lacrimal gland and tears Flashcards
what is the tubuloracinar?
a gland with branching tubles that end with secretory alveoli
what two glands do tear film production
the lacrimal gland and the accessory glands
give three accesory gland examples
Glands of wolfrin, meibomian gland and the gland of moll
what are the two cell types in the lacrimal gland?
secretory and myoepithelial
what do myoepithelial cells do?
surround each acinus and produce contractile forces to push tears down the duct
Give the 7 main functions of the tear film
-maintains a smooth refracting surface over the cornea
-transports metabolic products to and from the epithelial cells of the cornea
what gland produces most of the tear fluid
lacrimal gland
lacrimal produces 90% and accessory produces 10%
what is the resting level of tear fluid?
1.5ml/day this can increase over 100x when the lacrimal gland is stimulated
what does the lipid layer of the tear flim do?
-inhibits tear evaporation
-protects aqueous layer from polar lipid contamination
-acts as hydrophobic barrier at meibomian gland orifices to prevent outflow of tears
draw out the layers of the tear film
check ss in optom ss folder file
what are the functions of the mucous layer of the tear film?
-to allow tears to wet the epithelium
-to maintain the stability of the tear film when blinking
Where from is the mucous layer of the tear film produced?
mainly by goblet cells in the conjunctiva but some is produced by the main lacrimal gland
Give the sequence of the lacrimal drainage system
- Lacrimal puncta
- lacrimal canaliculi
- lacrimal sac
- nasolacrimal duct
- nasal cavity
Give the route of lacrimal fluid within the orbit
- lacrimal gland
- conjunctival sac
- lacrimal lake
- lacrimal puncta where it then drains out
What part of the brains control tears?
-the hypothalamus as it influences the lacrimal cells by being involved in controlling emotions
What is the sympathetic nervous system?
Activates fight or flight response. Involved in production of adrenaline and control of the cardiovascular system
What is the parasympathetic nervous system
Rest and digest - slows heart rate and increases intestinal and gland activity and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gut
What is the trigeminal ganglion?
Sensory ganglion of the trigeminal nerve and is responsible for sensation in the face
What are the steps that cause humans to blinkin terms of tear film?
-tear film evaporates causing hypertonicity (high salt)
-hypertonicity draws water from epithelial cells
-epithelial cells draw water from the stroma
-the hypertonicity causes a slight sting that causes the blink to restore isotonicity
Give the steps to show how the drainage system is driven by pressure gradients throughout the stages of blinking
- Before blinking, the system is open
- Canaliculi are filled with fluid and there’s no pressure gradient in the system
- Closing phase
- Puncta meet and close
- Canaliculi and sac are compressed
- Horners muscle contracts during a blink squeezing the lacrimal sac
- Pressure increases so fluid moves into the duct
- Reopening
- Sac and Canaliculi re-expand causing negative pressure in the sac
- Puncta reopen and fluid flows into the Puncta and Canaliculi
What happens in the schirmers tear flow test?
-paper tabs are inserted into the lower lids and then removed after 5 minutes
-less than 10mm wetting is abnormal
What three things has the schirmers test been used to show?
-topical proparacaine hydrochloride anaesthesia reduces mean tear flow rate by 40%
-no statistically significant difference in tear production between men and women
-tear production doesn’t drop significantly with age
What is the tear breakup time?
The number of seconds that elapse between the last blink and the appearance of the first dry spot in the tear film
What are the issues with measuring tear breakup time in practise?
-uneven mixing of fluorescein
-unknown fluorescein concentration
-lag time between the appearance if a dry spot and it’s discovery by the observer
What are the advantages of the rose bengal stain
-stains dry epithelium while cells are still in situ
-stains corneal filaments bright pink
-stains lipid contaminated mucous strands
What are the symptoms, signs and causes of dry eyes?
Symptoms: mild burning and grittiness caused by corneal drying, blurred vision in extreme cases
Signs: reduced tear meniscus on lower eyelid, dullness of the cornea, fluorescein and rose bengal staining of inferior cornea and conjunctiva, reduced wetting if schirmer’s test
Causes: abnormalities in any of the tear film layers e.g. lack of lipid layer, shrograns disease
Give the symptoms and causes of watery eyes
-symptoms: excess production of fluid from the lacrimal gland
-causes: reflex watering due to inflammatory conditions like foreign body, iritis, acute glaucoma, injury
Give an example of a lacrimal gland disorder
What are the symptoms signs and causes?
Symptoms: swelling and tenderness of the lateral aspect if the upper eyelid
Signs: inflammation of the lacrimal gland
Causes: acute infections and chronic infections such as mumps