Lab Exam 2 Flashcards
location of heart
Between the 2nd and 5th intercostal spaces when in anatomical position
Located within the thoracic cavity in a space called the mediastinum
Coverings of the Heart
Fibrous pericardium, serous pericardium
Fibrous pericardium
looks like a ligament, very dense connective tissue, very loose covering surrounding the heart, outermost covering of the heart, prevent the overfilling of blood within the heart, anchoring in the pulmonary trunk (anchor the heart into an anatomical position)
Serous pericardium
right below the fibrous pericardium. Consists of the parietal layer and visceral layer
Parietal layer
outermost region of the pericardium
Visceral layer
(also called epicardium) innermost region of the pericardium
Pericardial cavity
between the parietal and visceral layer, contains pericardial fluid that will help create a friction free environment for the heart allowing the heart to fully relax and fill with blood, also allow for the heart to contract and bring that blood into pulmonary and systemic circulation
Layers of the Heart Wall
Epicardium, myocardium, endocardium
outermost layer of the heart wall
Composed mainly of cardiac muscle and forms the bulks of the heart
contains cardiac myocytes that are specialized to allow for contraction of the heart, so allow for us to bring blood into both pulmonary and systemic circulation
very thin, aligns the chambers of the heart
inflammation of the pericardium, the cause is often unknown, associated with viral infections and many other autoimmune disorders
(Blue) carried deoxygenated blood, brings blood towards the heart
(Red) carries oxygenated blood, carry blood away from the heart
the path of blood flow through the heart
Superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, coronary sinus -> right atrium -> tricuspid valve -> right ventricle -> pulmonary semilunar valve -> pulmonary trunk -> pulmonary arteries -> lungs -> pulmonary capillaries -> pulmonary veins -> heart -> left atrium -> mitral valve -> left ventricle -> aortic semilunar valve -> aorta -> systemic capillaries -> body
Semilunar Valve system consists of
pulmonary valve and aortic valve
Semilunar Valves
prevents backflow into the ventricles when ventricles relax
Pulmonary valve
Controls blood flow of deoxygenated blood from right side of heart into pulmonary trunk
Aortic valve
Regulates the oxygenated blood flow from the left side of heart into the aorta
Atrioventricular valve system consists of
tricuspid valve, bicuspid valve
Atrioventricular Valves (AV)
prevents backflow into the atria when ventricles contract
Tricuspid valve
Right side between right atrium and ventricle
Bicuspid valve
Left side between left atrium and ventricle
If semilunar vales are open
atrioventricular valves are closed (vice-versa)
filling phase, Atrioventricular valves are open, tricuspid and bicuspid valves are open. Semilunar valves are closed. Phase of ventricular relaxation, 0.5 seconds of the cardiac cycle
ejection phase, Semilunar valves are open, av valves are closed. Phase of ventricular contraction, 0.3 seconds of the cardiac cycle
Pulmonary circuit
Blood vessels that carry blood to and from the lungs
Receives oxygen poor blood from the body tissues and then pumps this blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen and dispel carbon dioxide
Systemic circuit
Blood vessels that transport blood to and from all body tissues
Receives oxygenated blood returning from the lungs and pumps this blood throughout the body
vascular circulation
tunica adventitia (tunica externa), tunica media, tunica intima
Tunica media
contained in both veins and arteries, much thicker to control blood flow and blood pressure, spindle shaped cells which is indicative of move muscle and responsible for both vasoconstriction and vasodilation
elastic connective tissue
More inward, artery contains an elastic connective tissue that will help and prevent for the artery to be very flexible
Tunica intima
innermost, endothelial cells are inner lining of the blood vessels.
valves and skeletal muscle pump
Veins contains valves and skeletal muscle pump that allow for us to pump blood against gravity
S1 “Lub”
first sound; produced by turbulent blood flow through the AV valves, louder than S2
S2 “Dub”
second sound; produced by turbulent blood flow through the semilunar valves
5 areas of auscultation
Tricuspid, Bicuspid (Mitral), Primary pulmonic, Secondary pulmonic, Aortic
Cardiac output
the amount of blood pumped out by each ventricle in one minute. It is the product of heart rate and stroke volume.
Heart rate
number of contractions per minute (60-100 bpm)
Stroke volume
volume of blood ejected from the ventricles with each beat (~70 mL)
End systolic volume
total volume of blood left in the ventricles at the end of systole (~50 mL)
End diastolic volume
total volume of blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole (~120 mL)
Blood pressure is recorded as
systolic pressure over diastolic pressure
systolic pressure
When the left ventricle ejects blood into the aorta, the aortic pressure rises. The maximal arterial pressure following ejection. The pressure at which the first Korotkoff sound is heard
diastolic pressure
As the left ventricle is relaxing and refilling, the aortic pressure falls. The minimal arterial pressure following ventricular relaxation. The pressure at which the sound disappears
Aortic blood pressure
is not usually measured directly but is estimated using an instrument called a sphygmomanometer
Normal blood pressure
Systolic less than 120 and Diastolic less than 80
Elevated blood pressure
Systolic 120-129 and Diastolic less than 80
High blood pressure (hypertension) stage 1
Systolic 130-139 or Diastolic 80-89
High blood pressure (hypertension) stage 2
systolic 140 or higher or Diastolic 90 or higher
Hypertensive crisis (consult your doctor immediately)
systolic higher than 180 and/or Diastolic higher than 120
conduction system of the heart 1.
Sinoatrial node (SA node) – pacemaker, located near point superior vena cava enters right atrium, contractile cells that initiate stimulus that results in heart contraction. Stimulates internodal pathway
conduction system of the heart 2.
Internodal pathway – conductile cells, receives stimulus from SA node, distributes stimulus throughout atria, stimulates atrial contraction and AV node.
conduction system of the heart 3.
Atrioventricular node (AV node) – located at junction of atria and ventricles, receives stimulus from internodal pathway, stimulates AV bundle, contractile cells may initiate stimulus if SA node does not.
conduction system of the heart 4.
Atrioventricular bundle (AV bundle) – located in interventricular septum, receives stimulus from AV node, conductile cells that carry stimulus to bundle branches, also called bundle of His