < 30 degrees, 5-11 months old)
* Pelvis osteotomised in three places: ischium, ilium and pubis; acetabular fragment rotated 20-40 degrees to imporve femoral head coverage, ilial osteotomy is stabilized with a custom stepping plate… very invasice and expensive but good results.
What is Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis?
What is a coxofemoral neurectomy?
What is avascular necrosis of the femoral head (AVFH)?
Signalment and clinical signs of AVFH?
Diagnosis and treatment of AVFH?
What is FHNE?
Indications for total hip replacement
The surgical procedure takes approximately 60-120 minutes
Requires a coordinated team of surgeons and theatre nurses
Preparation of the femur and acetabulum are followed by implantation of custom prosthetic components
Contraindications for THR
Hip dysplasia in cats
Patella luxation pathogenesis
* Usually associated with skeletal deformities e.g. for medial patella luxation: coxa vara, genu varum, external rotation of the distal femure, poorly developed medial ridge of the tibia,, internal rotation of the foot, etc.
* The opposite abnormalities are present with lateral patella luxation
* For both medial and lateral patella luxation the groove can be shallow
* Tend to get redundant soft tissue on the side of the luxation and stretched tissue on the side opposite the luxation
* these developmental abnormalities are present during the growing period, however 1st luxation may occur later
* often bilateral
* bony abnormalities are likely inherited
* medial patella luxation more common
* occurs in cats, mainly medial, weak association with hip dysplasia
Clinical signs and ortho exam with patella luxation
Grading system for patella luxation
Patella luxation treatment
Can be an incidental finding with no lameness noted by the owners
Mild intermittent lameness: consider conservative mangement
Hydro & physio useful for quads tone/mass
Large breed dogs and cases with grade 4 luxation should have surgery as quickly as possible after diagnosis.
Lots of different techniques described and often a combination required.
Most cases require tibial tuberosity transposition and groove deepening combined with soft tissue techniques
Soft tissue techniques ALONE tend to fail
Cases with grade 4 luxation usually require corrective osteotomies of the femur +/-the tibia.
Tuberosity secured with 2 k wires +/-a TBW
If transposed too far can create the opposite type of patella luxation
Placed from fabellato tibialtuberosity to counter internal or external rotation.
Placed from lateral fabellafor MPL
Heavy monofilament nonabsorbablesuture material typically used.
If concurrent MPL and CCLR, antirotationalsuture will also address craniocaudalinstability
Typical problem with over nutrition (excess ME)
What is important with nutrition during cartilage precursor, osteoblast infiltration, and osteoid production?
What is key during osteoid production, cartilage and osteoid mineralisation and cortical and trabecular bone remodelling in regards to nutrition?
What is a big problem with puppy nutrition? Why?
Too much energy is what is undesirable– too much protein protects against OCD
** Ad lib feeding of large and giant breeds should be avoided, does not happen in cats
What can happen if you underfeed puppies?
* Osteoporosis (not enough bone)- stunting, pathological fractures, subsequent hypocalcaemia crises
* Copper deficiency– weakened/ reduced osteoid
What can happen in a dog or cat fed an all meat diet?
Could miss out on the appropriate Ca:P diet, 1:1 (grains and meat have a Ca:P of 1:10+)
* Try to provide > 50% commercial diet
* Need dietary Ca = 1.2% of DM, P= 0.6-1.2%
* Don’t add extra supplements (e.g. Ca)
How can we assess secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism?
* Urinary P excretion… compare urein: serum % of phosphorous and creatinine (baseline metabolite that the kidney doesn’t reabsorb)
Who has the higher Ca diet?
What can happen with low dietary vitamin D?
Vitamin D needed for active Ca & P absorption from gut–> low Ca &/0r P means bone can’t be mineralised–> Rickets in growing animals or Osteomalacia in adults (remodelled bone is soft)
How do you ensure adequate levels of vitamin D in the diet?
Good levels in organ meats, fish, fish oils, dairy (use as components of carnivore diets)
How much calcium do you need to add to a diet to fix Ca:P ratio?
Ideal diet of a dog and cat?
* Base on a complete commercial food
* Add fresh fruit and veges (dogs) if meat based– but mainly avoid meat based
* Avoid extra supplements
* Cook raw foods to reduce microbial risk
* Cats need extra: vit A, B, D
- all found in meats, organs, fish
- vitamins A and D both toxic if over-supplemented
If we want high contrast and high detail, how do we make that happen in a radiograph?
* Low KV–> improves contrast but need enough to get through
* High mAs–> consider building the image with lots of photons thus more detail
What does single emulsion and single screen give us?
What does double screen/film give us?
Single Emulsion and Single Screen
- Increased detail
- Increased exposure
- Depends on thickness
- Increased contrast
- No parallax error
- Less quantum mottle
Double screen/film
- Intensifies xrays thus can reduce mAs required for density therefore less dose
- Quicker therefore sharper image if motion
- Get parallax error
- Need for horses to reduce exposure time
- Need for larger animals > 10cm to reduce exposure times
What’s wrong with this?
Tibial Condyle obliterated
Which one is dog and which is a cat?
Think maybe tibial evulsion fracture– common in puppies… BUT it is not! It is normal– it is an open growth plate, compare the other leg and the other bones
* Right radiograph has a tibial fracture
Bilateral tibia evulsion fracture
* You can also see lysis– presented after weeks
If they are not closed by about 9 months, then wonder??
Skeletal Mature vs Immature?
Produced bone
Removed bone
ABCs Approach to Viewing Musculoskeletal X-Rays?
Describe abnormal bony findings in xrays? Interpretation?
* Interpret– normal vs. abnormal? Normal anatomic variant, projection artefact, true abnormality
** Unlikely to give a definitive diagnosis– likely to need a biopsy
How do you prioritise differentials?
how do you assess?
Size, shape, opacity, number and position of organs.
The presence of cortical destruction, periosteal reaction, and non distinct transition zone will be AGGRESSIVE!!!
Cortical destruction/ cortical integrity
Examples of non-aggressive bone disease
Examples of aggressive bone lesions
Parameters to Develop DDX list– aggressive vs. non-aggressive
Lesion location examples
What is meant by an aggressive lesions rate of progressive?
Progresses rapidly– changes appearance over a week
Description and interpretation of skeletal change
Findings with OA
enthesiophyte- Enthesiophytes are abnormal bony projections at the attachment of a tendon or ligament. They are not to be confused with osteophytes, which are abnormal bony projections in joint spaces. It has been noted that Enthesiophytes and osteophytes are bone responses for stress.
–Periosteal new bone formation that develop at the periarticular margin
–Periosteal new bone formation that occurs at a point of traction. That is at ligament, tendons or joint capsule attachments)
Septic Arthritis- differentiate between this and OA by history etc.
Septic arthritis
Other non-key causes of lameness in older dogs
Primary and secondary?
Aetiology of OA
Pathogenesis of OA
- get hypertrophy and hyperplasia and infiltration with lymphocytes
- proteolytic enzymes and inflammatory cytokines released from macrophages
* Subchondral bone
- sclerosis
- formation of osteophytes
* pain
- nociceptors in all structures in joint except articular cartilage
- can lead to central sensitisation which may drive the progression of OA pathology. COX enzymes may play an important role in this
History and clinical signs of OA
Diagnosis of OA
Non surgical management of OA
Conservative management of OA
NSAID mechanism of action? Side effects?
COX 2 specific NSAIDs have improved safety profiles e.g. Firocoxib, COX ratio 350
* most have central effects
When is tramadol C/I?
If on TCAs
Possible deleterious effect of corticosteroids on joints?
Intra- articular preparations may have deleterious effects on cartilage matrix synthesis
What are DMOADs/ Neutraceuticals?
What are salvage surgeries performed with OA?
Causes of infective arthritis
Pathogenesis of infective arthritis
Clinical signs of infective arthritis
Diagnosis of infective arthritis
Treatment of infective arthritis
** septic arthritis: culture synovium, remove implants, radical synovectomy, implantation of PMMA beads with ABs
* Joint irrigation/ surgery indicated if:
- gross contamination
- poor response to initial antibiotic therapy
- implant retrieval required
* ingress/ egress needles with lavage
* Arthroscopy
* Open arthrotomy indicated if
- no access to arthroscopy
- penetrating wound
- implant removal required
- radical synovectomy
- placement of local delivery devices required
Prognosis of septic arthritis
Pathogenesis of Immune Mediated Arthritis
Classifications of immune mediated arthritis
History and Clinical Signs of Immune Mediated Arthritis
Diagnosis of immune mediated arthritis
* Haematology
- leukocytosis or leukopaenia
- thrombocytopaenia (sec to IMTP)
- anaemia (sec to AIHA or chronic disease)
* Biochemistry
- increased globulins
- low albumin if protein losing nephropathy/glomerulopathy present
* Serum C reactive protein:
- markedly elevated initially
- used to guid therapy and prognosis
Treatment of immune mediated arthritis
Carpal hyperextension injury
Clinical exam findings of coxofemoral luxation
Imaging of coxofemoral luxation
Conservative management of coxofemoral luxation
Surgical approach coxofemoral luxation
Toggle? Transarticular pin?
Prosthetic capsulorrhaphy? Iliofemoral suture?
Hip Arthritis
* Excision arthroplasty- FHNE remains an economical procedure for the treatment of severe hip pain
* Chronic rehabilitation required for optimal longterm function
* Unreliable outcomes in larger dogs
* Surgical technique, age, patient size, duration of clinical sign and postoperative physical therapy have an effect on long-term outcome
Indications for total hip replacement
What is this kind of surgery? What is the other option?
Cement THR
Pathogenesis of Cruciate Disease
History and Clinical signs of cruciate disease
What can happen at the same time as cruciate disease?
What are the manipulative tests for cruciate disease?
What will you see on diagnostic imaging of cruciate disease?
Conservative management of cruciate disease
What does arthrotomy or arthroscopy do for cranial cruciate disease?
How can you restore stability after cruciate disease?
What is a lateral febellotibial suture?
What are the geometry altering procedures that can be used in cruciate disease?
Advantages and disadvantages of a TTO?
By changing the geometry of the forces of gravity and muscle contractions that act on the stifle during weight-bearing, it aims to neutralise the shear force that causes the cranial movement of the tibia with respect to the femur.
This shear force develops because the canine tibial plateau – the weight-bearing aspect of the joint – is sloped caudally (downwards towards the back of the joint)and there is an acute angle between the tibial plateau slope and the patellar ligament. In the TTO procedure, the tibia has three osteotomies (cuts into the bone with a bone saw) performed upon it with the aim of realigning the tibial plateau slope so that it ultimately becomes aligned at right angles to the patellar ligament instead of sloping backwards. By achieving this, shear forces within the joint are neutralised and the joint is stable as the dog weight-bears.
The joint is not stable, however, when it is physically manipulated by attempting to move the tibia cranially.This contrasts with previous methods of CrCL repair which aimed to provide stability to the joint by replacing the ligament either with a fascial graft within the joint, or using a prosthesis made of nylon placed externally from the lateral fabella to a hole drilled in the tibial crest.
The TTO procedure has been developed as a hybrid of two previously available orthopaedic procedures, the tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) and the tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO). The TTA neutralises shear force within the stifle by advancing the tibial tuberosity until the tibial plateau is at right angles to the patellar ligament. The TPLO neutralises shear force by rotating the tibial plateau so that it is approximately horizontal with respect to the long axis of the tibia. The TTO combines both of these procedures and as such less radical changes than either are required.
Explain how the cranial tibial thrust test works
Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy
In a TPLO procedure, the tibial plateau, the portion of the tibia adjoining the stifle, is cut and rotated so that its slope changes to approximately 5 degrees from the horizontal plane,.[3][4] This prevents the femur from sliding down the slope of the tibial plateau when the dog puts weight on its knee.[5] Thus surgery generally results in faster recovery times compared to other procedures to stabilize the knee. Most dogs (over 90%) are expected to regain a very active and athletic lifestyle with no post-operative complications and without the need for any long-term pain relieving medication.[6]
Advantages to TPLO
* earlier return to weight bearing compared to intra and extra articular techniques
* low rates of subsequent meniscal tears
* Recent studies used objective outcome measures have documented quicker return to function and better long term function
What is a Tibial Tuberosity Advancement?
TTA is a surgical procedure designed to correct CrCL deficient stifles. The objective of the TTA is to advance the tibial tuberosity, which changes the angle of the patellar ligament to neutralize the tibiofemoral shear force during weight bearing. A microsaggital saw is used to cut the Tibial Tuberosity off then a special titanium cage is used to advance the tibial tuberosity. A titanium plate is used to hold the tibial tuberosity in position.[2] By neutralizing the shear forces in the stifle caused by a ruptured or weakened CrCL, the joint becomes more stable without compromising joint congruency.
Disadvantage of TTA?
Subsequent meniscal tears associated
What is a CBLO?
Longterm functional outcome of TTA v. TPLO and ECR in dogs?
Extracapsular repair (ECR)
CCLR treatment algorithm
TKR= total knee replacement
So what?
Meniscal blood supply
** partial meniscectomy of damaged tissue only
* preservation of capsular attachment & preservation of cranial and caudal meniscotibial ligaments
Prophylactic intervention to reduce incidence of meniscal tears?
Aftercare of meniscal release
- immobilization mandatory- left on for 4-6 weeks
* Methods: splint, trans articular application of external skeletal fixation, calcaneotibial screw
* Pan tarsal arthrodesis
* Prognosis is generally good
Blood supply in normal bone? Blood supply in fractured bone?
What is direct bone healing?
What is indirect bone healing?
Possible fracture radiology
* general anaesthesia is often req’d to obtain good quality radiographs due to potentially painful positive
* minimum of two orthogonal views (at 90 degrees of each other)
* radiography of the contralateral limb may be useful (comparison)
What are the possible nature’s of fractures?
Traumatic, Stress, Pathologic (e.g. renal disease)
What are the energy levels of trauma?
Low energy (non-displaced fracture), high energy (comminuted fracture- displaced or even shattered), very high energy (gunshot- soft tissue overlying the bone important because that is where blood supply comes from to heal the bone).
* Healing will change depending on how much energy has gone into causing the break. AND affects the stability of the fracture and might influence how we treat the fracture.
Terms of each.
Simple= one fracture line
Oblique= longer than one bone diameter or not
Segmental= segment of diaphysis that has a complete cortical rim
Comminuted= MUSH- fragments- they are not complete- no complete diaphyseal there
Avulsion= normally occur at sites of muscle attachment
Depressed fractures= flat bones, typically of the skull
T and Y fractures= Fractures of the elbow- normal fossa- Straight across or Y pattern
Salter Harris Classification
Description of articular fractures. Is epiphysis involved or also some portion of the metaphysis?
Pull of muscles resulted in fractures moving towards each other.
Gustilo-Anderson Classification
With open fractures.
Type I- wound
Type II- wound > 1 cm but lots of soft tissue damage, flap or avulsion
Type III- more severe- extensive soft tissue injury. Is there adequate soft tissue for closure (3 different levels)
** Important because they introduce contamination. Bones and screws left for the rest of the animal’s life unless they cause a problem. Except bacteria can adhere to surface of the implant with a sludge that protects them from antibiotics and the body’s immune system. So typically we don’t give antibiotics for the rest of the animal’s life.
Planning for implants
* Bone stock- have we got enough bone for the particular implant (metal stabilizer)
* Bone size
* What fracture forces?
* Which type?
* What size?
Hole should not be greater than 30% of the bone.
Blood supply to the bone- what happens after a fracture?
Extraosseous supply of healing bone. Transient. Then normal system is reestablished. Preserve soft tissue attachments and blood supply as much as possible.
Why are nutrient foramen important for us to know their locations?
Can be mistaken for a fracture.
Direct Bone Union
Indirect Bone union
Internal remodelling. No intermediate cartilage stage/ endochondral ossification
Inter-fragmentary Strain Theory
New gap size vs. what the original gap size was. New bone cannot form if strain between two fragments is > 2%. Strain is high when the change in length is high. If original length of the gap is small, strain is also high.
Think of
Strain= change in length (gap size)/ original length (gap size)
e.g. broken tibia, moving around, unstable, high strain. If you fix tibia but you still have a gap, then there is strain. As long as less than 2%, new bone can form.
Indirect Bone Union
Becasue intrafragmentary strain is too high this is what happens. So tissues that are tolerant of high strain form and are laid down further away from the central axis of the bone. They impart stability to the fracture. Therefore strain decreases and NOW BONE CAN FORM!
** callus deposition is a response to instability and results in increasing stability.
Bone is not very tolerant of strain (instability), but what tissues are tolerant?
Haematoma, Granulation Tissue- 100% for both
Cartilage not as tolerant- 15% but more so than bone (
Contact Healing
Gap Healing
Contact Healing- Bones are together and healing. Compressed together, rigidly stable then we get new bone forming. Occurs with osteoclasts and osteoblasts- oriented parallel to long axis of the bone. Dont see much callus.
Gap healing- we still have bone ends close together less than I mm. But because of a gap- it is more disorganized- not parallel. WOVEN BONE deposited- DISORGANIZED. Subsequently has to be remodelled so it TAKES LONGER.
Stronger when loaded longitudinally vs. transversely
Stronger in compression vs. tension
The forces acting on bone determine the conformation of the fracture.
Compression = oblique fractures 30-45 degrees angle to the direction of compressive force
Tensile force= transverse fractures- straight across- perpendicular to tensile load
Bending= transverse fractures (think of bone on a bar)
Bending and compression= butterfly fracture
Torsional forces= spiral crack (~45 degrees)
What is meant by bones are NOT pure cylinders? Using the femur as an example.
Differential loading
Tension band wire
Neutralizes tension caused by muscle contraction.
Can also use a plate to neutralize tension forces.
Pins with interlocking nails. Implant placed in the neutral axis of the bone. Neutralization of torsional forces and also bending forces.
Comminuted fracture- so it cannot withstand force therefore plate is necessary for healing.
Some type of plate fixation.
aims of a surgeon with a fracture
Preserve vascular supply of the healing bone, provide stability vs. forces acting at the fracture site.
FORCES MUST BE OVERCOME for the fracture to heal.
Thoracic Limbs 30% BW
Pelvic limbs 20% BW at slow walk
5 x this with running and jumping
Comminuted fracture of the tibia- what are we doing here?
Why? 2 reasons!
Using a plate, interlocking nail, and external skeletal fixation
Always a race between implant failing- and healing. THEY ALWAYS FATIGUE AND WILL EVENTUALLY BREAK.
Amount of deformation to rate of loading
Energy stored during deformation is released at time of yield (fracture)
Amount of soft tissue damage is proportional to energy released
When the sum of forces acting on the bone > stiffness = fracture
Bone is anisotropic (fine architecture)
* stronger when loaded longitudinally vs. transversely
* stronger in compressive vs. tension
What are the three factors in the fracture assessment score when determining how robust our intervention needs to be? Explain a little on each.
What is a problem with a cast?
Generally poor at countering forces at the fracture site. Instability is still present. Must immobilize the joint above and below the fracture. Can cause rubbing. Sometimes can become more expensive than a bone plate if you charge properly for each change.
ONLY IN ANIMALS where rapid uncomplicated healing anticipated.
A small increase in the radius of our pin, does what to AMI (area moment of inertia)?
What does an increase in height do?
Radius ^ 4
AMI (area moment of inertia) of the plate Height^3
Gardiner’s Approach vs. Carpenter Approach
New approach is Gardiner’s Approach. Want to make sure joint surfaces and rotational alignment is the same BUT we dont’ care about the little bits of bone. We want to disturb the soft tissue and vascular supply as little as possible for healing.
What does it mean that bone is viscoelastic?
The amount of energy that bone can absorb before it fractures is dependent on the rate at which that load is applied. Whenever energy is stored in bone, it will be released when it fractures. More energy stored = more energy released = more fragments and more damage to surrounding Soft tissue structures
High energy v. low energy fractures
Physiological forces acting on the repair (the forces we need to overcome to repair– create favorable conditions of intra fragmentary strain)
rotational, axial, bending
What does it mean that bone is anisotropic?
What is the significance of bones not being true cylinders and loaded eccentrically?
What does the shape of the bone cause in regards to forces on the bone?