L8: Orthotics for Managing NMSK and MSK Impairment Flashcards
Orthotics and NMSK Impairment
LMNL→ spina bifida, PN injuries, some CVAs, polio, SCIs
Orthotics and NMSK Impairment
Fluctuating muscular tone
Orthotics and NMSK Impairment
- Vs. Spasticity→ spasticity is velocity-dependent*
Orthotics and NMSK Impairments
“Functional” vs. “Abnormal Tone”
Functional→ the USE tone for functional tasks, may not benefit them to “fix” it
Orthotics and NMSK Impairments
Cases you may come across
HypOtonicity, Athetosis, HypERtonicity, “Functional” vs. “Abnormal” tone
Brunnstrom Stages of Recovery (for abnormal tone)
Stages I→VI
- Stage I: Flaccidity (immediately after onset)
- Stage II: Spasticity Appears
- Stage III: INC in Spasticity
- Stage IV: DEC in Spasticity
- Stage V: Further DEC in Spasticity
- Stage VI: Disappearance of Spasticity
Brunnstrom Stages of Recovery + Orthotic Options
Stage I: Flaccidity (immediately after onset)
Flaccidity (immed. after onset)
- NO “voluntary” mvmts of affected side
Orthotic options: Goal==> stability
- Ankle→ MAFOs, non-articulated AFO, DF assist
- Knee→ single-axis (locked), offset KAFOs
Brunnstrom Stages of Recovery + Orthotic Options
Stage II: Spasticity Appears
Spasticity Appears
- Basic synergy patterns→ no longer isolated mvmts
- MIN voluntary/isolated mvmts
- Pt gains control over voluntary synergies
Orthotic options:
- Ankle→ MAFOs, hinge ankle, DF assist
- Knee→ single-axis (lock/unlock), offset KAFO
Brunnstrom Stages of Recovery + Orthotic Options
Stage III: INC in Spasticity
INC in Spasticity
- Synergy patterns still predominate→ some mvmt patterns out of synergy mastered
Orthotic Options: as previous, AND:
- If edema mod-severe→ Metal upright AFO to accomodate
- ADD: length+firmness to footplate, tone inhibiting bumps, INC ht in trimlines, add thickness of varying deg to plastic
Brunnstrom Stages of Recovery + Orthotic Options
Stage IV: DEC in Spasticity
DEC in spasticity
- W/ progress→ more complex mvmt combos learned as basic synergies lose dominance
- Orthotic options: As previous, whatever is approp.
Brunnstrom Stages of Recovery + Orthotic Options
Stage V: Further DEC in Spasticity
Further Dec in Spasticity
- Re-Eval foot/ankle, gait, posture and functional defs
- Functional prognosis more clear→ gait defs/compensations more defined
Orthotic options: depends on motor control
- PLS, spiral/hemispirals, DF assist/PF stop, stance/swing phase KAFOs
- As they progress thru stages→ MORE DOFs!! vs max stability needed EARLIER***
Brunnstrom Stages of Recovery + Orthotic Options
Stage VI: Disappearance of Spasticity
Disappearance of Spasticity
- Indiv jt movements/Coord. approaches normal
- Orthotic options: as above but re-eval in order to optimize function*
- Ideally MINIMAL orthotic→ Maintain stability and Promote mobility w/ progress. gait
Orthotics and NMSK Impairment
Orthotic use typ adjunct to OTHER interventions to MIN. spasticity
- Oral meds, injections (botox), Sx’s,
Selection of approp. AFO may change w/ ea. procedure/prognosis:
- Goal==> Optimize function/safety!
Orthotics and NMSK Impairment
ID exactly where in Gait Cycle abnormal tone or mm function is impaired
All phases:
*long but just keep reading it!!!
- Full knee ext? What part of foot making contact first? (forefoot w/ spastic PFs)
- Limb loaded effectively? If not, what is compromising loading (tone, contractures, strenght/power)?
- Tone inhibits tibia progressing over foot? Adeq hip/pelvic control?
- Transition from mobile adaptor to rigid lever for heel rise? Contd forward progress of trunk and pelvis w/ hip ext?
- Toe rocker? Can knee pre-flex before Sw to clear foot?
- Adeq clearance of limb? Adeq DF, knee flex and hip flex?
Orthotics an MSK Impairment
Orthopedic use of orthotics Correction and Management of:
- Congenital/Develop. disorders, Overuse injuries, Systemic dis’s, Neoplasms
- Ex. Overuse→ T/S compress. Fx w/ OP
- limit motion, bracing→
Orthotics an MSK Impairment
Indications for Hip Orthotics:
- Inadeq/ineff. dev. of acetabulum and head of femur→ infancy
- AVN of femoral head
- Loss cartilage and abnorm bone deposition assoc. w/ OA
- Loss bone strength/density→ OP
Orthotics an MSK Impairment
Orthotic mgmt of hip dysf:
Specific Ex’s
- Legg-Calve Perthes (dev. dysplasia hip)
- Post-op in adults
- Soft tissue contractures/post-sx lengthening (ADDs)
- Trauma
Orthotics an MSK Impairment
Hip Orthoses do what to joint?
Protect or position joint w/in desirable range of flex/ext and Add/Abd
*will NOT control IR/ER alone
Orthotics and MSK Impairment→ Developmental Dysplasia of Hip (DDH)
What is it?
- Dysplasia, sublux, disloc.
- breech births, hypERmobility, malpos. in utero
- Extreme flex or adduction or extreme IR
- breech births, hypERmobility, malpos. in utero
- Result→ femoral head not sitting properly in acetabulum→ won’t form in first year
DDH and infants dx’d from birth→ GOLD STANDARD brace???
Pavlik Brace
Pavlik Brace GOLD STANDARD for:
Orthotics and MSK Impairs: DDH
Bracing (infants)
- Pos’s femoral head in Flex (100-120degs) and Abd (30-40degs)→ Norm dev. of hips
- should be able to kick actively (proprio)
- Progress wearing 24h/day to night or naptime
Orthotics and MSK Impairs- DDH (Toddlers-School Age)
Older infants dx after 6mos…
ABD brace OR Hip Spica
*Scottish-Rite brace
Orthotics and MSK Impairs- DDH (Toddlers-School Age)
Hip ABD brace→ how’s it set?
Set in 90degs Flex and 30-45degs ABD→ uses “bar” connecting LEs
*easier to hold/bathe
Orthotics and MSK Impairs
Legg Calve-Perthes (LCP)
- Healthy school-aged children
- Flattening of femoral head and AVN (now unstable)
- Goal of Orthotic→ Contain femoral head w/in acetabulum during active stages of dis. to ensure optimal remodel
Orthotics and MSK Impairs:
LCP→ Bracing
Atlanta/Scottish-Rite brace
- holds hips in 30-45* of ABD
Orthotics and MSK Impairs
see pics
Orthotics and MSK Impairment:
Fx (post-Sx) Orthoses
*we want pressure off and promote healing
Designed to?
- Maint. body part in optimal alignment, limit jt motion, unload WB forces
Total contact thermoplastic circumferential control of fx site while allowing mobility
- will not unload jt completely
Orthotics and MSK Impairs:
Fx (post-sx) Orthoses
Fx stability enhanced how?
- Hydrostatic pressure forces created as rigid wall of orthosis compress soft tissue and mm.
- Lever arm created by extension of orthosis above/below Fx***
Orthotics and MSK Impairments:
Fx (post-sx) Orthoses
Orthotic options:
- Short leg walkers (walking boot) w/ rocker bottom→ severe sprains, Achilles injury)
- Ankle-foot fx orthosis
- PTB Fx orthosis