L2:P&O: Post-Sx and Early Rehab Phase Flashcards
Ray amputations include:
Usually 1st and 5th
*breakdown from GRFs
Midfoot amputations
Lisfranc (TMT Jt.)
Hindfoot (rearfoot) amputations
Syme (most common and easiest to fit prosthesis)
Other partial foot and Syme amps
Digit amps
Metatarsal amps
Surgeons and prosthetists prefer Syme amputation due to what?
Ease of sx and fitting for prosthesis
Surgeons prefer Syme, BUT better function reported for which amps?
One complication of any rearfoot sx is _________
Muscular imbalances due to severed DFs unable to oppose intact triceps surae
NOTE: Triceps surae is gastroc/soleus complex
Partial foot and Symes amps
preservation of these 2 things is crucial
Ankle jt and heel
Challenging for a proper fit prosthesis
Length and shape of RL
MORE RL length====
More surf area==less pressure==less skin breakdown
Usually partial foot and Symes amps are able to WB w/out prosthesis
*prosthetic protects skin and allows for norm gait mech’s
Partial foot and Symes amps
Clinical presentation
DECd what?
DEC strength in lower leg mm’s
DEC surf area→ proprio loss=balance deficits
DECd sensation→ severed nerves
DECd anterior lever arm→ no anatomical rockers remain
PRIMARY GOAL post-sx w/ all partial foot and Syme amps
Preservation of remaining foot
SECONDARY GOAL post-sx all partial and Syme amps
Maximize gait quality and metabolic efficiency
Partial foot and Symes amps
Gait implications @ IC:
may or may not be heel first gait depending on sx
*if can-→ emphasize heel strike if still have calcaneus
Partial foot and Symes amps
Gait implications @ IC→MSt
DECd shock absorb due to DECd ecc quad strength
- pt compensates by keeping knee in EXT (now GRF remains ant. to knee jt)
- INC likely knee pain/breakdown
Partial foot and Symes amps
Gait implications @ Mst-TSt
Early heel rise (prop to length of forefoot)
GRF moves more quickly behind knee jt→ INC need for quad activity
Partial foot and Symes amps gait implications
see pics
Partial foot and Symes amps
Gait implications @ TSt→PSw
W/out prosthesis or toe filler to lengthen foot, active lifting/swinging of foot vs passive rollover and energy storing in triceps surae
Pot for skin breakdown here→ shear forces
Partial foot and Symes amps
Gait implications @ ISw→TSw
UNAFFECTED unless limb too long (prosthesis too long or poor fit)
Partial foot and Symes amps
Temporospatial changes
- DECd contralat step length
- Foot down faster
- DECd velocity
- Decd step length
- INC width BOS
- Balance
- INC DS time
- Stability
- INCd energy expend.
- less momentum
- TIP: use UBE***
Partial foot and Symes amps
Gait implications
Normal lever arm vs reduced lever arm and step length results
see pics
Partial foot and Symes amps
Prosthetic Mgmt
More proximal amputation (foot/toes)===MORE LIKELY
supramalleolar containment needed (support)
Partial foot and Symes amps
Prosthetic Mgmt
Length and flex of the _______ affect the _______ which directly controls __________
Length and flex of the forefoot affect the anterior lever arm which directly controls foot and ankle motion
2 Main Goals of foot prosthesis and/or shoes:
- Anterior support for missing parts of foot→ controlled fulcrum for third rocker of gait
- normal step length and gait symm.
- Min pressure @ ampd distal end
Toe fillers and modified shoes:
Rocker bottoms assist w/ what?
Rollover and DEC plantar surface pressure
*challenge providing enough lever arm support w/out add. pressure to RL
Custom shoe inserts and toe fillers
- Typ w/ hallux or first ray amps
- Goal: provide flex anterior extension (like Great toe ext.)
- Improve 3rd rocker during TSt-PSw
- supports medial arch and normalize GRFs
- spacers
Cosmetic Slippers
- Transmetatarsal amps
- little biomech. advantages
- mostly cosmetic
ideal for swimming*
Prosthetic boots
- Gaining pop→ Transmet and Lisfranc and distal amps
- Greater prox encompassment to reduce distal motion and inc control usually w/ hinged ankle mech.
Syme’s Amps aka
Tibiotarsal amputation
Symes Amp
What is it?
Disarticulation of the talocrural joint w/ the forefoot completely removed
- Calcaneal fat pad preserved and anchored to distal tibia
- ==> limtd distal WB w/out prosthesis
2 Drawbacks to Symes Amps
- Migration of distal heel pad
- usually avoid WB until receive prosthesis
- Poor cosmesis→ may shave malleoli to improve
Syme’s Amps
Prosthetic Mgmt
Understand there are diff options
- Walking cast
- Canadian Symes
- drawback: posterior panel
- Medial opening Symes
- Most commonly used Symes prosthesis
- Sleeve suspension (stovepipe) Symes
- slides into flex insert
Most commonly used Symes prosthesis
Medial Opening
Bulky, stronger prosthesis chosen for obese or very heavy duty user
Sleeve suspension (stovepipe) Symes
NOTE about all Symes prostheses
All designed for total contact to improve comfort and dec chance of breakdown
Which is the primary goal of the surgeon to preserver whenever possible?
Talocrural Joint!!!!!!
Amputee Evaluation Components
NOTE Categories & Examples
See pics and be familiar
Amputee Evaluation Components
NOTE Categories & Examples
See Pics and be familiar
Amputee Evaluation Components
McGill Pain Questionnaire
See pics
Post-Op PT: Amputee
Early Goals:
- Wound care
- Volume stab/stump
- rigid and semi-rigid dressings, ace wrap, shrinkers
- Pain mgmt→ meds, e-stim, desens, WB
- Mobility
- ax crutches, SW
- Strength
- Pt pos’ing
PT Evaluation for Amputees
- Amputee specific FOMs
- Functional scales
Ferraro really emphasized this one!!!!
L- Test (functional mobility***): mod’d TUG
- youtube.com/watch?v=glyN3TPZaiU
L- Test (functional mobility***): mod’d TUG
Amputee Specific FOMs:
Amputee Mobility Predictor w/ Prosthesis (AMPPro)
- IN BOOK (L&N p552)
- Locomotor Capabilities Index (LCI)
*NOTE: if bolded KNOW IT!!!
Amputee Specific Functional Scales
- Amputee Activity Scale (AAS)
- Functional Measure for Amputees (FMA)
- Houghton Scale
- **L-Test (functional mobility)
NOTE: If bolded KNOW IT!!!!
Medicare Prosthetic Functional Levels:
K- Levels
Functional Classification for Pts w/ a Prosthesis
*BE FAMILIAR w/ K0 from K4
see pics
Transfers for Amps
Ex’s and factors
- STS, slide board, stand-pivot
- Safe and Efficient: look @
- UE strength
- Intact limb strength
- Assist @ home
- Furniture set up
- Safety awareness***
- Prosthesis don/doffed
Transfer type Ex’s
*NOTE: transfer to intact side first, but check BOTH!
- WC→Bed
- Sit pivot, stand pivot, slide board
Front on/Back off
- *B/L amps
What is a MAIN GOAL for post-op amputees?
Prevention of Contractures:
Most Common and how to Avoid
- Hip flex (>30d=problems) > hip abd > hip ERs
To avoid:
- pos pt in prone OR
- supine w/ hip EXT and ADD
Prevention of Contractures:
Most Common and how to Avoid
- Knee flex (>15d=problems) > hip flex > hip abd
- almost always knee flex
- Knee flex (>15d=problems) > hip flex > hip abd
To avoid:
- pos prone OR
- supine w/ distal LE propped (knee EXTd)→ put something under heel
Acute Care
Day 1-3
*be familiar→ notice the general goals/themes/flow
- Bed mobility sit ←→ supine
- Pos’ing
- Inc sit endurance
- Transfers
- Amb w/ walker or static walking
- Glute/Quad sets
- Gentle PROM to RL
- AROM or PREs to all jts of sound limb
- UE shoulder depression (seated push-ups)
- transfer help from UEs***
Acute Care
Day 3-10
*be familiar→ notice the general goals/themes/flow
- Cont ed. for limb pos’ing
- Inc sit time
- ADD reaching and functional exercise in sitting→ can always do trunk strength***
- Cont SL amb w/ walker
- inc stand endurance
- Educate RL dressing/edema control
- AROM for RL→ progress to gentle resistance (cautious of sutures)
- UE erg
Phantom Pain/Sensation
Pain that feels like it’s coming from a body part that is no longer there
orig’s Brain + SC bc nerve connections from the periphery→ brain remain in place***
Phantom Pain/Sensation
- 5-10% severe enough for med care
- Higer correlation of Ph.Pain w/ those that had pain BEFORE amp
- Hrs, days, mos later
- Cramping, aching, burning, shock-like sensations
- Adjunctive therapies:
- acupuncture
- biofeedback
- sx
- meditation
Phantom Pain/Sensation
Pt tech’s to reduce Ph Pain
- Wrap RL warm towel or hot pack
- Cold packs
- Mental ex’s as if limb still there
- Active ex’s in prox musculature
- Pos changes freq.
- **Donning prosthesis/WB
- Massage
- Supps
Phantom Pain/Sensation
PT Techs to reduce pain:
- Cold pack
- Hot pack
- Estim (derm pattern OR surrounding sx site)
- Desensitization
- Active ex.
- INC/DEC prosthetic wearing time
Phantom Pain/Sensation
PT Techs to reduce pain:
3 that Ferraro BOLDED!!!
- Desensitization
- Active Exercise
Inc/Dec prosthetic wearing time
- Early use/wearing time as well
PT Program Amputees:
Day 10-14
*be familiar→ notice the general goals/themes/flow
- Progress sitting tolerance (even more)
- should be IND
- Walking endurance
- interval training program
- Cont edema control→ limb wrap or compression as indicated
EXERCISE→ cont’d gentle resistance to RL and PREs to sound side
- SL bridging
- SL squats (progress depths, off table like you do)
- Cont’d UE ex’s + UBE
- Sitting/Standing balance + coord
Dynamic reaching out of BOS
- you know ALOT of these!!!!
Dynamic reaching out of BOS
Post-Op Dressings for Amputees
Volume control/shaping of RL
Post Op Dressings: Vol Control/Shaping
Rigid dressings/Immediate Post-Op Prosthesis
- Immed post op resembles hard cast→ bivalved for dressing changes
- may be used to ambulate (supracondylar suspension)
Post Op Dressings: Vol Control/Shaping
Rigid dressings/Immediate Post-Op Prosthesis
BENEFITS vs Drawbacks
- Protects suture line
- Aggressive volume mgmt
- Prevents knee flex contraction (TTAs)
- Diff to inspect incision
- Not prop designed→ skin irrit and breakown
- Full cast heavy to mng.
Post Op Dressings: Vol Control/Shaping
Removable Rigid Dressings (RRDs)
The “Cap” one
- “Cap” cast worn over directly on compressive dressing→ see pics
- MOST APPROP for incisions in initial stage of healing OR those w/ incd chance infection
- Skin inspect every 60-90 mins and then if no negative effets may be left on perm.
Post Op Dressings: Vol Control/Shaping
Removable Rigid Dressings (RRDs)
The “Cap” one
- Easy to don/doff
- Comfortable
- Aggressive shaping RL
- Protects suture line
- Promotes IND care of RL
- Easy mgmt w/ fluctuating edema
- NOT effective w/ drastic limb circumf
- distal and prox
- NOT effective w/ drastic limb circumf
Post Op Dressings: Vol Control/Shaping
Semi Rigid Dressings (aka DEC hardness of cast)
Polyethylene vs plaster or fiberglass
Post Op Dressings: Vol Control/Shaping
Semi Rigid Dressings (aka DEC hardness of cast)
- Easy to don/doff
- Aggressive shaping RL
- Protects suture line
- Easier to clean**
- Lighter + more mngable than RRD
- Stimulates feel prosthetic socket
- NOT effective w/ drastic limb circumf:
- dist and prox
- More skill required from CPO
- INCd $$$
- NOT effective w/ drastic limb circumf:
Post Op Dressings: Vol Control/Shaping
Pneumatic Compression:
What is it and how much pressure?
Air cast typ w/ 35-40mmHg air pressure
Post Op Dressings: Vol Control/Shaping
Pneumatic Compression:
- Easy to don/doff
- Aggressive shaping RL
- Protects suture line
- Uneven compression compromising shape of RL
- Hot
- Limits functional mobility***
Post Op Dressings: Vol Control/Shaping
Soft Dressings
- Ace wraps
- Elasticized stockinette/Tubigrip
- Elastic shrinker garments (shrinkers**** YOU KNOW THESE!!!)
Post Op Dressings: Vol Control/Shaping
Soft Dressings
- BEST when sig wound drainage remains ****
- Inexpensive
DRAWBACKS (ACE WRAP specifically)
- Does NOT protect incision
- Reqs skill + manual dexterity to apply
- Freq reapplication due to loosening
- Max 4hrs
- LEAST aggressive method of vol mgmt/shaping
LEAST aggressive method of vol mgmt/shaping
Ace Wraps
Ace Wrapping Gen Concepts:
Distal→ Proximal pressure gradient*****
- drives edema back prox.
Posterior→ Anterior (TTAs)**
- helps to prevent knee flex contractures
- Avoid overlapping directly w/ wrap (circulation)
- typ oblique cross hatch pattern
- 6in width wraps
- Ed. pt + family “how” and “why and when”
- ALL distal areas wrapped evenly
- Tape or plastic to fasten….NOT LITTLE METAL PIECE (skin integrity)
- Use caution w/ unhealed wounds and poor circ.
Ace Wrapping Gen Concepts
Pressure gradient directions and WHY?
Distal → Proximal
*drives edema back proximally
ACE Wrapping Concepts
W/ TTAs…direction of wrapping and WHY?
Posterior → Anterior
*prevent knee flex contractures
TFA Volume control/shaping
Ace Wrap w/ TFA
see pics
Amputees and HEP
How many exercises?
Amputees and HEP
TFA specific:
Stress strength hip EXTs + ABDs
- ALLLLL that SL stuff you saw!!!
Static stretches for hip flexors
- prevent contracture!!!
Amputees and HEP
TTA specific:
- Stress knee and hip EXT strength
- Static stretches for hip and knee flexors
Pre-Prosthetic Take Home Message****
- Prevent infection + contractures
- Optimize shape + WB tolerance for RL
- Max. strength and cond of entire body
- Inc tol to upright postures/gait
- Be aware of contralateral limb*****
- EDUCATE Pt!!!!
Desired tensile gradient when ace wrapping for edema control???
Distal → Proximal
*drives edema proximally
What needs to be strengthened?
Hip EXTs and ABDs
TFA HEP what needs to be stretched?
Hip flexors
What needs to be strengthened?
Knee and hip EXTs
What needs to be stretched?
Hip/knee flexors
Components of Transtibial Prothesis:
- Socket + Interface
- Suspension Mechanism
- Shank (or pylon)
- Prosthetic foot
Components of Transtibial Prothesis:
Socket + Interface
- Where RL is housed (what the limb actually goes into)
- Anything that goes bw RL and socket
- ex. cotton ply (sock)
- Anything that goes bw RL and socket
Components of Transtibial Prothesis:
Suspension Mechanism
ANY system that secures RL comfortably in socket
keeps it in there snug
Components of Transtibial Prothesis:
Shank or pylon
The metal piece**
Component connecting socket and foot
Components of Transtibial Prothesis:
All components together
see pics
Transtibial Prosthetic Socket Interfaces:
Hard Socket
ADV’s vs Disadv’s
- Just the socket
- Intimate fit→ less shear
- No liners needed
- easy clean, less bacteria
- unless PERFECT, hard to modify as socket changes
NOT approp for fragile skin as RL changes
- bc its only skin on socket***
Transtibial Prosthetic Socket Interfaces:
aka “Plys”
1 ply=thinnest and then they inc from there ***
ADV’s vs. Disadv’s
- cushion forces to RL
- **Easy to accommodate to changing limb vol.
- wicks moist. away from skin
- cosmetic
- wrinkles**
- uncomfy in warm weather
- clean often
Transtibial Prosthetic Socket Interfaces:
*NOTE about Socks!!!
- Some pts use nylon sheath bw socket and prosthetic sock
- Prosthetist often design hard socket to accommodate to 3 ply as a baseline to preserve intimacy while still providing cushion
For when?
Used when prosthetic NOT ON!
Transtibial Prosthetic Socket Interfaces:
ADV’S vs. Disadv’s
- best for bony prominences
- easy adjust
Cushions RL and protects from ext. forces
- best for function
- absorbs sweat→ hard to clean
- liners compress w/ rep’d loading
- inc bulk of prosth.
- high lvl/sports this decs somatosensory input→ not preferred
Transtibial Prosthetic Socket Interfaces:
Soft Liner
- MOST COMMON socket interface used today
- Usually amp. will use sheath, then approp. ply, then soft liner
Transtibial Prosthetic Socket Interfaces:
Roll-on Liners*
*Rubber or polyeurothane
*think thing that lock pin hangs off of
ADV’s vs. Disadv’s
- disperse forces during gait (esp shearing)
- good for fragile skin/breakdown
- accommodates for minor changes in volume w/out adj’s
- rxn to liner material→ dermatitis, bact. infxs, follicular irrit.
- strength+dexterity in UEs to don
- incd care to clean
Transtibial Prosthetic Socket Interfaces:
Roll-on Liners
*NOTE: rxn to liner causing blistering, rash→ dermatitis, bact. infxs, follic. irritation
Caused by?
Caused by change in skin tension @ the interface and alleviated often by some non-water soluble lube
Suspension Systems
What is it?
- Anything holding prosthetic limb onto anatomical limb
Suspension Systems
2 types of Pre-molded
- Patellar tendon
- Supracondylar suspension
Transtibial Prosthetic Suspension Systems:
Sleeve Suspension
Explain it
- Goes on outside*
- Placed distally around shank of prosthesis and proximally rolled upward over several inches of skin as the inner surf. grabs skin
- Uses friction and negative pressure to hold prosth.
Transtibial Prosthetic Suspension Systems:
Sleeve Suspension
*the one that goes on outside
ADV’s vs. Disadv’s
- Thinner→ more cosmetic
- waterproof
- easy to use
- limtd durability→ tears/stretches
- retains heat
- skin irrit and sweating esp in hairy pts
Transtibial Prosthetic Suspension Systems:
Explain it
- Captures femoral condyles to hold prosth.
- AKA PTB-SC (Patellar Tendon Bearing Supracondylar)
- where wt. is distributed on patella tendon
PTB-SCSP (same as above but also SupraPatellar)
- → high ant. wall added over patella w/ quad bar to help w/ suspension
Transtibial Prosthetic Suspension Systems:
ADV’s vs. Disadv’s
- provides med/lat knee stability
- don/doff is easy
- NOT effective when clear def. of femoral condyles not present
- muscular or obese
- prox high walls obv. thru clothes
- PTB-SCSP incs patella compression
- NOT effective when clear def. of femoral condyles not present
Transtibial Prosthetic Suspension Systems:
Cuff Suspension
Explain it
- Leather webbing in shape of X attached distally to prosth. capturing femoral condyles proximally
- “X” attached just sup. to patella and wraps posteriorly to hook w/ buckle
- Success of susp. related to pos. of attachment on the prosth.
- Attach. points should be posterior to the center of the socket so the line of pull falls posteriorly @ the proximal portion of the patella
Transtibial Prosthetic Suspension Systems:
Cuff Suspension
ADV’s vs. Disadv’s
- Pts of attach easily modified to control hyperEXT
- don/doff easy
- impinge soft tissue→ obese not good option
- compromised circ. if belt too tight
- diff. sitting/kneeling
Transtibial Prosthetic Suspension Systems:
Roll-on Suction w/ Pin-Lock
- 2 Components
- Pliable silicone polymer sleeve (1-9mm thick)
- Short peg or pin
- Pin locks into lock. mech. in base of prosth. providing friction bw sleeve and skin suspending prosth.
Transtibial Prosthetic Suspension Systems:
Roll-on Suction w/ Pin-Lock
ADV’s vs. Disadv’s
- incd limb aware.
- decd shearing forces on skin→ excellent option for fragile skin proximally
- audible click from pin***
- $$$
- tear/stretch
- sleeves must be cleaned
- skin irrit, heat
- incd shearing distally due to fixed pin
- liners can get stuck in pin-lock
- pin can be locked in crooked
Refers to material that is in contact w/ skin
- Hard socket
- Socks
- Soft liner
- Roll on liners
Refers to the system that holds prosthesis in place
- Sleeve
- Supracondylar
- Cuff suspension
- Roll on liner w/ pin-lock
*NOTE: Various combos of interfaces and suspensions may be used to optimize___________
Comfort and function
FIT of the prosthesis can only be assessed WHEN????
IN STANDING!!!!!!!! ******
Transtibial Donning Technique
Typical Technique + Pics
Sitting– prosthetic nylon sheath (not a ply)
- Prosthetic socks-thinnest→thickest; no wrinkles***
- seam of socks should be // to suture line
- Soft insert
- Hard socket
- Straps/elastic sleeve
- Prosthetic socks-thinnest→thickest; no wrinkles***
Transtibial Silicone Sleeve w/ Pin
Sitting-→ sleeve rolled inside out first
- Place on end of limb and roll UP
- Pin placed into receptacle inside socket
- Locks when standing (clicks into place)
*NOTE: may need to add socks to outside of sleeve before socket is donned if loose
- special socks w/ hole in bottom for pin
Pressure Tolerant Areas***
2 Primary
- Femoral Condyles
- Patellar Tendon
Pressure Tolerant Areas
*Can only assess after WB in prosth.
*Areas will be dark red
- Anterior Surface:
- *Patellar tendon
- *Femoral condyles
- Medial tibial flare
- Tibial shaft
- Lateral View:
- *Patellar tendon
- Anterolateral compart.
- Fibular shaft (head no good)
- Posterior Surface:
- Popliteal fossa structures
Pressure INtolerant Areas
- Anterior view: Pain in any of these 3===== Subtract a ply
- Head of fibula
- Tibial crest
- Distal ant. tib
- Laterally:
- Fibular head
- Posteriorly:
- HS tendons
Wearing schedule
Pain score
of socks needed