Gynaecology Flashcards
Define Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Excessive menstrual blood loss which interferes with a woman’s physical, social, emotional and/or material quality of life
What percentage of women are affected by HMB? A - 10-20% B - 15-25% C - 20-30% D - 25-35% E - 30-40%
What are the four main areas to ask about during history for HMB?
Age (over 45 = high risk of pathology)
Is the bleeding regular? Irregular bleeding need to rule out malignancy
Associated symptoms - heaviness in pelvis, urinary problems
Other issues with history such as clotting disorders, thyroid dysfunction or anti-coagulant medication
Match the types of fibroid
(Intramural, Subserosal, Submucosal, Pedunculated) with the location of development (perimetrium, myometrium, endometrium, attached via stalk)
Intramural = myometrium Subserosal = perimetrium Submucosal = endometrium Pedunculated = via stalk
How many cycles should a patient wait before seeing results after the insertion of Levonorgestrel-releasing IUS?
What six subjects should you discuss with the patient when considering hysterectomy for treatment of fibroids?
Sexual feelings Fertility Bladder function Expectations Psychological impact further treatment & complications
What are the 3 main risks to discuss with a patient regarding hysterectomy?
Damage to abdominal organs
Intraoperative haemorrhage
Loss of ovarian function and consequences of this
What treatments are offered for fibroids less than 3cm if LNG-IUS declined?
tranexamic acid
combined pill
cyclical progestogens
What are the 7 RED FLAGS for heavy menstrual bleeding?
Age >45 Persistent intramenstrual bleeding Post-coital bleeding Enlarged uterus Pelvic mass Lesion on cervix Post-menopausal bleeding
What are the side effects of Mirena?
risk of ovarian cysts
mood changes
breast soreness
What are the statistics linked to endometrial ablation?
90% of patients it reduces HMB
50% of patients it stops menstrual bleeding completely
1% risk of uterine perforation and/or infection
A 49 year old woman presents to her GP with a six months history of HMB. What should the GP do?
A - insert mirena IUD
B - Arrange ultrasound scan and check her haemoglobin
C - Prescribe tranexamic acid and review in 3 months
D - Refer to gynaecologist for hysteroscopy and biopsy
A 35 year old has HMB, is trying to conceive and has a normal US. Should the GP do?
A - reassure the scan is normal and should not have treatment as trying to conceive
B - Prescribe tranexamic acid and mefanemic acid to be taken during her period
C - refer for hysteroscopy
D - Prescribe norethisterone 5mg tds between days 41-25 of her cycle
What are the three main symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy?
Abdominal or pelvic pain
vaginal bleeding
Name three other reported symptoms of ectopic pregnancy
breast tenderness GI symptoms Dizziness or syncope shoulder tip pain urinary symptoms pain of defecation
What are the non-sexually transmitted infection causes of vaginal discharge?
Bacterial vaginosis
Name the sexually transmitted infection causes of vaginal discharge?
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Trichomonas vaginalis
Herpes simplex virus
What are the non-infection causes of vaginal discharge?
Foreign bodies e.g. tampons, condoms
Cervical polyps
Genital tract malignancy
What is the medical terminology for pain during sexual intercourse?
During a Colposcopy, when staining with acetic acid there are some patches of white - what does this show?
CIN = Cervical interepithelial neoplasia