L8 Flashcards
name the different structures involved in the subcortical pathway and the cortical pathway
NOTE the difference between the amount of structures involved
• Subcortical Vision:
Retinotectal Pathway = Retina → superior colliculis
Cortical Vision: Retinogeniculostriate Pathway = Retina → Thalamus (LGN) → Primary Visual Cortex
cortical has more structures involved
what do we already know about the cortical pathway
Cortical Vision = where and what
• We know that the retinogeniculostriate pathway is the target of ~90% of the axons in the optic tract.
• We know that subdivisions of this pathway provide the building blocks (e.g., form, colour, and motion
perception) that enable us to recognize and identify complex visual scenes.
If the activity of neurons in our cortical visual pathways account for so much of our visual processing and experience, then why do we have subcortical visual pathways?
• Subcortical visual pathways are phylogenetically older than cortical visual pathways (i.e., the cortical
visual system evolved after the subcortical visual system).
• Does the subcortical visual system (i.e., the retinotectal pathway) contribute to human experience and
things to think about
describe the organisation of the superior colliculis
The superior colliculus has a layered anatomical organization.
– Neurons that receive information from the retinal ganglion cells are located in the superficial layers
of the superior colliculi.
the superior colliculi sit on top of the cerebral aqueduct
a study used single cell recording in monkeys to map the receptive fields of neurons in the superficial layers of the superior colliculus
Before conducting the experiment, the monkeys were trained to fixate a spot of light that appeared on a screen in front of them.
Each time the monkey fixated the light, another stimulus was projected onto the screen and used to determine the receptive field of the cell under study.
At the site of each interesting cell, a small lesion was made by passing current through the electrode.
After mapping the receptive fields of many cells, what did they find
The superficial layers of the superior colliculi contain retinotopic maps of the visual field.
The retinotopic map in the left superior colliculus represents the right hemifield.
Note that, as with cortical visual pathways, projections from the nasal
hemiretinas to the superior colliculi cross the midline.
The retinotopic map is distorted, with more neurons devoted to analysis of the central portion of the visual field.
describe how the superior colliculis is retanotopicly mapped
The superficial layers of the superior colliculi contain retinotopic maps of the visual field.
The retinotopic map in the left superior colliculus represents the right hemifield.
Note that, as with cortical visual pathways, projections from the nasal
hemiretinas to the superior colliculi cross the midline.
The retinotopic map is distorted, with more neurons devoted to analysis of the central portion of the visual field.
the superficial superior colliculis contains a hemi map
what do the deeper layers contain
motor cells (for eye movement)
where is the central part of the visual field represented in the superior colliculis
more rostally
Unilateral removal of the visual areas in the cortex of the cat causes what
the cat to stop orienting towards visual stimuli in the contralateral hemifield.
eg after a right lesion the cat would stop responding to stimuli’s in the left visual field
what is the sprague effect
Sprague (1966) demonstrated that visual orienting responses can be restored in the cortically blind
hemifield by removing the contralesional superior colliculus or by cutting the fibers that connect the
two superior colliculi.
therefore the sparge effects = restoration of orienting toward the cortically blind hemifield
how was the sprague effect originally discovered
Originally this effect was explained by mutual inhibition between the two superior colliculi: Removal
of the superior colliculus contralateral to the cortical damage disinhibits the superior colliculus
ipsilateral to the cortical damage and therefore restores orienting toward the visual hemifield
contralateral to the cortical damage
how does the sprague effect work
Subsequent anatomical studies revealed that the Sprague effect actually results from cutting inhibitory fibers that originate in another nearby structure and project to the superior colliculus on the same side as the cortical lesion.
The first damage the cortical pathway of the cat and the effects are devastating (controlateral neglect) but then when they disinhibit the subcortical region of the visual cortex on the same side the cat is able to start orientating itself again
Therefore initially the subcortical area is not strong enough to orientate but when the normal suppression of the system is removed then the system is effective
what are some important points to note about the sprague effect
(really important to understand)
- removing visual cortex was devastating for the cat.
- subcortical visual pathways were unable to compensate for the damaged cortical visual
pathways until the ipsilateral superior colliculus was released from normal inhibition (thus
disinhibiting the subcortical visual pathway on the side of the cortical damage).
Visual cortex vs. superior colliculus damage
Researchers compared the effects of disrupting cortical vision versus disrupting subcortical vision
they did this by training rodents to do two tasks:
– Localization Task: Turn head toward a sunflower seed held in an experimenter’s hand.
– Discrimination Task: Run down a two-arm maze and enter the door behind which a sunflower
seed was hidden.
After training the rodents to do both tasks, half of the rodents received bilateral removal of visual
cortex and half of the rodents received transection of the input fibres to both superior colliculi.
– Group 1: bilateral removal of visual cortex
– Group 2: bilateral disruption of the retinotectal pathway
what did they find
The two lesions yielded a double dissociation:
Localization Task:
– Rodents with lesions in visual cortex performed normally.
– Rodents with lesions affecting the superior colliculus made no attempt to orient towards the seed
(however, whisker contact elicited rapid orienting).
Discrimination Task:
– Rodents with lesions in visual cortex showed severely impaired performance: The animals could run down the maze and had sufficient motor capabilities to enter one of the doors, but they could
not discriminate horizontal from vertical stripes.
– Rodents with lesions affecting the superior colliculus performed normally.
therefore disrupting subcortical vision impaired their ability to orient toward the position of a stimulus, while disrupting cortical vision disrupted object discrimination.