L 68 - Path of Male Genital tract Flashcards
define the following:
Hypospadia – urethral opening on the ventral surface
Epispadias – urethral opening on the dorsal surface
Phimosis - orifice of the foreskin prepuce is too small to permit
Paraphymosis – retraction of a phimosis but it gets stuck
Balanopsthitis – infection of the glans and prepuce of foreskin
Penile Neoplasms: Condyloma Acuminatum
caused by what virus
HPV 6 and 11
recur, but do not evolve into cancers
SCC of penis –
due to what virus?
a/w HPV 16 and 18
most common cancer in men
Prostate adenomacarcinoma
precursor lesion to prostate cancer
what is seen hist
Prostatic IntraEpithelial Neoplasia (PIN)
histology of prostatic adenocarcinoma
Small glands infiltrating through normal tissue
Composed exclusively of Malignant cells; Glands Lack basal cells
Enlarged nuclei with prominent nucleoli
What zone of the prostate is the site of the neoplasia?
where does prostatic adenomcarcinoma like to metastasize to?
The Peripheral Zone
treatment options for prostate cancer
Surgery -- Radical prostatectomy Radiation Hormonal therapies Watchful waiting Chemotherapy if mets
what is it?
when does it need to be addressed by?
increased risk of…
Failure of testes to descend into the scrotal sac (usually unilateral)
Irreversible injury around 2 years of age
50x risk of tersticular cancer
name 4 bugs prone to causing Epididymitis and Orchitis
Gonorrhea, Mumps, Tuberculosis, Syphilis
Testes Torsion
who is prone to this?
surgical emergency
usually due to congenital failure of testes or in teenagers
95% of tumors of the testes are of what cell origin
Germ cell tumors
broad division of germ cell tumors of the testes
what is the most common testes tumor type overall
seminomatous vs non seminomatous
Mixed Non seminomatous
histology, treamtnet and prognosis of classic seminoma
Histo – polygonal cells, clear cytoplasma; Cords of cells divided by fiborus stroma with LYMPHOCYTE INVASION
Prognosis – Present at stage 1; 95% cure with orchiectomy and adjuvant chemo rads
Differentiate between classic seminoma and spermatic seminoma —
which is PLAP postiive?
which does not require chemorads?
Classic Seminoma – PLAP positive
Spermatic – PLAP negative
no Chemo rads
adults are more likely to have _____ non seminomatous tumors, peds are more likely to have ______,
adult: Mixed
Peds: Pure
Histology of a pure teratoma:
if this occurs in a child its more likely to be _______; if this occurs in a post pubertal male its more likely to be_______
Components from more than 1 germ cell layer (hair, skin, collagen, lung etc..)
Mature teratoma: fetal and adult tissue
Immature teratoma: embryonal tissue
Child: benign
Post Puberty: Malignant
Schiller duval bodies + AFP positive =
Yolk Sac Tumor
highly malignant germ cell tumor with Positive HCG:
difference in histo between Embryonal carcinoma and classic seminomatous ?
Forms Epithelial structures – Alveolar or Tubular pattern growth
Forms primitive Glands and tubules
Pockets of necrotic debris
Prominent nuclei
Seminoma Vs Nonseminomatous
what stage do each present at?
How do they metastasize
best treatment for each
outcomes for each
Seminoma -- 70% stage 1 Later mets Mets through LNs radiosensitive 95% cure
Non Seminomatous 60% stage II and III Met Earlier Hematogenous Spread Aggressive Chemo 90% remission