L62 - Renal Tumors Flashcards
name 3 malignant neoplasms of the kidney
which is the most common
which is in peds patients
RRC – most common
Urothelial (transitional) carcinoma
Wilms (Nephroblastoma) – peds
how do these patients typically present ?
what is the “classic” triad of symptoms
“silent” tumors –typically present with paraneoplastic symptoms (EPO, PTH, ACTH)
If presenting with the tumor itself symptom triad: CVA tenderness, flank mass and hematuria
difference in presentaiton between hereditary and sporadic ?
what is the associated hereditary etiology
males or females more likely to get sporadic?
Hereditary – multiple and bilateral
Hereditary = VHL (loss of tumor suppressor 3p; leading to incresaed HIF and VEGF)
Sporadic: males > 60 yo; unilateral
Most common morphology of RCC; what does this look like?
Clear Cell RCC - 75% of RCCs
Clear abundant cytoplasm
what are the other different morphological subtypes of RCC besides Clear cell ?
what is a defining characteristic about each morphology?
which has the worst prognosis?
Papillary – fibrovascular stalks, Lipid laden foamy macrophages
Chromophobe RCC - “plant like”; well defined cell membranes
Sacromatoid: Worst prognosis
how does RCC metastasize
what is the overall 5 year survival rate?
Hematogenous spread through the Renal vein and RCC
5 year survival - 70%
RCC treatment options
Partial nephrectomy –
Ablation - cryotherapy
Chemo – mets
from what part of the tubule do RCC arise?
what part of the kidney do kidney urothelial carcinomas arise?
renal pelvis
Urothelial carcinoma –
major risk factors
cigarette smoke
analine dyes
analgesic overuse
Nephroblastoma (Wilms Tumor)
- who gets these?
- are the sporadic or congenital ?
usually sporadic
Histology –triphasic morphology; kidney is immature and tries to recapitulate nephrogenesis –
(blastema, epithelial, stroma)
what is a nehprogenic rest?
Precursor lesions to Wilm’s tumor
of wilms tumor is congenital, what syndromes are they assocaited with?
associated genes; what chromosome
WAGR - wilms, aniridia, genital abnormalities, and mental/motor Retardation
WT1 and WT2 genes, Chr 11
Denys Drash Syndrome –
Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome –
Nephroblastoma –
where are the common mets?
treatment and prognosis
mets to the lungs
2 year survival rates ~90%
Treatment: Surgery + chemo
4 benign renal tumors/growths
what is the most common
Papillary Adenoma – most common
Oncocytoma –
defining histology
epithelial cell tumors;
Eosinophilic infiltrates
abundant mitochondrdia
what three tissues are seen on hist?
a/w what tumor syndrome
smooth muscle
Tuberous sclerosis