L3: HKAFOs (AKA above pelvis) Flashcards
W/ HKAFOs…we are now what?
ABOVE the pelvis
Rx for HKAFO depends on:
- Biomechanical deficits
- NMSK impairments
- Indiv’s acceptance/compliance to wear
HKAFOs diff to don/doff, cumbersome
All leads to:
Poor compliance***
Traditionally rx’d for→
- Post-polio, SCI, Myelomeningocele (spina bifida), Spastic quadriplegic CP
- B/L use
- Tradition leather w/ metal OR thermoplastic custom-fit
Giveaway for HKAFO
High pelvic band
More ex’s
see pics
Control and design
- Primary objective→ control HIP
Single mech. axis→ Flex/Ext
- *limited abd/add and rotation
*Mech. joint attached to pelvic band (see pics)
- bw greater troch and iliac crests
- Lower T/S and Lumbar → use single axis HKAFO w/ swing-thru gait
- exxager’d lordosis+hanging on Y ligs (ant hips)
Myelomeningocele (Spina Bifida)
- Goal→ Upright posture
- Flaccid paralysis→ need MAX stability
- Type of jt/amt stability==> lvl of lesion and hip/trunk strength
Myelomeningocele (Spina Bifida)
How the type of orthosis changes for this pop.
- Changes w/ growth/age beginning bw 12-18mos for standing
- Diff to control exxag’d APT and hyperlordosis @ L/S
Dead giveaway for Hip Guidance Orthosis (HGO)
*lumbosacral support
Hip Guidance Orthosis (HGO)
Designed for what patients?
- Giveaway feature: Lumbosacral support
Designed for: paraplegics unable to advance LE
- rigid in SLS==> effectively advance Contralat LE in swing
- *Reciprocal gait pattern ability
RGOs use a
cable system
HGO are more or less energy cost vs traditional HKAFOs and WHY?
*Pt does not have to lift limb up off ground to advance
Energy cost and patient success
- LESS energy cost vs trad. HKAFO→ pt doesnt have to lift limb up off ground to advance
Successful use→
- High lvl SCI: C8-T12 → excellent long term compliance
HGO used most commonly in who?
School-aged children
- Diff to don/doff IND
- Diff transfer sit→stand
- *good trunk strenght==incd success. use
- *School-aged children most common
HGO- Para walker
RGO or
Reciprocal Gait Orthosis
What makes the RGO different vs. HGO
RGO uses cable system for hip motion
This orthosis eliminates “jackknifing” aka fall forward bc no glute strength (cannot maintain upright)
Reciprocal Gait Orthosis (RGO)
What it is/How it works
- Structural support→ lower trunk/limbs during stance
*Cable system→ hip jt motion to advance LEs
- one cable loosens=swing hip to flex
- one cable tightens= allows stance limb to EXT and hold thru stance
- *eliminates simult. hip flex (jackknifing)
3 Adjustments/configurations
- Traditional→ orig cable system
- Unlocked hip jts→ no cables, free hip flex/ext
- Locked hip jts→ max stability, simulates HKAFO mechanism
- swing TO or swing THRU
- Diff don/doff, wear/tear, multiple repairs, hot
Swivel walker, Standing frames, Parapodiums
- upright posture, postural drainage, improved trunk strength, psycho. benefits, LLPS (hip/knee flex contracts)