labour market issues (L12) Flashcards
zero hour contract
allows employees to hire staff with no guarantee of work, working when needed on short notice and their pay depends on hours
percentage of people employed on zero hour contracts as their main job between october and december 2014
2.3% of UK workforce
why are zero hour contracts considered controversial
don’t offer financial stability , employers take advantage of it by using them as a management tool (some get more hours some get less )
what industry does a zero hour contract affect most
gender pay gap
difference in average wages of males and females
gender pay gap in the UK
for every £1 a man makes, a woman makes 80p
reasons behind ethnic pay gap in Britain
Bangladeshi + Pakistani households paid 1/3 of white families
usually enter low skilled jobs like cleaning or leisure where the pay is 25% lower than average
ethnic minorities tend to be younger than white britons so are at an earlier stage in their careers
apprenticeship levy
helped fund 3 million new apprenticeships which the government has promised to create between 2015 and 2020 while raising quality of training
disadvantages to apprenticeships
usually take longer than uni, cost to employers and resource intensive
why has the UK farming sector experienced difficulties finding staff in recent years?
reliant on seasonal workers from central + eastern europe to pick their harvest but numbers are falling due to brexit