Lab exam 2- Concepts 5,7,8 Flashcards
Path of Sperm, eggs, and waste in the Cat/ Rabbit
Sperm Travels- Testes→ Epididymis→ductus deferens→Penis→vulva
Egg Travels- Ovary→ Oviduct→ Uterus
Waste travel from kidney → ureters→ bladder
Components of the pelvic girdle
- Consists of the illia with the illia fused with the vertebrae to stabilize the pelvis ,ischia, and pubis
- Femurs- thigh bones that sits in the acetabulum
- Acetabulum- Depression on either side of the pelvic girdle in which the femur sits
Opening into the trachea
Identify the Reproductive structures in the female pigeon
A) Left ovary
B) ostium
C) oviduct
D) Cloaca
E) Ureter
F)Posterior kidney
G) Median kidney
H) Anterior kidney
Keratin adaptations in mammals
use keratin for hair/fur, nails/claws/hooves, and horns
Creates enzymes involved in the digestion of food, and aids in blood sugar control
The flap that covers the trachea during swallowing so that food does not enter the lungs.
Nails, Claws, Hooves diffrence
Hooves-A hoof is a short, thick structure that surrounds the end of the digit. Claws and Nails are the same but a nail is flat where as a claw is curved
Function of small vs large intestine
Unlike the small intestine, the large intestine produces no digestive enzymes. Chemical digestion is completed in the small intestine before the chyme reaches the large intestine. Functions of the large intestine include the absorption of water and electrolytes and the elimination of feces.
Colic ceca
-Connects to the large intestine in birds and helps in breaking down undigested food.
vertebrae which fuse with the pelvic girdle and fused together to form the sarcum
Sacral vetebrae
Identify Structures A-F
A) Neural Arch
B)Neural Spine
C) Post Zygophoses
D) Transverse process
E) Pre Zygapophyses
F) Centrum
Identify the Reproductive structures in the male pigeon
A) Testis
B) Kidney
C) Vans deferens
D) Ureter
E) Cloaca
the hind part of the stomach, especially modified for grinding food, stores stones or sand that is used to mechanically break down seeds
Support the tail and do not suffer from buckling or torsion
Caudal vertebrate
Lateral protrusions from the nerual arch which support ribs or act as muscle attachment points
Transverse processes
Processes blood and breaks down nutrients, chemicals, and drugs.
Adaptation for the pigeon that allows it to store food and produce crop milk
pennaceous feathers vs plumaceous feathers
- pennaceous feather- has barbed structure making them more stiff and used in flight
- plumaceous feathers- soft down feathers that provide warmth
Identify the Reproductive structures in the Male Mudpuppy
A) Archiprhrenic duct
B) Kidney
C) Cloacal gland
D)Cloacal opening
E)Cloacal papillia
F) Urinary bladder
G) Collecting tubles
H) Left testis
I) Ductis efferentes
Two uteri are separate for most of their length but share a single cervix.
Biparte Uterus
Adaptations required for flight
- Forelimbs are modified into wings, humerus and short and bulky and digits are reduced
- Rigid axial and pelvic skeletons allowing stability for centre of gravity during flight.
- pectoral girdle is more robust and the furcula helps store energy for upstrokes
- Keel allows for more muscles to be attached
- Pygostyle allows for control of tail feathers
Flow of food through the Pigeon
Oral cavity→ Esophogus→ Gizzard→Small intestine→ Colic ceca→Large intestine→ cloaca
Toe bones
Foot posture where the animal lifts both the phalanges and metatarsals off the ground running on a modified toe nail.
Path of Sperm, eggs, and waste in the Turtle
Sperm travels from the testes →ductus deference → penis → female cloaca
Egg travels Ovary-Oviduct where it becomes a shelled egg→ Cloaca laying
Waste travels→ Kidney→ureters→ Urinary bladder→cloaca
Difference from rectum and Anus
The rectum connects the colon to the anus, which is the opening where stool exits the body
Neural arch
Extends dorsally out of the centrum and protects the nerve chord which runs into the neural canal
Package of sperm produced by the cloacal gland in male mudpuppy
Opening in the neural arch through which the nerve cord runs through
Neural canal
Diets of the Mud puppy, Pigeon, Turtle, Cat, and Rabbit
- Mudpuppy are generalists and feed mainly on insects
- Turtles are primarily carnivorous and feed on fish, aquatic insects, snails and other small invertebrates
- Pigeons are adapted for a diet consisting mainly of seeds, insects, and small amounts of vegetation
- Rabbits are herbivorous mammals with many specialized adaptations allowing it to consume and digest plant tissue
- Cats are are predatory and carnivorous
Number of digits found in Bird, Arcteryx , Pterosaur, and Bats and wing surface
Bird: 3 ,feathers
Arcteryx : 3 ,feathers
Pterosaur: 4, skin
and Bats:5, skin
Keratin adaptations in turtles
have a carapace and a plastron which form the outer and inner regions of the shell surface. As well as a keratin beak and keratin nails
Identify the Reproductive structures in the female cat
C)Urinay bladder
E) Urogenital sinus
G) Vagina
H) Body of uterus
I)unterine horn
J)Uterine tube
embryos use yolk for young but give birth to live young
Strategy for Head rotation
Strategy 1 for head rotation
- Hinge joint- Joint located located between the atlas and Occiptal condyles
- Pivot joint-Joint formed between the Axis and the Atlas
- Axis- Vertebrae column that allows for axial rotation of skull.
Strategy for head rotation 2
- Ball and socket joint- Formed on animal with a single occiptial condyle and allows for greater rotational abilities (think transformers style)
Dorsal surface of the shell formed through an outer keritnous scales and inner layer of bone
Section of the trunk vertebrae which do not bear ribs
Lumbar vertebrate
Path of Sperm, eggs, and waste in the Pigeon
Sperm Travels Testes→ductus deferens→cloaca
Egg Travels ovary→fertilization occurs in oviduct→descends oviduct and gains a shell
Waste Travels Kindey→ureters→cloaca
Identify the digestive structures of the Mudpuppy
D)Gall bladder
E)Small intestine
G)Pyloric sphincter
Identify the digestive structures in the Pigeon
D) Small intestine
Female deposits eggs which develop outside of the body
a blind-ending sac at the start of the large intestine that is filled with bacteria to help aid in digestion of cellulose in rabbits
Structure found in frogs that is created from modification of posterior vertebrae that allow for efficient jumping and swimming
Flow of food through Mud puppy
Oral cavity→Esophagus→stomach→Pyloric region→small intestine→ large intestine→ Cloaca
Ventral surface of the shell formed though an outer kerinous scales and inner layer of bone
Flow of food through the Rabbit
- Oral cavity→Esophogus→Stomach→small intestine→Large intestine→ Small pieces are sent back up into the cecum→colon and covered in mucus and bacteria and is released from the anus and eaten again.
- Oral cavity→Esophogus→Stomach for many hours→small intestine→ large intestine→colon→anus
Main body element of the vertebrae, sits ventral to the nerve cord
Identify the Reproductive structures in the Female mudpuppy
A) Ostium/ Oviduct
B) Left ovary
C) Urinary bladder
D) Cloacal opening
E) Kidney
F) Archiphrenic duct
G) Oviduct
Flow of food through the Turtle
Oral cavity→Esophagus → Stomach→ pyloric region→ Small intestine→ Large intestine→rectum→ Cloaca
Filters through blood to remove old blood cells and bacteria which can be found in the blood stream
Identify the Reproductive structures in the male cat
B)Urinary bladder
C)Prostate gland
D)Spermatic chord
F)bulbourethral glands
K)Urogenital opening
O)Ductus deferens
Flow of food in shark
Shark has pharynx that sits in front of esophagus’s, short stomach and short intestine that is not broken into small and large the directly leads to anus
The first vertebrae allows for side to side tilting of the head and forms a connection with the skull and axis
Point along which vertebrate articulate where the posterior of one vertebrae meets the anterior of another, faces ventrally
A bony plate that supports the feathers of the tails and allows for the control of the tail feathers
Keratin adaptations in birds
have feathers, beaks, and scaly skin near their feet
Path of Sperm, eggs, and waste in the Mud Puppy
Sperm Travels- Testis→ archinephric duct→Cloaca→cloacal gland package sperm into spermatophore
Egg Travels- Ovaries→ostium tubae→oviduct→ Cloaca
Waste Travels- Kidneys→Ureters→Bladder
Outermost layer of the epidermis which is made of dead cells
Stratum Corneum
Identify the 4 different uterus styles
A) Duplex uterus
B) Biparte uterus
C) Bicornulate
D) Sinplex
Point along the vertebrae in which the anterior end of one vertebrae meets the posterior one, faces dorsally
Anterior opening of the oviduct
ostium tubae
Identify the digestive structures in a Cat
A) Liver
B) Duodenum
C) Pancreas
D) Ascending colon
E) Cecum
G) Stomach
H) Esophogus
First few vertebrae that lack ribs, they form the neck region
Cervial vertebrae
Basic urogenital information on each species
Mud Puppy- Opisthonephric kidneys, Internal fertilization using sperm packet, All waste exists the cloaca, Oviaprous
Turtle- Metanephric kidney, internal fertilization, Oviparous
Pidgeon- Metanephric kidney and no bladder, Oviparous
Cat and Rabbit- Metanephric kidney, Internal fertilization, viviparous
Condition in which both the phalanges and metatarsals are on the ground
embryo develops inside the body and gives birth to live young
Metanephric kidney
Kidney found in amniotes consisting of only the metanephros and is highly adapted for conserving water
Keratin adaptations in Lepidosaurs
have scales formed through cornified surfaces alternating with hinge regions that allow for full body sheds of skin
Flow of food through the Cat
Oral cavity→Phaynx→ Esophogus→Stomach-Pyloric sphinctor→Small intestine→Large intestine→rectum→anus
Found between the pectoral and pelvic girdle and is formed from the thoracic and lumbar regions.
Trunk vertebrate
Identify the structures in the Turtle Digestive system
A) Liver
B) Gall Bladder
C)Small intestine
D) Cloaca
E) Anus
F) Duodenum
G) Pancreas
I) Trachea
Long bones in the feet
two wholly separate uteri, with one oviduct each
Duplex Uterus
Components of the pectoral girdle
- Scapulas- Pair of shoulder blades along which the humerus moves
- Glenoid fossa- Cupped depression in the scapula to which the Humerus attaches to
Opisthonephric kidney
Kidney type found in adult fish and amphibians and consists of the mesonephros and the metanephros
Identify the digestive structures in the rabbit
A) Liver
B) Duodenum
D) Rectum
F) Spleen
G) Stomach
Horn vs Antler
Where antlers grow out of a bony stub, horns have a full core of bone
Identify Structures A-D
A) Prezygophoses
B)Neural Canal
C) Centrum
D) Transverse process
A) Dorsal
B) Ventral
Section of the trunk vertebrae which bear ribs
Thoracic vertebrae
Foot where only the phalanges is on the ground
fusion of the sacral vertebra with additional vertebra to form a support structure that is fused with the pelvic girdle
Protruding structure from the sternum that allows for larger surface area for flight muscle attachment
Out pocket of the cloaca which stores sperm in Mud puppy females