Lab practical -urinary Flashcards
kidney function
excretion of nitrogenous wastes, toxins, and drugs from the blood
- return of essential ions and fluid to the blood
- kidneys also function in regulation of blood pressure, stimulation of Red Blood Cell production and Vit. D metabolism
functional organs of the excretory system
- other organs function only in transport and storage
location of kidney
- retroperitoneal against posterior abdominal wall from the level of the 12th thoracic to 3rd lumbar vertebrae
- the right is slightly lower than the left due to the liver
gross anatomy
- bean shaped , convex lateral and concave medial surface
-each about 6” long 2” wide 1” thick - weigh about 5 oz 150g
-concave medial surface contains a hilus thru which the RENAL ARTERY and nerves enter and the RENAL VEINS, URETER, and lymphatics exit.
the adrenal glands are on top pf kidneys
-the connective tissue coverings of the kidneys are, from innermost
renal capsule
shiny, glistening, also lines renal sinus
-protects against pathogen entry
adipose capsule
- fatty layer, insulates, protects against physical trauma
renal fascia
- dense fibrous connective tissue surrounds both the kidney and adrenal glands
- it anchors the kidney to the surrounding structures
internal anatomy of kidney
- 3 regions: outside -in
1) cortex
2) medulla
3) renal pelvis
- is light granular
- it is the glomerular area
- most of the LOOP OF HENLE of cortical nephrons is also located in this region
- deep to the cortex
- it has striped appearance
- darker triangular areas
- white light striped between the pyramids
points of the pyramids
renal pelvis
each papilla points inward
- renal pelvis is a large fan-shaped cavity continous
- the pelvis is subdivides into 2 or 3 MAJOR CALYCES
- each major calyx is divided into several MINOR CALYCES
- the minor calyx encloses the papilla of one pyramid
- collecting ducts from the pyramid drain into the minor calyx
- the fluid that enters a minor calyx, is urine
Blood supply
- the kidneys receive 1200 ml of blood per min
- each kidney is served by a renal artery, which branches directly from the aorta
- the kidneys are innervated by the renal plexus
- over one million nephrons per kidney
- the nephrons are the functional unit of the kidneys
- each nephron consists of a set of urinary tubules and the capillary beds associated with it
the capillaries are the….
glomerulus and the peritubular capillaries
the urinary tubules consist of…
BOWMAN’S CAPSULE- PROXIMAL CONVOLUTED TUBULE- LOOP OF HENLE- DISTAL CONVOLUTED TUBULE-COLLECTING DUCTS are tubules that receive the output of many nephrons, carrying that fluid down toward the renal pelvis. (minor calyx)
2 capillary beds of a nephron
-glomerulus and the peritubular capillaries
- is a ball of capillaries surrounded by Bowman’s capsule
- it receives blood from the afferent arteriole and is drained by an efferent arteriole
- the glomeruli are the only capillary beds of the body that can receive blood from and are drained by arterioles
afferent arteriole
- has greater diameter than the efferent, so flow slows and pressure rises as blood goes through the glomerulus
- the pressure within the glomerulus results in an extremely high level of fluid filtration
- ~180L of filtrate are formed in the kidneys each day, while only 3-4L are formed in all the rest of the body combined, however, of the 180L formed, about 178L are reabsorbed into the peritubular capillaries and thus returned to the blood stream
- the remaining 2 are excreted in urine
- the peritubular capillaries receive blood from the efferent arteriole and are drained by the interlobular veins
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
- point where cells of the ASCENDING LIMB OF THE LOOP OF HENLE touch cells of the AFFERENT ARTERIOLE/
- each nephron has 1
- the loop of Henle cells here are tall and close together
- they are called MACULA DENSA cells
- they are responsive to chemical and osmotic stimuli
- the cells of the afferent arteriole are called JUXTAGLOMERULAR CELLS
- they are large, smooth muscle cells with RENIN containing granules- they respond to mechanical stimuli
transports urine to bladder
stores urine
transports urine to exterior , longer in males