L8: Spinal Degenerative Diseases Flashcards
Pathology in Degenerative Disease of the Spine
Symptoms of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
Red Flags of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
Red Flags of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
- Cauda Equina Syndrome
Red Flags of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
- Myelopathy
Red Flags of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
- Radiculopathy
Red Flags of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
- Others
RF for Spinal Degenerative Diseases
- Aging.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Smoking, diet, weight.
- Occupational (heavy lifting).
- Sedentary lifestyle.
Types of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
A) Disc bulge.
B) Annular tear.
C) Herniation.
Def of Disc Bulge
Types of Annular Tear
Def of Disc Herniation
Types of Disc Herniation
Types of Disc Herniation
- Protrusion
The base of the herniated disc material is broader than the apex.
Types of Disc Herniation
- Extruded Disc Herniation
The base of the herniation is
narrower han the apex (toothpaste sign)
Types of Disc Herniation
- The Third Type?
Regions Affected by Disc Herniation
Epidemeology of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- According to Location
- According to Anatomy
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Acoording to location
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Central Prolapse
- Often associated with back pain only
- May present with Cauda equina syndrome (surgical emergency)
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Posterolateral Prolapse (Paracentral)
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Foraminal Prolapse (Far Lateral, Extraforaminal)
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Axillary Prolapse
Can affect Both exiting and descending nerve roots
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- According to Anatomy
Dx of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Physical Examination
- Imaging
- Neurophysiological
Dx of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Imaging
Symptoms of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
Def of Cauda Equina Syndrome
Serious neurologic condition in which damage to the cauda equina
Symptoms of Cauda Equina Syndrome
Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- L4
Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- L5
Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- S1
Provocative Tests in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
DDx of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
Management of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
1) Conservative (Non operative)
2) Selective nerve root corticosteroid injections
3) Surgical
Management of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Conservative
Conservative Management of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Indications
1) First line of treatment for most patients with disc herniation
2) 90% improve without surgery
Conservative Management of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Methods
Selective Nerve Root Corticosteroids Injections of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
Selective Nerve Root Corticosteroids Injections of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Indication
Second line of treatment if therapy and medications fail
Selective Nerve Root Corticosteroids Injections of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Methods
- Epidural
- Selective nerve block
Selective Nerve Root Corticosteroids Injections of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Outcome
- Leads to long lasting improvement in 50% compared to ~90% with surgery)
- Results best in patients with extruded discs is opposed to contained
Surgical TTT of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
Surgical TTT of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Indications
Surgical TTT of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Methods
Complications of Surgical TTT of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
Symptoms of Cervical Disc Prolapse
Symptoms of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- Sites Affected
1) Back of the skull
2) Neck
3) Shoulder girdle
4) Scapula
5) Arm and hand.
Symptoms of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- Examples
1) Pain (neck, shoulder, arm, hand).
2) Radiculopathy.
3) Numbness.
4) Muscle weakness.
5) Paresthesia.
6) Severe cases: myelopathy + sphincteric disturbance (urinary incontinence and loss of bowel control).
Symptoms of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- C4/C5
Symptoms of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- C5/C6
Symptoms of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- C6/C7
Symptoms of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- C7/T1
Dx of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- Ex
- Radiology
Dx of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- Ex
Dx of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- Cervical Compression Test & (Spurling’s test)
Dx of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- Lhermitte Sign
Feeling of electrical shock with patient neck flexion
Dx of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- Hoffman Sign
Dx of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- rads
TTT of Cervical Disc Prolapse
TTT of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- Conservative
- Medications (NSAID).
- Physical therapy and exercise.
- Steroid injection.
TTT of Cervical Disc Prolapse
- Surgery
Def of Spinal Canal Stenosis
Abnormal narrowing (stenosis) of spinal canal that may occur in any of the regions of the spine → restriction to the spinal canal → neurological deficit
Risk Factors for Lumbar Canal Stenosis
1) Caucasian race
2) Increased BMI
3) Congenital spine anomalies (20%)
4) Failure of posterior elements to develop, short pedicles and laminae
Classification (Types) of Lumbar Canal Stenosis
1) Central stenosis
2) Lateral recess stenosis
3) Foramen stenosis
4) Extraforaminal Stenosis
Symptoms of Lumbar Canal Stenosis
Symptoms of Lumbar Canal Stenosis
- Neurogenic Claudication
Signs of Lumbar Canal Stenosis
Management of Lumbar Canal Stenosis
- Non-Operative
- Operative
Management of Lumbar Canal Stenosis
- Non-Operative
Non-Operative Management of Lumbar Canal Stenosis
- Modalities
Oral medications, physical therapy, and corticosteroid injections
Non-Operative Management of Lumbar Canal Stenosis
- Indications
First line of treatmen
Non-Operative Management of Lumbar Canal Stenosis
- Modalities (Explained)
1) NSAIDS, physical therapy, weight loss and bracing:
- Preoperative opioid use associated with prolonged hospital stays and increased postoperative pain.
2) Steroid injections (epidural and transforminal):
- Found to be effective and may obviate the need for surgery
Surgical Management of Lumbar Canal Stenosis
Surgical Management of Lumbar Canal Stenosis
- Wide PTP Decompression
Surgical Management of Lumbar Canal Stenosis
- Wide PTP Decompression with instrumented fusion
Def of Spondylosis
- Broad term meaning degeneration of the spinal column from any cause.
- In the more narrow sense it refers to spinal osteoarthritis, age-related wear and tear of the spinal column (most common cause of spondylosis)
Def of Spondylolishthesis
An anterior displacement of a vertebra relative to the vertebra below.
Grading of Spondylolishthesis
Etiological Classification of Spondylolishthesis
CP of Spondoylolishthesis
Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- Non Operatice
- Operative
Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- Non-Operative
Non-Operative Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- Examples
Oral medications, lifestyle modifications, therapy
Non-Operative Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- Techniques
- Activity restriction.
- Role of injections unclear.
- Bracing may be beneficial especially in the acute phase.
Non-Operative Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- Indications
Most patients can be treated nonoperatively
Operative Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- L5-S1 Decompression & Instrumented Fusion +- Reduction
- L4-S1 Decompression & Instrumented Fusion +- Reduction
Operative Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- L5-S1 Decompression & Instrumented Fusion +- Reduction
Operative Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- L5-S1 Decompression & Instrumented Fusion +- Reduction (Indications)
Operative Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- L5-S1 Decompression & Instrumented Fusion +- Reduction (Reduction)
Operative Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- L4-S1 Decompression & Instrumented Fusion +- Reduction
Operative Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- L4-S1 Decompression & Instrumented Fusion +- Reduction (Indications)
Operative Management of Spondoylolishthesis
Operative Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- ALIF (Indications)
Operative Management of Spondoylolishthesis
- ALIF (Outcomes)