Lab 10 Flashcards
What makes white matter white?
Myelination of axons
What is the main consituent of gray matter?
Neural somas, synapses (axonal terminals AND dendrites) and nueroglial cells
List the name and functions of
Neuroglial Cells
1. Oliogodendrocytes – form myelin and spinal cord
2. Ependymal cells – lines cavities of braina nd spinal cord; secrete and circulate CSF
3. Microglia – destroy foreign matter and microorganisms
4. Astrocytes – support; forms BBB; nourish neurons; communicate electrically with neurons
1. Schwann cells – regeneration; form myelin
2. Satellite cells – Suround neuronal somas in the ganglia, provide insulation and regulate chemical environment
Ventricles of the brain
- House CSF
- CSF provides bouyancy, protection from mechanical trauma, homeostasis of the brain, and clearing waste
Difference between Sulci and Fissures
Sulci = Small indentations that seperate gyri
Fissures = Large divisions that seperate cerebral lobes/ cerebellum and cerebrum
What role do convolutions/ folds have on the brain?
Maximize surface area of the brain so that a very large surface area can fit in a small space
- Composed of the pineal gland and the habenula
- Relay from the limbic system to the midbrain
Function of the
- Hormone secretion (controls pituitary gland)
- Autonomic control center
- Thermoregulation
- Regulates hunger and thirst
- Sleep and circadian rytym
- Memory
- Emotional and sexual behavior
Function of the
Corpus Callosum
responsible for information exchange between hemispheres
Function of the
- Touch
- Spatial perception
- Timekeeping
- Language output
- Coordination of skeletal muscular actitvity
Function of the
Optic chiasma
- responsible for sensory cross-over from the right eye to the left hemisphere
Function of the
1. “Gateway” to cerebral cortex
2. Relay station for sensory stimuli
1. relays signals from the cerebellum to the cerebrum
2. Provides feedback loops between cerebral cortex and basal nuclei
- Also memory and emotional functions of the limbic system
Function of the:
Reticular Formation
- Somatic motor control
- Cardiovasular control
- Pain modulation
- Sleep and consciousness
- Habituation
Function of the:
Emotional regulation
Function of the:
Basal Ganglia
- Masses of gray matter buried in white matter
- Motor control
Corpus striatum:
1. Caudate nucleus
2. Putamen
3. Global pallidus