Labour Movement 1865-1947 Flashcards
What was the position of workers in 1865?
In 1865 unions largely craft. Rise in industrialisation saw more unskilled workers enter the force but they were often employed on contracts, could easily be fired, and no health and safety for workers due to additional cost to employer. Courts considered injury a risk workers had to take. Unrepresented in union.
Who were the Knights of Labour and AFL? Who were Industrial Workers of the World?
Knights of Labour, KOL – Formed 1869, 1879 under Terence Powderly’s leadership, 1885 conducted successful strike against Wabash Railroad, 1886 Haymarket affair ruined KOL. 1881 had 20,000 members rising to 700,000 by 1886. Fell to 100,000 by 1890.
AFL – American Federation of Labour – set to replace KOL and unite unions. 1914 had 2 mil members.
Industrial Workers of the World or Wobblies, set in 1905, Chicago, more militant and fought for rights of poorer workers and immigrants. Militancy and violence disliked by employers. Had 100,000 members by 1923. Then declined.
How did the Homestead Strike and Pullman Strike affect union membership?
1892 Homestead Strike bankrupted the Amalgated Association of Iron and Steel Workers with membership falling from 24,000 in 1891 to 6300 by 1909.
The Pullman Strike of 1894 showed refusal of employers to grant workers rights to collective bargaining and showed union difficulty in being recognised.
How did unions improve position by WWI? Why was position arguably not stronger?
By WWI position of unions stronger: 2 million members in unions by 1910 and unions began to put pressure on politicians. Not strongery: only 20% of non-agricultural workers in unions, many industries such as steel and car manufacture didn’t have unions, many unions not legally recognised and lacked power over decision, workers divided by ethnicity, gender, and skill with skilled white male workers having most gains. AFL saw Gompers push for Wilson’s 1912 campaign and by 1912 he introduced a Dept of Labor.
How did WWI see improvements for position of unions?
Rise in demand for textiles for uniform and steel for weapons saw industries more conciliatory. In 1918 Wilson set a National War Labour Board for unions and the government to negotiate. Workers accepted no strike policy for eight hour day max.
What was consequence of 20s boom for union position?
After WWI there was industrial action with strikes in Chicago and labour unions in Seattle threatening stoppage as the Red Scare was brought. Saw workers gain increase in real wages. As real wages improved employers offered reduced hours, pensions, insurance, and other services. Welfare capitalism increase to offer benefits and prevent industrial activity. No-strike agreements followed from this development and right to negotiate wages abandoned. Yellow-dog contracts for some companies forbade workers from joining other unions. Henry Ford refused to recognise any union for collective bargaining until 1941.
What was position of porters at Pullman Company?
Porters relied on tips for much of their income, as porters were mostly AAs the promotion to conductor was limited to white workers, company prevented efforts to form union, and poor work conditions.A Philip Randolph in 1925 became president of the BSCP. By 1955 he became vice president of the merged AFL-CIO. He was a member of the Socialist Party and familiar with concepts of Industrial Workers of the World. The Pullman Company established its own union and banned meetings of the BSCP.
How did BSCP gain recognition by 1935?
. Half of porters joined BSCP and had no recognition by 1928. 1934 Roosevelt passed Railway Labor Act recognising BSCP’s claim to represent the porters. In 1935 elections held when Randolph demanded National Mediation Board declare BSCP porters’ representative. In 1935 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters gained recognition, 51% of porters within a year.
How did workers suffer from Wall Street Crash?
Wall Street Crash commenced Oct 1929 as price of shares fell leading to a recession. Employers took harsh stance against workers fearing loss of their jobs and called in police or strike breakers during any strikes. Union membership fell. Saw unemployment reach 25% by 1933 with 13 million unemployed. Industrial cities such as Chicago harshly affected by AA unemployment. By 1933 10% workforce unionised.
What was NIRA in the ND?
1933 National Industry Recovery Act, NIRA, encouraged firms to agree to codes of practise regarding hours, wage rates, and union rights. Enshrined in law right of workers to organise unions and have collective bargaining but Henry Ford didn’t sign and Supreme Court found unconstitutional.
What was the Wagner Act?
1935 National Labor Relations Act, or Wagner Act, set National Labor Relations Board to negotiate on behalf of workers and prevent company unions, looked into unfair practise. Workers had right to elect representatives for collective bargaining. Act was constitutional. Workers had right to join unions while using spies against unions banned. Unions rose from 3.7 mil in 1933 to 9 mil by 1938.
How did unions gain recognition during ND?
General Motors, one of three big car companies with 80,000 employed, initially resisted but was made to yield. 1936 sit-in strike made United Automobile Workers’ Union recognise the rights of workers and then the Steel Workers Organizing Committee recognised by US Steel in 1937.
What did Fair Labor Standards Act do?
1939 Fair Labor Standards Act gave workers a minimum wage.
Why did workers make limited gains during ND?
Largely unskilled workers did not gain rights and many in mass-production industry such as car manufacturing lacked gains that had been made. African Americans, Mexican immigrants, and women still in vulnerable position. National Labor Relations Act neglected right for agricultural workers to join union.
What rise in wages and union membership did WWII see?
Turning point for unions. Wages rose by as much as 70% during the war and unemployment fell rapidly. Union membership increased from 9 million in 1938 to nearly 15 million by end of war. The power of unions had significantly increased. Unions gained recognition and laws ensured labor rights were recognised. The balance of power had shifted in favour of workers. Employers unwilling to accept shift.
How did politicians clamp down on workers after WWII?
Large number of strikes led to decline in union position. Many in politics felt Roosevelt gave unions too much power. In 1947 Republicans passed Taft-Hartley Act which banned closed shop in employment where one union dominated. There were some benefits, in 1948 workers at General Motors negotiated a pay agreement linked to cost of living and pension package.
What employment changes hurt worker position after WWII?
Growth in white collar workers and employers in government posts who had to sign no-strike agreements came with decline in blue-collar workers and union membership fell from 1945-50. Position and influence of unions had been hit as workers were also better off than they had ever been.