LAB 2 Flashcards
UV light
- used to control microbial growth of objects (nonliving things)
- adjacent thymine molecules in DNA cross to form thymine dimer
- leads to mutations during DNA replication
- kills microbes by causing mutations
UV light experiment
-4 nutrient agar plates are inoculated for s. marcescens -inoculated for confluent growth
-swabbed on with cotton swab
-exposed to UV light
-plate 1 was exposed to UV light half covered for 1 min
-plate 2 was exposed to UV light hald covered with paper (5 mins)
-plate 3 is under UV light but covered with plastic lid (5 mins)
-plate 4 is control
-expect to see growth in 4, 3
-half growth in 2 under the paper
-complete growth under the paper and colonies on the other side bc of the short UV time for plate 1
-length of time is a factor
slide smear
- place a drop of water on center of slide
- use aseptic procedure to pick up bacteria culture with inoculating loop
- mix bacteria in drop of water to make a suspension of cells
- spread suspension on the slide -> smear
- sterilize the loop
- air dry smear
- then heat fix smear by passing the slide through a flame of a bunsen burner quickly 4 times (so cells are attached to the slide and dont wash off)
staining the slide
- pour methylene blue on the smear and cover the smear with methylene blue
- wait 1 minute for the stain to react with the smear
- rinse methylene blue off of the slide using water
- blot dry the smear by placing the slide between 2 sheets of paper towels
- once the slide is dry -> observe under microscope
- determine shape and arrangement of cells under 100x objective lens
bacillus subtilis
- streptobacili arrangement
- rod shape
- rod shape shape chain
- also see some single bacili
escherichia coli
- rod shape cell
- bacili
- no specific arrangement
- single cells
- no chains or clusters
- made by microbes
- antibiotics are found in nature
- purified by the pharmaceutical companies
- penicillin
- mold makes penicillium notatum -> purified into penicillin
- penicillin inhibits the formation of peptidoglycan
- penicillin is selectively toxic to bacteria (not toxic to host -> humans) bc humans have no peptidoglyan
- gram neg- resistant to penicillin
- gram +- sensitive to penicillin
- produced by streptomyces
- inhibits protein synthesis on the 70S ribosomes
- eukaryotic cells have 80S ribosomes
- antibiotic selectively inhibits protein synthesis on the 70S ribosome
- high concentration and prolongs use can cause aplastic anemia
- tetracycline, streptomycin, erythromycin are made by streptomyces
- gram + and neg are sensitive to tetracycline and streptomycin and chloramphenicol
- gram neg is resistant to erythromycin and gram pos it sensitive -> bc erythromycin is large and cannot penetrate the outer membrane and interfere with ribosomes
- antibiotic
- produced by micromonospora
- inhibits protein synthesis on the 70S ribosomes
- gram + and neg are sensitive to gentamicin
antibiotic sensitivity test
antibiotic sensitivity test
- done to see if a bacterium is sensitive or resistant to various antibiotics
- isolate the pathogen from the sample
- based on results the physician will find treatment
- done every day in clinical labs
- plates are inoculated with bacteria for confluent growth
- antibiotic discs are placed on the medium and the plates are incubated
- after incubation the plates are observed for the zone of inhibition (absence of growth) around the disc
- absence of growth -> sensitive to antibiotic
- antibiotic diffuses into the medium and comes into contact with bacteria (stops or kills bacteria if they are sensitive)
influence of O2 on the growth of bacteria
- micrococcus luteus
- escherichia coli
- clostridium sporogenese
- inoculate each of the organisms on 2 plates of nutrient agar by using streaking for isolation procedure
- incubate one plate of each organism in the presence of O2
- incubate the other plate of each organism in the absence of O2
- look for growth after
microccocus luteus
- expect to see growth on the plate incubated with O2
- do not expect growth on plate incubated with no O2
- obligate aerobe- needs O2 for growth
Escherichia coli
- facultative anaerobe- growth with or without O2 but grows better with O2
- expect to see growth on both plates
- expect to see larger colonies on the plate incubated with O2
- expect to see smaller colonies on the plate incubated without O2
- why does it grow better in O2 -> O2 helps the bacteria make more ATP (38)
- without O2 it only makes 2 ATP
- ATP helps cell make macromolecules to grow faster
clostridium sporogenes
- obligate anaerobe- grows only without O2
- O2 is toxic bc the bacteria doesnt have the enzymes to neutralize the toxin
- expect to see growth on the plate incubated without O2
- do not expect growth on plate incubated with O2
growing obligate anaerobes
- anaerobic jar to growth obligate anaerobes like costridium sporogenes
- place plates in anaerobic jar
- place envelope with chemicals
- methylene blue- O2 detector
- blue in presence of O2
- clear in absence of O2
- chemicals react -> release Hydrogen
- hydrogen combines with O2 -> water (removes O2)
- check oxygen indicator after 5-10 min
endospore staining bacillus subtilis culture: prep
- smear has to be prepared:
- drop of water on slide -> using aseptic procedure pick up culture and put it in the water
- mix the bacteria in the drop of water
- spread the suspension onto the slide
- air dry
- heat fix- pass through flame 4 times quickly (so cells get attached to slide and dont wash off)
endospore staining bacillus subtilis culture
- cover the smear with a piece of paper towel
- pour malachite green on to the smear that is covered with the paper towel
- wait 30 mins
- rinse the malachite green off of the slide with water
- cover the smear with safranin
- wait 1 min
- rinse safranin off of the slide
- wait for the slide to dry
- observe under 100x objective lens
- pink -> vegetative cells
- green -> endospores
biochemical tests
- indirectly checking for enzyme by directly looking for the presence of the product or the disappearance of the substrate
- enzyme profile/activity of bacteria
- each species has a unique set of enzymes (bc it has unique set of genes)
- therefore, the enzyme profile helps us to identify bacteria
- give the bacteria the substrate
- if the bacteria makes the enzyme -> the enzyme will convert substrate to products
-is a substance with which the enzyme reacts
exoenzymes: starch hydrolysis test
- exoenzyme- enzymes produced in the cell and then released into the environment
- once the enzyme is outside it breaks down macromolecules into smaller molecules in the environment
- smaller molecules cross the plasma membrane and they are used by the cell for energy or to make structure of the cell
- exoenzyme: amylase
- substrate- starch
- product- maltose
- amylase breaks down starch and produces maltose
- use 2 plates of starch plates
- one plate gets inoculated with B. subtilis
- the other plate is inoculated with E. coli
- we make a single line inoculation
- after incubation we expect a single line of growth across the medium
- we look for the disappearance of the substrate (starch)
- add iodine- indicator for starch
- if medium turns purple -> starch is present and bacteria did not use it
- bacteria is negative for starch hydrolysis -> negative for making amylase
- if there is clear area around the growth -> no starch in the medium
- bacteria broke down the starch -> bacteria is positive for starch hydrolysis -> amylase is present
results of starch hydrolysis test
- positive for starch hydrolysis -> b. subtilis
- negative for starch hydrolysis -> e. coli
- e. coli- amylase is not present and starch is present in the medium -> purple
- b. subtilis- amylase is present -> clear around the starch strip
nitrate reduction test
- we want to see if the bacteria can use nitrate
- 3 possibilities:
- some bacteria make the enzyme nitrate reductase and convert nitrate to nitrite
- some bacteria make 2 enzymes: nitrate reductase which converts nitrate to nitrite -> NITRITE reductase then converts nitrite to nitrogen gas
- some bacteria dont make either enzymes -> bacteria cant use nitrate
nitrate reduction test procedure
- 3 tubes of nitrate broth
- one tube for each bacteria:
- e. coli
- m. luteus
- p. aeruginosa
- inoculate and incubate
- we add 2 chemicals (nitrite indicators) to see if nitrite is present
- if nitrite is present the chemicals will react and turn red (nitrate reductase must be present)
- add a pinch of zinc to the tubes that didnt turn red
- if the medium becomes red after adding zinc -> zinc converted nitrate to nitrite (reduction) -> this means nitrate wasnt used and there are no enzymes present
- if the medium doesnt become red after adding zinc -> we know the bacteria made 2 enzymes (nitrate and nitrite reductase) -> no nitrate or nitrite in the tube bc nitrogen gas is present in this tube
red after adding nitrite indicators
- nitrite is present
- nitrate reductase is present
- e. coli
no red after adding nitrite indicators but turns red after adding zinc
- neither of the enzymes are present
- nitrate was present
- zinc converts the nitrate to nitrite
- reduction
- m. luteus
no red after adding nitrite indicators and zinc
- 2 enzymes are present
- nitrate and nitrite are not present
- nitrogen gas is present
- p. aeruginosa
differential medium
-helps us to differentiate one group of bacteria from another