Lab 1 and 2 Flashcards
All Living Organisms have
DNA, Cell membrane, Cytoplasm, Ribosomes
No membrane bound organelles
Usually unicellular
Cell membrane
Encloses cytoplasm and the intercellular structures
Contains ribosomes
Site of protein synthesis
Fine hairlike extensions which are used for attachment to surfaces
Fewer longer extensions which are used to trnasfer or exchange DNA during process of conjugation
Binary Fission
Form of asexual reproduction used by prokaryotes
Used for locomotion
Two main domains of Prokaryotes
Domain Bacteria
Domain Archea
What do cell walls of bacteria contain
Gram Positive bacteria
Thick layer of peptidoglycan and will stain purple
Gram negative bacteria
Thin layer of peptidoglycan and stained pink
Main difference between gram positive and gram negative
Gram negative are pathogenic
Causing disease to the host
fungi growing in strands or filaments
Domain: Bacteria
Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Actiobacteria
What is the cell type of bifidobacterium
How does Bifidobacterium grow
In aggregates called colonies
Coccus shaped
Bacillus shaped
rod shaped
Comma shaped
Spiral and rigid
What shape is bifidobacterium?
Bacillus Shaped - Rod shaped
What type of a bacteria is bifidobacterium
Gram Positive Bacteria which means thick peptidoglycan and stained purples
Habitat of Bifidobacterium
Human Digestive Tract
More specifically the Human intestine
How does Bifidobacterium get yum yums
Saprotroph since it uses extracellualr digestion.
It gets energy from the host (human)
Purpose of Bifidobacterium
Secretes enzymes into the intestine which break down food into small particles which can be absorbed by bacterium and the host
Adaptations of Bifidobacterium
Improves digestion for the host
Has a thick capsule around its cell wall to help it survive in the digestive tract
Friends of Bifidobacterium
Streptococcus, Lactobacillius
Spherical Shaped
Rod shaped
How does Bifidobacterium reproduce
BInary Fission
Does Bifidobacterium move?
No. its lame
Domain: Bacteria
Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
How does anabena/cyanobacteria get food and energy
they are autotrophic and use photosynthesis to produce organic molecules
Habitat of Anabena
Freshwater blue green alga whoch grows in sloughs and lakes in Saskatchewan
Which cell type in anabena
What holds anabena together
Gelatinous sheath
How can anabena reproduce
Asexually through fragmentation
Enables anabena to fix its own nitrogen
Why is anabena not colonial
Because it has specilaized functions due to the presence of heterocyst
Friends on Anabena
Gloeocapsa, spirulina, oscillatoria, nostoc, fisherealla
Domain: Archea
Kingdom: Euryarchaeota
Phylum: Euryarchaeota
Which cell type is Halobacterium
What is the shape of halobacterium
Bacillus Shaped: Rod shaped
Habitat of Halobacterium
Extremely saline water such as dead sea
How does halobacterium survive from dehydration
Has a unique protein called halorhodospin
What does halorhodspin do
Specialized protein acts as a light driven chloride pump which maintains high salt concentration within the organism: Preventing from dehydration
How does halobacterium acquire food and energy
It is a photoheterotroph.
Can obtain ATP from a pigment called bacteriorhodospin
Also captures light
What does bacteriorhodospin do
Synthesis ATP using energy from the sun light
Does Halobacterium move
Yes with a rotating flagellum and produces gas vesicles which help it float.
Friends of Halobacterium
Halococcus Methanomonas
How does halobacterium reproduce
Asexually using binary fission
Colony diameter of Bifidobacterium
Colony diameter of Halobacterium
Colour of halobacterium
Domain Eukarya
All organisms are composed of eukaryotic cells
Eurkaryotic cells
Have membrane bound organelles
Kingdoms of Eukarya
kingdom protista
Kingdom fungi
kingdom plantae
kingdom animilia
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Protista
Phylum: Amoebozoa
What type of cell is amoeba
Why is amoeba unicellular
Has specialized regions within the cytoplasm to carry out all the basic functions
Habitat of Amoeba
Freshwater and can be found in sloughs around saskatoon
How is the pseudopodia formed in the amoeba
Cytoplasm flows outwards and pushes the cell membrane outwards forming lobe like pseudopodia
What does the contractile vacuole do in the amoeba
Osmoregulation: Control of water moving in and out of the cell
What does the pseudopodia in amoeba do
Uses pseudopodia to engulf prey using phagocytosis
Pseudopodia grows around the prey which is then surrounded by cell membrane making a membrane bound food vacoule
How does amoeba get food
Heterotrophic: Uses pseudopodia to engulf prey using phagocytosis. Food is digested within the food vacoule using the process of intracellular digestion
How are nutrients spread across in amoeba
cytoplasmic streaming
How does amoeba reproduce
Asexually through mitosis
Friends of amoeba
Entamoeba gigivalis, Entamoeba histolytica
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Protista
Phylum: Cliophora
What type of cell is paramecium
How does Paramecium more
Swimming with the help of small hair like structures called cilia
A firm outer covering in the paramecium composed of cell membrane, cilia and internal membranes
What is unique about paramecium compared to other animal like protists
there is no cell wall
How does the paramecium eat yum yum
Oral groove which leads to the cell mouth where good enters through a tubular channel. Food particles are packed into a food vacuole and when full in pinches into the cytoplasm and food in digested intacellularly
Where are wastes expelled in the paramecium
In the posterior end
How many contracile vacuoles does paramecium have and what is the function of it
it has 2. One at anterior and one at posterior.
What is unique about paramecium like other members of the cliophora phylum
It has 2 types of nuclei: Macronucleus and micronucleus
Macronucleus and why is it important
in the macronucleus chrmosomes go through repeated duplication. This is an adaptation which allows the cell to produce enough enzymes to maintain the cells large sgape
stores genetic information
How does paramecium reproduce
Sexually: Conjugation (exchanging micronuclei in cytoplasm)
Asexually through mitosis
Friends of Paramecium
Stentor, Euglena, spirostomum
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Protista
Phylum: Charophyta
What is the cell type of miccarsterias
Habitat of Micarsterias
Two lines of micarsterias
Semi cells
What are semi cells connected with
Why does micarsterias does not require contractile vacoule
Because cell wall prevents water to get in and to burst
Where is the nucleus location is the miscarsterias
In the insthmus
What do semi cells contain
Chloroplasts each with chlorophyl a and b required for photosynthesis.
What are pyrenoids
Found in chloroplast in the semi cells of the micsrsterias. They are conveet sugar to a storage starch which is kept as food reserve
Can micarsterias move
Yes. Very slowly by secreting mucilage from pores at the apex of each of its semi cells. this results in a gliding movement
How does micarsterias reproduce
Asexually through mitosis
And sexually through conjugation when 2 haploid cells fuse to create 1 diploid cell called zygote
Thick outer covering of the zygote
Friends of micasterias
Protococcus, selenastrum, chalamydomomas, ulothrix, volvoxm scenedesmus, ulva, porphyra
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Protista
Phylum: Phaeophyta
What kind of cell is fucus
How does fucus get energy and nutrients
Autotrophic: Obtains its energy from photosynthesis using the photosynthetic pigments chlorophylls a, c1 and c2 and the brown pigment fucoxanthin.
Habitat of fucus
live high on rocky marine shorelines and are exposed to the air at a low tide
What helps fucus to float on a high tide
Air sacs scattered throughout its body which serve to keep alga floating on high tides
What helps fucus attach to tocks
What is the body of fucus called
blade or lamina
Flattened leaf like stuff which makes up the tallus
Contains the holdfast at the base of the stipe
Swollen tips on some of the branches
On the swollen bumps there are tiny bumps.
These bumps contain sexual reproductive structures
There are small cave like cavity called conceptacle
Where are male and female gameted produced
Adaptation of Fucus
The recessed conceptacles are an adaptation to the algas coastal habitit and prevent sexual organs from drying out at low tide
Friends of fucus
Kelp and diatoms