Lab 6: Cell Culture Flashcards
What is the required density of HeLa cells per well for transfection?
5 X 10^5 cells per well
This density is aimed to achieve approximately 60-80% confluency.
What is the optimal confluency percentage for HeLa cells on the day of transfection?
70% confluency
Achieving this confluency is necessary for optimum transfection efficiency.
What medium is used to maintain HeLa cells?
RPMI containing 10% new born calf serum
This medium supports the growth and maintenance of HeLa cells.
How many HeLa cells are needed to achieve the required confluency in a 35mm dish after 24 hours?
2-3 X 10^5 HeLa cells
This range ensures the cells reach the appropriate confluency for transfection.
What is the first step in the trypsinisation protocol?
Pour medium from the flask into a sterile universal container
This step is necessary to inactivate trypsin later in the process.
How should the cells be washed before trypsinisation?
Twice with sterile PBS
PBS washes help to remove excess serum and prepare the cells for trypsin treatment.
What should be done after adding trypsin to the flask?
Swirl to cover cells and pour most out immediately
This ensures that the trypsin can effectively detach the cells.
What indicates that the cells are ready to be detached during trypsinisation?
Cells begin to round up and detach
This observation can be made using an inverted microscope.
What is the centrifugation speed and time for pelleting the cells?
1500 rpm for 7 minutes
This speed and duration are optimal for pelleting the HeLa cells after trypsinisation.
How should the cell suspension be prepared for counting?
Resuspend cells in 2ml of PBS and mix with trypan blue
40 μl of cell suspension should be combined with 40 μl of trypan blue.
What is the purpose of trypan blue in cell counting?
To distinguish viable cells from non-viable cells
Viable cells exclude the dye, while non-viable cells take it up.
How is the final cell concentration calculated after counting?
Multiply cell number by 2 (trypan blue dilution) and by 10
This calculation gives the number of cells per ml.
Fill in the blank: Cells should be incubated at _______ overnight.
37°C (5% CO2)
This incubation condition is crucial for optimal cell growth.
True or False: HeLa cells need to be 60-80% confluent before transfection.
This range is necessary to ensure effective transfection.
What is the purpose of the pCMV sport B gal vector?
It drives the expression of the ß galactosidase gene under the control of the CMV enhancer
This vector is used in transfection protocols to study gene expression.