Lambing Period and Neonatal Disease Flashcards
Name 6 common problems at lambing time
Dystocia, prolapses, metritis, mastitis, metabolic disease, abortion
What is ringwomb?
failure of cervix to dilate >5cm w/in 2 hours of onset of 2nd stage of labor
Causes of ringwomb?
Prematurity (abortion?), disturbance during 1st stage of labor, malpresentation, Ca deficiency, exogenous estrogens
Tx of ringwomb?
Manual dilation, hormonal, C-section
How do you tx uterine torsion?
Try casting and rolling ewe to correct - then allow time for cervix to dilate
c-section may be required
You have a old ewe in late pregnancy, with swelling of lower left abdomen (cranial to pubis), extensive ventral edema, and it has difficulty moving / feeding - what do is your diagnosis?
Prepubic tendon rupture
What are ewes with prepubic tendon rupture prone to getting?
pregnancy toxemia
When is c-section indicated in a ewe?
Relative fetal oversize, large pure-bred lambs in posterior presentation, incomplete cervical dilation
describe L block technique of LA for c-section
inverted L-block
50-60 ml 2% procaine (max)
Describe C-section in the ewe
1) Restrain
2) procaine penicillin & flunixin
3) prepare site (L flank)
4) vertical incision midway b/w last rib and wing of ilium
5) open abd muscles using scissors
6) locate uterine horn, exteriorize
7) incision in body of uterus - deliver lamb
8) check for lambs in other horn - remove fetal membranes
9) close incision
10) continuous sutures peritoneum & muscles
11) skin incision (simple interupted or cruciate w. 6.0 monofilament)
12) continue penicillin inj 3d after surgery
When are vaginal prolapses most likely to occur?
during last 4 weeks of pregnancy
Risk factors for vaginal prolapse?
Certain breeds, multiple fetuses, older ewes, bulky feed, high BCS, lack of exercise, steep sloping fields, short docking
Tx of vaginal prolapse?
Retention devices / harnesses
Tx of uterine prolapse?
position ewe w/ frog legs
replacement = as for vaginal
Abx for 3-5 days, NSAIDs, Calcium
no need to cull, unlikely to recurr
name 2 most common causes of mastitis in sheep
Mannheimia hemolytica, Staphylococcus aureus
CS of metritis
depression inappetance congested MM vulval swelling / discharge decreased milk production (hungry lambs)
Tx of metritis
Parenteral abx + NSAIDs
4 less common causes of mastitis
Streptococcus spp
E. coli
Leptospira interogans var. hardjo
Maedi-visna virus (indurative mastitis)
CS of mastitis
inappetant, often initially lame in one hind limb, noisy / hungry lambs, udder is swollen/hard/painful may become purple/cold due to necrosis
Ewes often die - in survivors, udder can slough
Less severe cases: abscesses, poor lamb growth, hard swellings w/in udder
Tx of mastitis
Tilmicosin NSAIDs (pain and endotoxic) Gangrenous cases - euthanasia
How do you tx hypothermia? (5hrs old)
If temp 5hr old = give glucose IP, then continue with other protocol
If moderately hypothermic (37-39) - dry off, give colostrum by stomach tube
Always return to ewe and monitor carefully
What causes Watery mouth? (path)
non-enterotoxigenic E. coli ingested and multiplied in intestines -> endotoxemia (+ bacteremia)
CS of watery mouth?
depression / lethargy, anorexia, profuse salivation, abdominal distension, +/- hypothermia
When do you commonly see watery mouth? (what age)
1-3 day old lambs
triplets more affected than single/twin lambs
Prevention of watery mouth?
colostrum early, hygiene, prophylactic oral abx w/in 15 min of birth?
What are 4 main cause of neonatal lamb diarrhea?
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), Cryptosporidiosis, Salmonella, Enteric viruses
CS (and what age) and Tx for Enterotoxigenic e. coli
CS = <48 hours old; severe watery brown diarrhea
Tx = prompt fluid therapy, abx
CS for crypto
and what age
lambs 2-20 days old
profuse, watery diarrhea (+/- blood tinged), dehydration, inappetence, lethargy
what are the two main salmonella subtypes that cause diarrhea in lambs?
typhimurium and dublin
CS of salmonella
severe intestinal inflammation, bacteremia, endotoxemia =
profuse/bloody/fetid-smelling diarrhea, depression, +/- pyrexia, dehydration, dyspnoea, rapid progression to recumbency / death
What causes lamb dysentery?
Clostridium perfringens type B (b and e toxins)
When do you see lamb dysentery?
<3 weeks (commonly 1-3 days initially)
CS of lamb dysentery
Sudden death (of strong, single lambs) 2-3 weeks old lambs = acute abdominal pain, +/- nervous signs, +/- dysentery (semi-fluid, blood stained feces)
Diagnosis of lamb dysentery
Hx, CS, necropsy findings
Gram + rods
ELISA of beta and e toxins
4 syndromes of neonatal bacteremias
Joint ill, spinal abcesses, navel ill, meningitis
CS of joint ill (and when do you see it)
2-3 week old lambs
sudden onset lameness, not suckling, ill thrift
Strep dysgalactiae, tick pyemia, and erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae can cause what in lambs?
fyi - tick pyemia is caused by staph arthritis
Where on the spine do spinal abscesses commonly occur in sheep?
also, what is the characteristic posture?
b/w T2 & L3
“dog sitting” posture (spastic paralysis of hindlimbs)
you see a lamb that isn’t sucking, w/ episcleral congestion, dorsal strabismus, weakness and ataxia which has progressed into depression/stupor, hyperaesthesia, seizures, and pyrexia. What is your diagnosis?
CS of lambs with border disease?
Low birth weights / weakness
Limb abnormaities - long, fine bones, immobile joints
Narrow head, short mandible, domed skull
Nervous signs - tremor, ataxia, hypermetria
Hairy and abnormally pigmented fleece
What are 4 common trace element deficiencies in lambs?
iodine, copper, selenium, cobalt
What management practices can be done to prevent neonatal losses?
skilled manpower, easy accessed lambing pens, good lighting, compact lambing period, good hygiene, stocking rates (no more than 1 ewe / 1.1m2 - individ pens at least 3m2) (1 pen/8 housed ewes), dip navels in iodine, appropriate genetics, appropriate nutrition
how much colostrum does a 5kg lamb require? and when?
1 L in first 18-24 hours of life
what can be substituted if a ewe’s colostrum sucks?
frozen excess colostrum from other ewes, cow colostrum, powdered colostrum
What can happen if you use cow colostrum for lambs?
Cow colostrum-induced anemia
contain Ab to sheep RBC