Lab 8 Flashcards
Which division is automatic and called the autonomic nervous system?
Visceral motor division of the PNS
In which body cavity does the CNS reside?
Dorsal cavity
What is the difference between somatic and visceral?
Somatic = skeletal muscle
Visceral = interal organs
Both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
systems are excitatory AND inhibitory. This sounds
contradictory yet occurs through almost every organ of
your body. Explain how this is the case
- Balancing act
- Depending on the effector organ one will stimulate the organ and one will inhibit it
- Creates and on and off switch for each organ
Movement of solutes from high solute concentration to low solute concentration
Movement of water from an area of high water concentration to and area of low water concentration
Movement of water from low solute concentration to high solute concentration
How do the molecules move from the axon terminal to the cell body?
Neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the ECF of the synaptic cleft
Describe the properties of the cell membrane. What is the membrane made out of and how does this affect
the movement of molecules into and out of the cell?
- Made of phosolipid bilayers
- phosolipids are nonpolar
- mix with other non polar substances (allow chemicals through) but are repelled from polar substances (ECF and ICF)
Resting Membrane Potential
1. Charge value 2. charge type 3. concentration 4. gradients
- 70mV
- positively charged extracellular membrane/ negatively charged intracellular membrane
- high concentration of Na+ in ECF/ high concentration of K+ in ICF
- Very strong electrochemical gradient of Na+/ less strong electrochemical gradient of K+
1. Charge value 2. charge type 3. concentration 4. gradients
- 55mV threshold – +35mV
- negatively charged extracellular membrane/ positively charged intracellular membrane
- low concentration of Na+ in ECF/ high concentration of K+ in ICF
- 70mV
- positively charged extracellular membrane/ negatively charged intracellular membrane
- high concentration of Na+ in ECF/ high concentration of K+ in ICF
- Very strong electrochemical gradient of Na+/ less strong electrochemical gradient of K+