(Lab 7) Forensic Anthropology & Bioarcheology Flashcards
What is Bioarchaeology?
What is Forensic Anthropology?
- The study of remains in a historical context.
- The study of remains in a legal context.
How can we determine the sex of an individual based on the following traits?
1. Mastoid Process
2. Eye Orbits
3. Brow Ridges
4. Pelvic Girdle
5. Vertical Vs. Sloping Forehead
- Mastoid processes are more pronounced in males.
- (M)= Square, (F)= Rounded
- Brow ridges are more pronounced in males.
- Females have a larger pelvic opening.
- (M)= Sloped, (F)= Vertical
What are some ways we can determine the age of a Juveline skeleton using Developmental Age determination?
- Ossification (bone building)
- Epiphyseal (bone) fusion
- Teeth Eruption
How can we determine the age of a mature skeleton using Degenerative age determination?
- Changes of the pubic bone.
- Dental wear
What three traits are more common in Asian Populations?
- Malar Tubercle (bump on the zygomatic bone)
- Metopic Suture (visible suture)
- Shovel shaped incisors
How does nasal aperture vary among different races?
- African (wide)
- Asian (medium)
- Caucasian (thin and peaked)
What is Prognathism? How does it vary among different races?
The jutting of the jaw.
1. Africans (pronounced)
2. Asians (medium)
3. Europeans (absent)
How do Eye Orbit Shapes vary among different races?
- Africans (rectangular)
- Asians (square)
- Europeans (triangular)