L7 - observational studies and routine data Flashcards
State order of study design hierarchy from best to worst
Systematic reviews + Meta-analyses RCTs Cohort Case-control Ecological Descriptive/cross-sectional Case report/series
Give 3 examples of descriptive/cross sectional studies
National census, NHS health surveys, NHS staff survey
What is a descriptive study?
Describes distribution and prevalence of disease/factors in relation to the social demographics of the person (age and sex), places (variation between countries) and the time (yearly/seasonal variation)
What is a standard mortality ratio?
A ratio comparing the number of observed deaths (O) in the population to the number of deaths expected (E) in a standard population with the same morbidity/mortality experience and age/sex structure
What pieces of data use SMRs?
England and Wales death register 2016
What organisation uses descriptive studies stratified by time period?
Office of national statistics
List types of routine data
Health outcome data, exposures, health determinant data, demographics, geographical, births, deaths, cancer registration, terminated pregnancy, hospital admissions, infectious disease notifications, road traffic accidents, GP consultation data, congenital abnormalities
What are the advantages of routine data?
Cheap, already available, standardised, comprehensive, wide range, archived, easy to interpret and have lots of experience in its interpretation
What are the disadvantages of routine data?
May not answer your question, incomplete, not valid, subject to coding changes, variable quality, cannot be used to determine temporal relationship
What is the QOF?
Quality and Outcomes Framework
Determines GP salary. Rewards for provision of quality care and helps to fund further improvements.
What is the difference between a hospital episode and admission?
Episode = continuous time spent with one consultant Admission = collection of episodes and prolonged stay
What is a case-control study?
Retrospective. Observance of cases and controls from a source population and subdivision to identify the exposed and unexposed so that odds ratios for risk factors can be developed.
What bias are case subjects in a case-control study most liable to?
Recall bias
What are the advantages of a case-control study?
Good for rare disease, quick, cost efficient, can simultaneously investigate many exposures
What are the disadvantages?
Selection bias, recall bias, uncertainty of temporal relationship, poor for rare exposures, cannot calculate incidence directly
What is a cohort study?
A group of people that have something in common but are all outcome free are selected at the start. Some are exposed/unexposed, out of these groups some go on to develop the outcome and remain outcome-free.
What is relative risk?
Identified by cohort studies. Ratio between number of people in exposed group who got the outcome and number of people in unexposed group without the outcome.
What are the advantages of cohort study?
multiple outcomes can be assessed, the natural history of the disease can be followed, good to look at risk, incidence of outcome can be calculated directly, recall bias is minimised
What are the disadvantages of cohort study?
insufficient for rare disease, expensive, time-consuming, healthy worker/volunteer effect, loss in follow up