Labour Flashcards
Term time scale
37-41 weeks
Post term
> 42 weeks
22-37 weeks
Extremely preterm
22-28 weeks
Very preterm
28-32 weeks
Moderate to later preterm
32-36 weeks
Less than 22 weeks
Early miscarriage
first trimester
Late miscarriage
second trimester less than 22 weeks
How long can labour last
up to 48 hours
Define labour
process of expulsion of the fetus and placenta
How many stages are there to labour
What happens in first stage of labour
beginning with the onset of uterine contractions through the period of dilation of the os uteri
What happens in second stage of labour
the period of expulsive effort, beginning with complete dilation of the cervix and ending with expulsion of the infant
What happens in third stage of labour
the period beginning at the expulsion of the infant and ending with the completed expulsion of the placenta and membranes
Main events of labour
Cervical ripening and effacement
Coordinated myometrial contractions preceded by braxton hicks contractions
Rupture of fetal membrane
Delivery of placenta
Delivery of infant
Contraction of uterus to limit maternal blood loss
Longest lasting stage of labour
First stage up to 8 hours
During what stage is fetal membrane ruptured
Changes in length of first stage depending on number of previous deliveries
First stage always longest in first pregnancy- gets shorter with more babies
Changes in length of first stage depending on number of previous deliveries
Normally around 30 mins and is longer in first delivery and gets hsorter with experience
During what stage is delivery of infant
During what stage is delivery of placenta
How long does third stage last
placenta should be delivered within 30 mins of infant delivery
What is delivery of placenta associated with
Very powerful contractions
Name given to rapid drop in size of uterus after delivery of placenta
What is most important part of reduction in size of uterus
Stopping blood flow through spiral arteries
What is prrocess of contraction of uterus in thrid stage linked to
Oxytocin levels - muscle contracting agent
What is given to people whos oxytocin levels dont spontaneously increase
Injection of oxytocin or other muscle contractant
What happens in cervical ripening
Becomes softer and flexible
What happens in dilation of cervical
Becomes thinner and stretches sideways
How is cervix dilated and ripened
Extensive changes in ECM of cervix
What accelerates process of dilation and ripening of cervix
Increased pressure of fetal head on cervix from contractions that are becoming stronger and more frequent
Factors involved in changes of cervix
Prostaglandin E2
Matrix metalloproteinases
Factors involved in myometrium changes
Prostaglanin E2 levels increased from fetal membrane
Oxytocin receptors increased
Contraction associated proteins
Factors involved in inflammatory changes of fetal membrane
Matrix Metalloproteinases
Main factor involved in risk to mother during pregnancy
Poor socio-economic background leading to poor diet
Main risk to fetus during labour
If it is early