Labour Flashcards
What medication is administered during augmentation of labour?
Syntocinon (Synthetic oxytocin)
Where is natural oxytocin produced and stored?
stored in posterior pituitary
What does Oxytocin do?
Caused the uterus to contract
When does labour change from latent to established?
Cervix dilated to 3cm and regular contractions
When should a patient contact their midwive during first stage labour?
Contractions become regular and 3 in 10
Waters break
Contractions are strong and need pain relief
If the patient is worried about anything
How often will the midwife listen to the baby’s heart rate during established labour?
Every 15 mins
What are the two alternatives for speeding up labour?
Breaking the patients waters
Oxytocin drip
What risk factors indicate that an operative vaginal delivery is more common?
Primiparous women
Supine and lithotomy positions
Epidural anaesthesia
What mnemonic is used to assess a CTG?
DR C BRAVADO Define Risk Contractions Baseline RAte Variability Accelerations Decelerations Overall