Lab test 7 Flashcards
Tapeworm detected by the naked eye
All of them
How do you diagnose metacestodes?
How do we differentiate the eggs of Echinococcus granulosa and Taenia multiceps?
Cannot differentiate
If you detect Taenia type eggs in a faecal sample of a dog, it could be infected with:
Taenia multiceps
Dipylidium canium
Echinococcus granulosus
How do you detect cystocercus bovis?
Necropsy and meat inspection
Which species occur in dogs?
F. Hepatica
T. ovis
D. latum
The eggs of this parasite cannot be detected:
E. alveolaris
C. pisiformis
C. cellulose
Since they are metacestodes
Which form is infective in sheep?
Cistecercoid in Orbatidae
Which statement is true?
Proglottids do not pass permanently with the faeces
Size of Taenia-type eggs?
30-40 micrometer
What statement is true for a segment of a cestode?
It can produce eggs. it is hermaphroditic
Which tapeworm can infect humans?
Which tapeworm produce eggs with angulated shape?
What organ is missing from the body of an adult cestode?
Digestive tract
This kind of cysticercus occurs in skeletal muscles
C. ovis
C. cellulosae
C. cervi
What do the fertile cysticerci of Taenia worms contain?
One scolex
In case of accidental ingestions this larvae can infect humans:
Cysticercus bovis
Cysticercus cellulosae
What kind of tapeworms are in the bile ducts of sheep?
None. they are in the intestine
Symptoms by Moniezia can be seen
Under 6 months old
Shape of Moniezia benedeni
How do we recognise eggs of M. expansa?
Triangular shape
What kind of tapeworm can be found in the bile duct of cattle?
None. In cattle and sheep, tapeworms are not found in the bile ducts
Which statement is not true?
Prepatent period is 6 months in case of Moniezia
How many suckers does the scolex of Moniezia expansa have?
4 suckers
What does the eggs of Moniezia benedeni contain?
Quadrangular eggs that contrain a 6 hooked oncosphaera inside
What does the mature proglottid of a Moniezia benedeni worm contain?
Many testicles
Two sets of sexual organs
What does the sterile hydatid cyst contain?
Tissue fluid only
Where can we find genital opening on the mature segment of a Taenia species
On one side
In cestodes, what is the gravid segment?
Which has/have two sets of genitalia (in each segment=