Two groups in the marsupials
1) New world marsupials which include the opossum and the shrew
2)Euaustralidelphia which include the animals Restricted to Australia & New Guinea
Employ bacteria for break down of food after mechanical/acid digestion
Hind gut fermeneters
Locomotion of crocodilians in water
1)Tucked limb swim
2)Tail thrusting like fish
3)Centre of gravity is manipulated via movement of liver and lungs
Paired anteriorly projecting bone augmentation at the pubis which supports the pouch feature on marsupials (well actually not really confirmed since we found it on other animals too)
Evolutionary candidate for the Pterosaur traits
1)Fused ribs to vertebrae
2)Increased cervical mobility
Groups which compose the crocodilians
Crocodiles, alligatrors, gharials
Can switch body temperature between poikilothermic and homeothermic
Flow of blood in crocodilian heart when in apnea
Right atrium->Right ventricle ->left aorta->systemic circuit->pulmonary veins->left atrium->left ventricle->right aorta-> anterior systemic
Groups that comprise Dinosauria
Digestive adaptations for birds
1)Crop-stores food
2)Stomach is divided into proventriculus and gizzard
3)Small intestine does enzyme digestion
4)Large intestine for water
Skeletal changes in eutharians/mammals
Addition of the ungulate posture and fusion of the bones to increase weight bearing
Merocrine gland
Glands which excotyse products outside of the cell
Reproduction in marsupials
viviparous, and give live to very young babies. They have a placenta which nourishes very young offspring until they can crawl into the pouch and attach to a nipple
Vicariance hypothesis
A species that is present over a large area becomes fragmented and radiates when barriers arise
short fibres, non-branching fuzzy structure that covers the skin of the pterosaur and is a candidate for the evolution of ht fibre
Alveolour lungs
air flows in and out leading to mixed air with blood flow adjacent to air flow
Size and diversity in therepods
Therepods have a large gap in size due to the niche being filled by the jeuvenille therepods while developing, thus suppressing diversity of other species through monopoilatzation of other sizes
Three major heart arteries in crocodiles
1)Pulmonary trunk- brings deoxygenated blood to left and right pulmonary arteries
2)Left aorta- supplies blood to posterior of body
3)Right aorta- supplies blood to anterior regions
Keratin covering over a birds beak
Key trait is the extended pouch and include the opossums,kangaroos,koalas, and tasmanian devils
Label this diagram and explain the advantage of A over B
There is a movable joint between the palatine and the pterygoid allowing a more flexible range of motion
Use of gliding in running
Theory that the wins extended stride length
Types of thermogenesis
2)Muscle non shivering thermogeneis
3) Brown andipose tissue NST
Vocalization organ where the trachea splits into the bronchi
Later synapsid traits
1)Specialized denttiion
2)7 cervical vertebrea
3)Increased muscle attatchment points
4)Hard Palate
body temperature which stays consistent within a few degrees
Reptile characteristics in Archaeopteryx
2)forlimb digits have claws
3)Long vertebral tail
4)Flat sternum
Key traits of Archiosauria
1)Reduction of 5th digit on hind limb
2)Gastroliths in stomach
3)Unidirectional flow of air in the lungs
4) 4 chambered heart
Traits in early synapsids
1)Lack of specialized teeth
2)Upright body posture
3)Narrow head and body
4)5 Cervical vertebra still have ribs
Substance made of complex combination of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates as well as antibodies and anti microbials
A group in lepidosaurs that are Diapsids with a loss of temporal bar, they are a paraphyletic group that excludes the snakes
Animals with a 3 chamber heart, caudal autonomy, ability to shed skin, and paired hemipensis. This group includes the lizards,snakes,and mosasaurs
Reproduction in Eutherians
Eutharians have much more complete development of young and placentation is significantly longer. Additionally they only have one phase of lactation as opposed to the marsupials 3
Basal Synapsid, Sauropsid, and amnitote heart
1)Amniote has one way flow through sinus->right atrium->lungs with blood mixing
2)Sauropsids have to systemic arches allowing for switching between single or double circulation
3)Synapsid-Looks a lot like a human heart, but the systemic arch splits into left and right
Fold of skin before the forelimb and hindlimb adapted for gliding ex.sugar gliders
Adaptations to the bird heart
1) 4 chambered hearth with right side deoxy and left side oxy
2)Systemic blood pressure is greater than that of the pulmonary circuit
3)Conus arterious has been traded for the pulmonary trunk and the aortic arc
Wing structure and flight
1)Movement of the ulna relative to the radial allows for inward folding of the wing which means the wing dosent have to retract n the upstroke
2)Length of the patagilus longus muscle and tendon in increased
What is temperature regulation controlled by
Hypothalamus controls our body temperature and the thyroid our basal metabolic rates in response
Mammal heart
1) 4 chambers, with a right side that pumps deoxygenated blood and a left side which pumps oxygenated blood
2) 2 arteries the pulmonary trunk and the left aortic arch
3)Systemic pressure>pulmonary circuit
4)Sinus veinosus has been integrated into the heart and is now the sinoatrial node controlling the rate of heart contractions
Mechanism of muscle non-shivering thermogenesis
Sar coplin causes seca pumps to move calcium the wrong direction in muscle cells, this causes additional usage of ATP and increased mitochondiral activity that generates heat
Pteroid bones
Inward pointing bone that supports the wing
Three different foot postures
1)Platigrade-phylanges and metatarsals are on the group
2)Digitigrade=phylanges on the group
3)unguligrade=phylanges tip is on the ground
Bird characteristics in Archaeopteryx
1) Asymetrical flight feathers on wings
2) symmetrical tail feathers
3) contour feathers on body to reduce drag
4)break, 3 digits, fulcra, and a flexible wrist
pterodactyloid pterosaur traits
Lost their long tail in favour of a stubby tail or rump
Patagium restricted to forelimbs
Non-pterodactyloid pterosaur trait
Long Membranous tails
Patagum is attatched to hind limbs