Lab Exam 2 Flashcards
Muscles of the Head
Occipitofrontalis Obicularis oculi Obicularis Oris Temporalis Buccinator Masseter
Forearm anterior
Flexor Retinaculum (ct band on wrist)
Flexor Carpi Radialis (acts on ct band, next to brachioradialis)
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (acts on ct band, medial)
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (intermediate)
Flexor Digitorum Profundus (deep)
Forearm posterior superficial
Extensor carpi radialis (starts from elbow and extends along medial aspect of forearm [supine]) Extensor digitorum (medial center, superficial) Extensor carpi ulnaris (lateral center, superficial)
Forearm posterior deep
abductor pollicis longus (more medial [supine])
extensor pollicis longus
Medial Compartment of the Thigh
Gracilis (long, straplike, not to be confused with lateral tensor fasciae latae)
Adductors (group of 3)
Anterior Compartment of the Thigh
Sartorius (extends from ilium to the tibia, crossing two joints)
Quadriceps femoris:
- Rectus Femoris (superficial middle)
-Vastus lateralis, medialis, and intermedius (deep middle)
Posterior Compartment of the Thigh
Biceps Femoris (lateral center)
Semimembranosus (most lateral of hamstring group)
Popliteus is behind the knee
Lateral Compartment of the Thigh
Tensor Fasciae Latae (originates on ilium and inserts on...) iliotibial tract (connective tissue)
Lower Leg anterior
(move the foot upwards) Tibialis Anterior (central, shin) Extensor digitorum longus (lateral and slightly deep to above) Extensor Hallucis longus (deep to both)
Lower Leg posterior
Gastrocnemius (superficial)
Soleus (fish filet, deep to above)
Achilles Tendon
Lower Leg lateral
Fibularis Longus (superficial) Fibularis Brevis
Tongue Muscles
Genioglossus (deep from chin to tongue)
Hyoglossus (sheet from side of hyoid)
Suprahyoid muscles
Geniohyoid (most medial, not needed for donor)
Stylohyoid (most lateral)
Digastric (split by stylohyoid)
Myohyoid (deep sheet)
Infrahyoid muscles
Sternohyoid (most medial)
Muscles of the trunk
Trapezius (occipital bone and spine to spine of scapula and the clavicle)
Latissimus Dorsi (triangular, inferior to trapezius, originates for lower half of spine)
Levator scapulae (deep to trapezius and originates from first four vertebrae)
Rhomboid (deep to trapezius, extends from vertebrae to vertebral border of scapula)
Muscles of vertebral column
Errector Spinae (deep to latissimus dorsi, parallel to spine) Splenius (articulate from back of head and to upper thoracic vertebrae)
Muscles of Thorax
Pectoralis Major
Pectoralis Minor (3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs to coracoid process)
serratus anterior
Deep thorax muscles
External / Internal intercostals (between ribs)
Scalenes (insert on first and second ribs)
diaphragm (dome)
Rectus abdominis (six pack) Transversus abdominis (horizontal) External / internal oblique Quadratus Lumborum (from iliac crest to upper lumbar and 12th rib)
Acting on the arm from scapula
Deltoid (triangular, top of arm)
Coracobrachialis (inserts medially)
Teres Major (inferior border of scapula, inserts on lesser tubercle)
Acting on arm from scapula (rotator cuff)
teres minor (inserts on greater tubercle)
Muscles acting on scapula
Biceps brachii
Brachialis (lateral to biceps brachii)
Triceps brachii
Muscles primarily or entirely in forearm
Brachioradialis (most visible on forearm flex)
Supinator (deep, wide)
Pronator Teres (deep, slashes across)
Pronator Quadratus (donors only, band across wrist posterior)
Intrinsic Hand Muscles
Thenar (act on thumb from base)
Hypothenar (act on pinky from base)
intermediate group:
lumbricals (four, wormlike, in palm and deep to tendons)
palmar interossei (three, deep to lumbricals)
dorsal interossei (four, posterior side)
Thigh Flexors
iliacus (extend from inferior aspect of iliac crest)
Thigh Extensors
Gluteus Maximus and medius
Lower Leg Deep
Flexor Digitorum Longus (Medial)
Tibilais Posterior
Flexor Hallucis Longus (Lateral)
All are deep and insert into flexor retinaculum (ankle ct band)
Donor foot
Plantar Aponeurosis
Histology (muscle types)
Smooth Muscle (bacon) Cardiac Muscle (intercalated disks [bamboo]) Skeletal Muscle (large cylinders with longitudinally cut muscle fibers)
Muscle Histology Components
Skeletal muscle fibers
Sarcomere Z line I band A band H zone (around M line)
Dura mater (outer) Arachnoid mater (middle layer)
Blood supply to brain
vertebral arteries (tail)
basilar artery (body)
circle of willis
dural venous sinuses (located within dura mater)
Spinal Cord
Also has dura mater
Dorsal roots (tube coming off spinal cord)
Dorsal root ganglion (bulb / swelling on root)
Conus Medularis (cone shaped portion of cord)
Cauda Equina
Spinal cord cross section
Dura mater is close to bone around cord
Horns are in the matter while the roots go out
Posterior horn (dorsal) (if the grey matter connects, it is the posterior side)
Anterior horn (ventral)
Posterior root (dorsal)
Anterior root (ventral)
Spinal nerve is where the roots unite
The brain
cerebrum (right / left cerebral hemisphere)
cortex (outer layer)
parietal, occipital, temporal, frontal lobe
Primary structures of CNS
Cerebrum (Primary)
Cerebellum (nob)
Spinal Cord
Longitudinal fissure (split the hemispheres) Lateral sulcus (separate temporal and parietal lobes)
Brain Features
Olfactory Tract / bulb
corpus callosum
lateral ventricles
septum pellucidum
Pineal gland pituitary gland optic chiams / tracts third ventricle thalamus hypothalamus
Cerebral peduncles
superior / inferior colliculi
cerebral aqueduct
Medulla oblongata
middle cerebellar peduncles
fourth ventricle
Medulla oblongata
fourth ventricle