Lab Equipment Flashcards
What are serological pipettes used for?
To accurately dispense volumes of liquids.
5 Procedure Steps
- Choose smallest pipette suitable for volume you intend to deliver.
- Double check using correctly labelled pipette to avoid cross contamination.
- Attach pipette to pump or bulb.
- Draw the liquid into the pipette slowly.
- Dispense liquid into receiving container slowly.
2 Warnings with serological pipette
#'s start with 9 on bottom and count to 0 on top 1mL pipette has #'s for every 0.1 mL and mark for every 0.01mL
What are pasteur pipettes used for
To dispense liquids when accuracy is less important & gently mix liquid mixtures by pipetting in and out
4 step procedure for pasteur pipettes
- Double check labels to avoid cross contamination
- Attach pipette to pump or bulb
- Draw liquid into pipette slowly
- Dispense liquid into receiving container slowly
Use of wet mounts on glass slide?
To spread a sample thin enough to view clearly under a microscope
4 step procedure for wet mounts
- Place small drop of sample in middle of glass slide
- Gently place one edge of cover slip on slide so that cover slip touches sample
- Gently lower opposite edge of slip using pencil or pasteur pipette to avoid forming bubbles under cover slip
- Use tissue to soak up excess liquid until cover slip does not move when slide is tilted
Use of iodine starch test
To determine whether a sample contains starch
3 step procedure for iodine starch test
- Obtain iodine and clean dry spot plate with depressions
- Add 2-3 drops of sample to one depression and add 2 drops of iodine in same depression
- Observe colour changes. Iodine binds with starch to form a purplish-blue colour
Use of cheesecloth filter
To filter out large solids while allowing liquids and smaller particles to pass through
3 step procedure for cheesecloth
- Label clean test tube and place in rack
- Place funnel on top of tube, then place cheesecloth on top of funnel
- Pour sample slowly into middle of cheesecloth and wait for sample to pass through into tube
Warning for cheesecloth
Cloth absorbs 4.5mL of liquid. Make sure sufficient enough homogenate to get enough filtrate despite what is absorbed by cloth
What are compound microscopes used for
To view objects at 40x, 100x, or 400x magnification
10 step procedure for microscope
- Rotate objective lens on 4x magnification. Place slide on stage of microscope.
- Hold metal spring clip on stage aside and set slide so that corner of slide sits snugly in metal slide holder. Gently release clip to hold slide in place.
- Move slide using stage movement controls until object centred under lens. Upper dial adjusts up/down, lower dial adjusts left/right
- Turn light intensity adjustment dial down to 5 and turn on microscope lamp. Move substage condenser (under stage_ all the way up using small adjustment knob on left. Close diaphragm of substage condenser using small black diaphragm level.
- Use coarse focus knob to focus object clearly.
- To put both eyepieces in focus, close left eye and focus image in right eye with fine focus until in focus. Close right eye and focus left eyepiece with focusing ring without altering focus knob settings
- Adjust eye distance by pushing or pulling apart eyepieces.
- Do not use coarse focus knob at higher magnifications, can smash lens.
- Reset light intensity to 5 and lens to 4x when done
Go pg 21 and Label parts of microscope
What are spectrophotometers used for
To measure how much light (of each specific wavelength/colour) is absorbed by a sample. Prism is used to split light to test one wavelength at a time across wide range of possible wavelengths.
What are the 4 wavelengths used to test the unknown homogenate in class
470 nm blue, 545 nm green, 580 nm yellow, 680 nm red
6 steps to use spectrophotometer
- Turn on spectrophotometer. Set wavelength to 470 nm blue with wavelength knob 4.
- Locate “blank tube” (colorimeter tube with ethanol in it). Ethanol absorbs light differently at each wavelength, must use blank tube to set spectrophotometer to zero every time change wavelength
- Wipe blank tube with tissue to remove fingerprints.
- Place blank tube in holder under cover 3 and replace cover. Adjust absorbance reading to read zero using knob 2
- Replace blank tube with tube of extract. Record absorbance reading (measure of how much light of particular wavelength is absorbed).
- Change to next wavelength with knob 4 and repeat steps to obtain absorbance reading at that wavelength.
2 details about absorbance
Absorbance is a logarithmic scale from 0 to infinite so intervals between units not equal. Has no units.
What are centrifuges used for
Separate particles within mixture into layers according to their relative densities, by spinning at extremely high speeds. Densest particles found at bottom of tube.
10 step procedure for centrifuge
- Label 2 clean falcon tubes
- Add a volume of sample to one tube and equal volume of liquid to second tube.
- Turn POWER switch on
- Press OPEN button. Place tubes diagonally opposite each other.
- Close lid and wait for lock.
- Press SPEED until reads ref value. Use arrow bottoms to set speed at 1,300.
- Press TIME button and set time to 10 mins.
- Press START.
- After 10 mins press OPEN.
Imagine that you need to pipette 5.2 mL of a urine sample into a test tube for analysis. Your lab has clean 10mL, 5mL, and 1mL serological pipettes available. Which Pipette(s) would you use to accurately transfer this volume of urine?
A reddish tint to the urine may indicate the presence of blood. Which equipment would you use to test presence of reddish tint in urine?
Describe one common mistake that students make when using the above equipment
Not blanking the machine after each colour test, not wiping the tube of fingerprints