L9 Violence Risk Assessment Flashcards
violence risk assessment
identifying factors to incr risk for violence immediacy of, severity to and ways to manage violence
-assess the risk of actual, attempted/threatened phy harm thts deliberate and non consenting
-involuntary commitment
-release from jail/forensic hospital
-sex violent preditor determinations
-transf youth to adult court
-we want to estimate likelihood of future violence and amount of risk (specifiy them and management/intervention strageties)
-first gen of empirical studies (j. monahan)
-tarasoff v regents (1976)
approaches - structured
-structured (most commonly used)
-developed and evaluated struct approaches to incr reliability (fixed set, and direction for integrating risk factors)
Acturial decision making
-when formal rules used to combine variables/risk factors to make decisions
-predictive risk f. from specific empirical re
-predictive ability, easy replication, ease of use…not much info on strageties, limiting and infrequent varaibles, assessors may be uncomfy
Struct professional judgement
-allows prof judgem and guidelines but without struct cutoffs
-focus on dynamic risk factors
-similar to acturial
-relevance of r.f. considered
-emphasizes risk managmen
-more flexible, consistent, transparent and generalizable and allows link betw r.f. and interventions
-subj (final assessm left to assessor), addit. empirical re needed
approaches - unstructured
-clinical prediction on professional ipinon and experience
-informal and subjective (lack of rules (sit info) to integreate case info, low content validity, predicitive validity and legal helpfuln, also lack specifity…susceptible to decisional bias (unreliable and low accuracy)
factors to consider
-offender/victim focused
-time (file interviews, reports etc)
-assessor (avaliablity and position…clinical? forensic, law enforcer?)
-setting (if accessible)
-historical (previous violence?), clinical (lack of insight? previous m.illn?), risk management (is it feasible?)
tool: VRAG
violence risk appraisal guide
-hams, rice, quinsey
-12 item to predict violent recidivism for patients in and out of forensic settings and sex offenders in prison
-most empirically supported acturial model (has clinical history etc)
tool: DA
danger assessment
-campbell (grk)
-predict domestic violence recidivism
-20 item (after 2004)
-help manage risk proposed by predators
dvsi - domestic violence screening invatory
sara - spousal assault risk assesm guide
(intimate partner violence recidivism ^^)
tool: HCR-20
historical clinical risk management
-first structural profession judgement measure to assess gen violence among adults
-douglas, hart, webster, belfrage (V3)
-20 item (on 3 scales, historical, clinical and risk managem) (greater focus on last along with reduction)
-struct: op def of risk f, specifes minimum of r.f and recommend for final decisions on nature and likelihood of violence
tool: SAVRY
structured assessm of violence risk in youth
-borum, bartel, forth
-struct appraisals of violence risk and management plans for adolescents (12 to 18 who has been detained/reffered for assessm)
-interplay betw factors that incr and decr
-consider applicability of each predetermined risk and classify each severity